Lever action rifle suggestions

hey Jow Forums im wanting to make a story and one of the characters is a rifle marksman. my problem is that there are so many rifles to choose from I don't know where to begin to look as a beginner. based on the rule of aesthetics, I thought a lever action rifle would look cool as all get out, but is that a good choice to make? pic related is an example I came across while looking up images of them.

Attached: lever action 336.jpg (738x640, 22K)

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Shiloh Sharps 1874 chambered in .45-110

Spencer Carbine in 45lc

Attached: 1865-Spencer-Carbine-1280.jpg (1280x400, 113K)

>Shiloh Sharps 1874
oh! what an interestingly simple looking rifle! thanks for the suggestion!

Can't go wrong with the classic Marlin 1895.

>Spencer Carbine in 45lc
another interesting rifle design! looks a little short. am I correct in assuming this? not that im knocking it of course!

Generally, lever guns are less accurate than bolt guns due to the cartridges that most lever guns fire being unsuited to accurate long range fire. That said, a Savage 99 or Henry Long Ranger chambered in .308 or another modern cartridge would make for an excellent marksman rifle.

Attached: Savage 99s.jpg (1200x665, 73K)

20 inch barel on carbine i think, there is a 30 inch on the infantry version

Attached: 1865-spencer-rifle-1280_1.jpg (1280x400, 46K)

Cimmaron has their 1876 NWMP "musket" repros as well in 45-75 or 45-60

Attached: CA2520AS6-1876NWMPCarb-22-4560_1.jpg (600x250, 32K)

I just wanted to thank you guys for all your suggestions. youre all the coolest!


Winchester 1894
Iconic doesn't get much more iconic than that.

Attached: 3030.jpg (2448x3264, 709K)

Hijacking this thread to ask my own levergat related question. Which method of loading a levergun is usually faster, tube loading (like a Henry) or King’s patent loading gate?

My main concern is that unshouldering the rifle to reload would take more time than shoving cartridges into a little hole.

The Sharps carbine is an instrument of uncanny power and precision.

Attached: La Beouf.jpg (960x672, 120K)

Winchester 1885 high wall

Attached: High-walls.jpg (900x362, 89K)

I would look for a JM Marlin or a Rossi 92 in .357 Magnum.

in a gate the action feels a lot smoother

ok i’m gonna say something to piss the fudds off but I think the best lever action rifle you can get on the market is the henry big boy .44mag. my reasoning is that if you want to get a gun in the more “rifle” style cartridge why not just buy a marksmans rifle. if you want a good brush gun where the ammo is readily available and can still hit targets at 100yd at around 1.5 moa this is it. replacement parts are also much more available compared to all the other mentioned above

Attached: 51C12F1B-1E0C-48F8-8A51-77A5504575ED.jpg (600x187, 12K)

I have no doubt that the gun is sound.

A surplus rifle like a M1 or Kar 98 fits the 50's to mid 60's aesthetic pretty well and both are far better choices for serious marksmanship.

If you make your own speedloader, tube loading can get stupid fast. It's also the superior unloading method.

You have to unshoulder the rifle either way

finally. a man of taste

nothing sexier than a low/high wall..

Something we should be asking: what timeframe/location are we talking? American west/cowboy era? Europe during the war/interwar period? Vietnam? Modern era? Any other context? All these suggestions aren't worth shit if the gun would be out of place unless you want your guy to be a retard.

>Cowboy carrying a Remington 700