TFW calitards can't own sniper scopes

TFW calitards can't own sniper scopes.

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What the fuck is a sniperscope defined as?

CA posting is the new mini14 posting

do milk

Hey retard there's already a cali thread. stop shitting up the catalog with this state

Unenforceable law is uninforceable.

>sniperscope means any attachment, device or similar contrivance designed for or adaptable to use on a firearm which, through the use of a projected infrared light source and electronic telescope, enables the operator thereof to visually determine and locate the presence of objects during the nighttime.

Damn. And I REALLY wanted to use my Vampir to hunt dindus

>"it's for airsoft"
cucks BTFO'd again

Really old school nightvision.

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>1 word

Blatant sophistry. Only slaves get treated like this.

The Zodiac killer cleverly used the dim acorn-shaped spot of his gun's mounted flashlight to accurately shoot his victims.

>through the use of a projected infrared light source and electronic telescope
>during the night time
ok so it can't be infrared so it can't be thermal and it can't be used at night

what about a "night vision" that just works in the day? What about a UV vision?

new night vision scopes don't use infrared so its a-ok. Thermal scopes are banned tho

Who's the shebrew

Ben Shapiro’s big tittied sister

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tfw superior ARIZONA race

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>IR illumination is what defines a "sniperscope"

Fucking... what?

I'd OY her VEY, if you catch my drift



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>butthurt flyover butt pirates
I'm gonna board yer booty with my plank at mini 14 point- yo ho ho in some flyover bum!

Gib titties

Why are people laughing at Californian gun owners? They need support, not ridicule considering the tough battles they're going through. (Left) Californians are parasites and move to other states and vote for the same thing that ruined their host state. Just look at what happened to Colorado and the "State formally known as the Gunshine" state over the past couple years. Do what you can to stop this from spreading.
And your state has one of the highest transplants from California, right?

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How the fuck do you expect people that aren't in your state to help? We can't vote for you. We can't initiate legal action against the state if they aren't violating our rights, that's your job.


1, I ain't in California. 2, You can still vote in your state and not be complacent and stop it from spreading. "(insert gun-friendly state here) MASTER RACE!!!!, screw you califags!!!" is one of the shittiest attitudes you can have especially since it ain't going to last once they arrive.

That's not her, sadly.
I love those milkers. She can go in the oven last.

Fix your own problems.
The NRA and other gun rights groups already spend fuckloads of money to fight your fucking state in court.
Why you people haven't started dealing with these politicians they they should be I don't understand.

what about binoculars or stereoscopic sights?

I imagine her drinking overpriced coffee and dipping her nose into the foam accidentally with every sip

user you just somehow made jewishness cute.

What scope is that

it's the 100% American Vampire Scope made by American engineers and nobody else.

M2 Sniper Scope.

That's not the same person.

OP's picture is Ben Shapiro's sister. Your link is some random bottom of the barrel camwhore.

top kek

>We can't vote for you.
They can sure vote for us by moving to good states and turn them into shit like California.

Fuck Califags. Hope the wildfire burns the entire state down.

>How the fuck do you expect people that aren't in your state to help
By not complying with CA rules when CADOJ can't do shit to you.

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Why not just call it infrared scopes?
Calitards insistence of demonizing everything with scary labels is an affront to scientific accuracy.

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The important part there is “projected”
By letter of the law, it has to work like a flashlight rather than just passively looking at heat. So regular IR scopes are fine, it’s just the bulky as fuck old IR systems like that are banned. Which makes sense considering the law was drafted in ‘53 I think.

Of course, whether the letter of the law matters to California, I don’t know.

Press f

night defined as being over when you can read a page of gun control legislation by the natural light.

South Dakota vs Wayfair unfortunately opened a massive can or worms since individuals in a different state can now be compelled to follow your state laws if you do business there and be forced to work as slaves to collect revenue for the state taxing agencies.

I would not be surprised if California could successfully sue a company for not complying with their restrictions after that decision.

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>giving a shit about misdemeanors
Is the county jail a scary place to you? Glad to see that society has brought you to heel so easily.

They already do. It’s a cottage industry for San Francisco. They sue out-of-state businesses all the time under a California consumer law claiming that those businesses are shipping stuff that is illegal in California into California via mail order and the internet.

>Fix your own problems.

We’ll start by shipping the waste products from the rest of the country back to their state of origin. And don’t even try to start stuttering that bullshit about immigrant aliens. That accounts for roughly 10 million of our population. Do you really think we achieved the other 30 million through the customary and traditional method? Not even close, Bucky. We have easily another 10 million idiots who moved here from other states. They decided to leave whatever paradise you and all the other anons live in in favor of overcrowding and stratospheric housing prices. What the hell kind of operation you guys running out there? Cuba?

Then, when your native fuckwits get tired of the wasteland they’ve created here, they return to their birthplace. And all you can do is piss and moan about Californians fucking up your paradise. Newsflash, Sparky; those ain’t Californians. They’re your own natives. Fix your own problems and quit sending them to fuck up my state.

>Should a retailer be later found by the court to have violated the agreement, they would be liable for a civil penalty of up to $6,000.

Wow, if I would only have to pay $6,000 to violate CA law none of my guns would be compliant and I’d freely use my hicap mags.

Looks like non Californians are just as cucked.

>Largest demographic of CO outsiders are Californians
>Live on the I-25 stretch
>Vote for shit gun laws
>No more hi-caps
-Fucked national land laws
-Hickenlooper existing
-Pothead transplants

Nah. Fuck your shit "it's not our fault" mentality.

>We can't vote for you.
Why not? Illegals do it.

>The NRA and other gun rights groups already spend fuckloads of money to fight your fucking state in court.
They hardly spend anything in CA because they don't think the cases are winnable. We have the California Rifle & Pistol Association which actually does fight cases.

>Of course, whether the letter of the law matters to California, I don’t know.
it looks scary, so it must be illegal

The irony is palpable.


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>Largest demographic of CO outsiders are Californians

Bet not. Check birth certificates, Corky. Just because this is the last place they infested before they moved on doesn’t make them Californians. And why are you just starting to complain about out of staters coming in an ruining everything now? That’s been an ongoing thing for Colorado and New Mexico since the late 60s. Hunter Thompson documented it extensively when he was writing about running for political office in Pitkin County, CO in 1970.

What you guys got was the debris from the wave of freaks who charged into California in the 60s and 70s. The ones who ran out of gas, or cash, or sobered up, stopped in Colorado. But, go ahead and ignore your own history and keep your head in the sand. It’s a lot easier to blame somebody else for your problems than it is to fix them.

If you ever lived in California even once then you're a Californian for life. It's like a tattoo or an incurable communicable disease, once you got it you carry it for life.

So the night never ends, then. I can't get through a page without seizing and vomiting.