Cocaine Polymer

Colombia makes a gun.

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>"The best modern gun"

Lmao @ discount mexicans

that's just a coked jericho isn't it?

100% COLUMBIAN ENGINEERING It says so right in the picture bro. If you weren't so overweight from a lack of cocaine you would be able to read.

Is this just a Colombian Fort 12?
>4 bullets per second
u fokin wot?

It looks like Jericho’s retarded cousin José

>Great Achievent

and the jericho's just a jewed cz innit

Referencing the max RoF it can reliably fire at. 240RPM

looks like a split between Spike Spiegel's Jericho and the GiTS Seburo pistol

>co0lumbia rips off a gun
>it's a jericho
>it's literally the work possible configuration of a jericho, with polymer frame and slide safety

fucking columbia, can't do anything right except for growing coffee and narcotics.

So it was designed by Czech Rabbi on cocaine?

>8lb single action

Now I want one.

so move to columbia


>use rollpins in a polymer frame

Its looks remind me of the Walther P99.
Unfortunately I think the P99 is pretty ugly.

It does look somewhat like a Jericho, but it appears to have more ordinary external slide rails.

If nothing else it looks like it's easy to rack from the front or back of the slide.

So it's a riced up, coked up, Jericho.
Not bad, but would still rather pay for the real deal.

Literally nothing wrong with that.

>discount mexicans

Lost, hard. Fpbp

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and the cz is a high power.

>The Cheech and Chong of modern handguns

>11 lbs. DA
>8 lbs. SA
When the NY trigger is an upgrade

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>When the NY trigger is an upgrade
I swear I saw some video a good while back where someone was putting the NY trigger spring into their gun as part of some UBER GLOCK TRIGGER JOB to make it like a DAO pull or something.