Why aren't there any modernized versions of the Goliath?

Why aren't there any modernized versions of the Goliath?

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There are they used on to kill the Dallas cop killer at the black lives matter event.

that was just an IED disposal bot with two breaching charges strapped to it.

It worked

Cruise missiles?

I expect to see drone VBIEDs if there's ever a serious land war between developed countries. Shoving 10,000lb of explosives into some unmanned wheeled vehicle costs nothing compared to flying jets. Fighting ISIS showed defensive positions don't cope well against them at all. They just have to be sent in small packs and armored enough to resist small arms. When ISIS used that tactic AT weapons would usually kill the first one but the others get through as they can't reload and find new targets quickly enough.

>Why aren't there any modernized versions of the Goliath?
Do the ISIS armored car bombs count?

Attached: isis_armored_car.jpg (960x640, 82K)

Because RC quad copters?

I think they're a precursor to land based alternatives to missiles, like kamikaze planes were to anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles. It would probably require a fairly specific conflict for them to appear, you would need two countries advanced enough to make drone VBIEDs to be locked in a land war, I imagine once the air force started to face attrition issues they would start looking for cheaper ways to attack defensive positions.

>Sending R2 in on a suicide mission

But R2 dindu nuffin wrong.

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anyone got the "NEGOTIATIONS ARE OVER"-version?

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Meet your senpai.

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If the Goliath was a demolition vehicle why do they appear in every museum ever?

Can't have been that good at their job...

He's got you there

I recall a picture showing a giant heap of captured Goliaths from Normandie. They had simply been left behind because they were useless in the situation. Possibly there were no explosives available to equip them with. There was enough G's there to let every major museum in the world have one.

yeah so ?

it doesn't have to look like a goliath to be a robot bomb.

I was making a joke user.

peace was never an option

ATGM's made them obsolete

so whats stopping terrorists strapping C4 to RC cars or RC planes? honest question

Commercially avaliable RC vehicles can be easily jammed by any modern military force. However against other goatfuckers its an entirley valid tactic.

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How are we not funding this!?

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can't corner the dorner

never underestimate goat fuckers. We had them go from the spectrum of full stupid, and fucking goats, to the same group of guys using a mesh network for wireless comms in a contested environment to avoid us. this was in 2010

The modernized version of the Goliath is a guided missile or bomb.

They've tried dropping grenades from quadrotors, so nothing's really stopping them from trying, per se, but this-
As well as the fact that any unidentified craft of any size making a beeline for your shit is going to be shot and RC shit is not known for standing up to abuse.

They have, and they do. ISIS used Chinese quadcopters and RC drones to drop what were essentially mortar shells or hand grenades with modified fuses. People get up to all kinds of dumb shit in the third world, and some of it is frighteningly effective. Afghans and Iraqis have used hubcaps and manhole covers as improvised (but not always effective) explosively-formed penetrators.

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I imagine the training from the CIA eventually sets in.