How many rounds of 22lr would you trade a human female for?

Also 22lr thread

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700, easy.

We talking CCI or Remington bucket?

over or under 18?

Shit, bucket's probably all that'll be left by the time I'm selling off human females.

>only 18 rounds of 22lr
damn son you're ice cold

Looks like we got a deal.

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I am confused, am I the one receiving the woman?

If it's shtf a woman might actually be more burdensome than she's worth, BUT once society starts chugging along again pimping her out in small communities would be easy.

22plinksters the name, selling women's my game

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whatever side you want to be on brother. Just gotta ask yourself, what would you rather give up?

bout treefiddy

asking if the female is over or under 18.

I have many different women, all for sale for the right amount of 22lr

I'd trade my waifu for a trillion billion million .22 bullets

Or however many it takes to cover China, israel, Africa, and south America in a 100 foot deep tsunami of brass

How does 3 buckets sound?

I've got about 1500 rounds of pic related. What's a good age I can get?

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im gonna say mid 20s, how does a 17 year old darkie sound?


well you shoulda bought cci

I got come CCI .17HMR and some Aguila .22 shorts I could toss in.

Sounds a little optimistic, senpai.

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Wait, you're telling me that not only can I get rid of the female that's attached herself to me, somebody will pay me for it? Metro style, no less? Did I already get hit? Is this heaven?

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so you're forcing the birth of a meme now?

I’d trade 20k of 22lr for a cute girly boy.