Then and Now

>The common man made about $10 a month (rounded up) in late colonial America
>a quality musket he'd gamble his life with in that time period cost him $12 not including ammunition.
>Today, average income is closer to $5000 a month.
>few of us have rifles but few of us have to gamble our lives on it
If you were expected to be armed as well as your forefathers as part of a militia where your life was linked to your rifle, what rifle and/or optics/accessories would you be saving for right now? Euro's can convert to their own currency or pretend they're Americans.

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No way.

Country wide average household income. Back then, women didn't really work so I counted them the same.
State to state household income will differ a bit but humor the idea that you'll be saving at least a month for your war/hunting rifle.

Should have done after taxes income which is going to be about $3500 a month and colonist didnt pay the same percentage so maybe $2800 a month instead.

You don’t need to “save up” to find a decent rifle, unless you spend literally all your money every paycheck.

You're forgetting that taxes were almost non-existent back then and you're using a 5k per month gross income for comparison.

Ok, hang on, I got this. Total cost for funs not counting ammo or mags.
$20 raffle, 650 retail

Median income was E4 pay with BAH over 4 years. Fun names left blank because fuck you ATF.

not total, one rifle. you can only use one rifle at a time.


1.2 months worth of wages after taxes is about 7k.

Either pic related or...

Rifle would be an HK MR556 turned 416 with the stuff that investment grade firearms does for the conversion. Then:

-Troy carbon mlok rail
-BAD carbon fiber pew stock.
-Aimpoint Comp M5 with flip to side magnifier
-BE Meyers MAWL-C,
-Surefire m300 mini.
-TNVC’s TAPS programmable pressure switch.
-Unity tactical vfg.

Something like that.

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>"unless you spend literally all your money every paycheck"
>what is a wageslave

Do you have any idea how many normies have recurring expenses for things they don't need like netflix subscriptions, pets, student loans, cars, or houses? Even if they made $15k/mo, you know they'd waste it all on stupid shit like securities.

he covered that
>unless you spend literally all your money every paycheck.

Most people are what you may refer to as "terrible" with money and don't conduct any savings.

What is it like to be so casual?

Let’s see. I make good money. If I were single and without a family I would have few expenses and a shit ton of toys and probably be passively wealthy. But I’ve got retirement accounts, savings, independent investments, children, college accounts, a family vacation coming to Europe coming up and a mortgage.

I’m what you’d call a normie, or a boomer because I’m 32.

You’re what I would call a do-nothing. A loser. Someone who never has skin in the game. A coward.

I don’t have auto debt because I don’t believe in using debt for depreciating assets. I’m still able to have about a grand a month left over for fun money.

If I could only own one gun, it would be an MR556/416 10.5” conversion.

you're the one with all the cheap amateur guns user, the OP is asking what professional grade rifle would you buy.

Should go by median income then

>wageslave whining about sour grapes

Nothing to see here, folks.

I was with you with until cars and houses. When you're an adult, mommy shouldn't have to drive you everywhere and if you aspire to live in an apartment your whole life, you should end your pathetic, useless existence.

E4 should give you $4k maximum.

>>The common man made about $10 a month (rounded up) in late colonial America

>>Today, average income is closer to $5000 a month.

That shows how much the Jew has inflated the value of a dollar.

BTW- M1A, iron sights, with an inexpensive red dot sight as an add-on.

Real world money aside, you're saying i now make $3000 more a month? Im saving for a 240B and a Humvee. Fuck you guys and your shitty GUCCI MANE AR's. Im going GK and painting it MC camo and shooting children with camels all day long.

That's right at a BCM AR15 16" rifle + ACOG + Streamlight and it would be a pretty nice standard rifle.
Or, for a hunter set up,
Sako 85 finnlight in 308 + swfa 3-15x ffp + atlas bt10

>things they don’t need
>like student loans, cars, or houses

lol no

Buy a 6920, decent red dot, and ammo

Muy bueno

E3 for 2 years is barely giving me 3000 a month.

Do any of you really think we care about how well you're doing on an anonymous Genovese turnip farming blog? I make less than eight hundred lira a month in the stalk market but I can still afford a single shot .22 and my month hunting club membership. All of you bragging about how fiscally responsible you are are just farts in a cow pasture.

>>Today, average income is closer to $5000 a month.
lmao what fucking shit is this?

>Today, average income is closer to $5000 a month.
I wouldn't leave bed for $5000 a month, not even baiting

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This thread is like risking a dubious fart. Ultimately unsatisfying and very messy.

>make $5k a month
>none of my rifles cost more than $1,500 not including attachments
>my 16 inch AR costs about 4,000 including everything, but that's mostly because I like Block II shit
>NODs cost 3k
>plates cost $500
>PC cost $300 plus pouches
>kevlar with mounts and light and better chinstrap was about $600
>ruck and sleep system and gear about $400
>sidearm $550
>boots $160
>meme gucci uniform $300
>eyepro $60
>gloves $30
>watch $60
>rangefinder $300
why would I spend more than $1500 on a rifle if I'm not getting anything else functionally for it when I can spend on gear and other hobbies?

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sorry, read the OP wrong and wasn't playing the game
1.2x5k is 6k
best AR on the market right now is either a DD, BCM, or LWRC. They all cost about 2k
>peq-15 costs about 2k
>insight costs about $300 with dual switch
>vortex 1-8x costs about $1500
>vertical grip and VTAC sling

Thanks user. Mean income is basically meaningless when your range is so wide and unevenly weighted.

> $5000
after child support, (cheating ex gets the kids by default in burgerstan) I take home $200/week. I literally don't know anyone other than business owners who actually make five grand a month.

>you don't need a house
>just rent an apartment and pay your landlord's mortgage!

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You really have never done a budget before have you?

>recurring expenses for things they don't need [...] houses
You fuckin' what?

>Today, average income is closer to $5000 a month.
Wew laddie

Probably a SCAR

Save some of that for a Whopper jr, whopper jr

This is the only correct answer. If you're in a militia buy what the army uses and a sight and call it a day because you're just being retarded after that point unless you're the squad MG.

Millwrights I work with take home $4k a month. I make $2900 mo doing a lesser job. That's before any overtime. + Leopold optic

5.5k might buy you a full auto mac10.
id get one of those

So what you're saying is I should be spending more than my monthly income on guns... Thank you based Jow Forumsommando


maybe in australia, and even then "average" is a fucking horrible word, is distorted actual statistics, please consider killing yourself before using "averages" again. Use Medians if you must.

>t. jelly smelly turkroach

I make 56k and am just over my county average

You're not gambling your life on your rifle working. You're gambling your life on the other guy(s) thinking your rifle works.

The market would be way different without gun laws

In the us its like 46k i think.

Dude if your going on family vacations to Europe and have 1000 dollars a month for fun you are rich.

Everyone likes to think of themselves as middle class some aren’t. My point is why are you mad. You are a professional man and i have no kids no debt four roommates and 27k a year. I have no skin in the game and its by design. I got a vasectomy at 25 for exactly that reason. I dont wanna live to work i wanna have fun and i live cheaply and work from home so i dont have to be a professional man. And can spend the maximum amout of time of leisure activities.

>i go on four week vacations once a year stay mad wage / debt boy.

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IN reality that $5000 is worth less then $50 bucks

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Guys can't get pregnant