What expression is he trying to convey?

Attached: attackk.jpg (714x749, 184K)

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Pakistan Army NCO training Saudi recruits


Attached: Untitled.jpg (335x310, 27K)


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>yfw when your Military has never won a war against a foreign nation and has been plagued by corruption and after getting rekt by India 3 times you start greatly improving and straightening out your armed forces with help of the US preparing for another with war but then both sides get nukes so you can't ever go to war with India ever again and now all you're stuck doing is fighting skirmishes in your own country,going on UN missions and training Arab armies in Gulf nations all of whom treat your countrymen who go their for jobs like shit

Pretty sad desu

Are they really Saudis or are just hired poor fucks from lesser Gulf states?


>"now I know what the Americans felt when they trained us"


Allauh akbar

He's hurting from the extra chromosome.

The stereotypes are true, most Saudis are absolutely fucking useless as soldiers. I'd rather have a Paki covering my ass because at least a Paki has some actual real world experience fighting Taliban (when they're not arming them of course), even if he's not very good at it.

t. Gulf War vet

Attached: hires_DF-ST-91-08517.jpg (3000x1993, 2.07M)

All I can see is the hand in the pocket. Absolutely uncivilized

don't Saudi troops have any experience from fighting in Yemen all these years

Saudis have mostly been bombing and shelling the Houthis. They seem to enjoy firing ballistic missiles at funerals and wakes.

oh yeah "The War"is mostly air strikes and bombing

These guys believe there racially superior to me

>be Sgt. Shitforbrains
>be retarded
>be out of step in the front of the column
>totally fuck up the picture
What the fuck why

thought he quit

Attached: ali-snafuli.png (478x360, 264K)

Why do arabs always look like fucking faggots ?

Well he is middleastern.

This is what you fucking boot cherries look like when you tuck your trousers into your boots instead of breathing through your nose and using boot blousers.

Funny thing is...Pakistanis refused to save American lives during Battle of Mogadishu. Although they led by the M48 MBT first, they stopped short before K4 roundabout. General Pervert Musharaff that led the Pakistanis column claimin' they got no night-driving equipment before left the Malaysian and Americans rescue convoy entering Bakara Market without any armour protection. "Mogadishu Mile"? That's because American Rangers and Delta were left behind by cowardly Pakis that supposed to covering the back of the rescue convoy. General Musharaff also stole and sell the Pakistanis weapons to Aideed militia.


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Don't ever forget the fucking Clinton demons denied the Army's request to bring in heavies because it would be too militaristic.

Poor childhood nutrition.

>I'd rather have a Paki covering my ass
Stupid bhenchod. You're too old to be this stupid.

>don't Saudi troops have any experience from fighting in Yemen all these years
no they fucking dont. lmao I remember seeing a video of SA army outpost getting attacked by 3 yemeni insurgents. All SA dudes died. Also I am sure at one point SA launched an attack into yemen and Yemeni flip flop wearing dudes TOOK LAND FROM SA by the end of the battle

>Saudi Troops
pic one

>Pakistanis refused to save American lives
So they're good guys, right?

Hard to tell with those expressionless, subhuman faces.

you shouldn’t post things you know nothing about

whose the most subhuman in the pic

Don't forget the rampant cousin-fucking

Attached: consang+map.png (586x277, 108K)

Because the small few who aren't actually faggots are inbred and retarded.

What the fuck Canada.

its mostly due to Native Americans who don't their bloodlines to die

the saudis by default

Most of the men who were killed in the Battle of Mogadishu were already dead by the time the rescue attempt was mounted. The time it took to actually assemble it probably killed more.

Attached: Delta Force after the Mogadishu Mile.jpg (960x692, 74K)

Spectres wouldn't have helped because they're prohibited from flying combat ops in daylight and the majority of the fighting in Mogadishu took place in the late afternoon, when an AC-130 would be most visible (and vulnerable).

The "CLINTON DIDN'T GIVE US SPECTRES" meme is peddled by Special Operation Command to cover their own asses for their own appallingly bad planning.

Attached: delta force arrest tier one somalia.jpg (1024x736, 69K)


I never said Pakis were the good guys.. I just said that they were somewhat more competent soldiers than the Saudis, who I would trust even less.


Please learn to spell

Attached: Stormin' Norman.jpg (2000x1333, 412K)

Your timber niggers are less than 1% of your population to start with, even if 100% of them married a blood relative you still have at least 0.1% of the rest of your population doing that too.

holy shit you're peak zogbot. osama was always a cia asset.

>and after getting rekt by India 3 times
Pajeet, both countries are shit at fighting. When two disabled children fight nobody "rekt"s anyone.

Yeah, their artillery does. Everyone else was and is twiddling their thumbs and pretending not to be Israelies in camel clothing.

More could be saved if Pakis got courage to led the convoy by their tougher M48 into Bakara. And "Mogadishu Mile" ain't happened if they just wait til' last Rangers out.

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Ok boomer

Big dumb dipshit, 2 from the right, is out of step. What the fuck are you even saying you retard?

>When two disabled children fight nobody "rekt"s anyone.
Usually both sides are massively rekt, see Iran-Iraq War.

>fight nobody "rekt"s anyone.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-12 Battle of Longewala - Wikipedia.png (304x997, 162K)

dont care

I don't even know why they even bother with a army with their surplus mp5s and 0 skillz muzzies

all the real action is seen by the PMCs and if shit ever hits the fan , us and pmcs will be the one fighting

guess that what money without taste gets you

There are things even the US won't do such as send troops to Yemen
Pakistan on other other hand can be manipulated to send their army to fight

Attached: PakistaniTroops.AFP_.jpg (620x353, 195K)

Didn't all the Pakis freeze? I can't imagine 120 Poos fighting off 2000, even if they are worse.

This wasn't a battle per say rather an attempted siege of an Indian base
The Indian side knew they were gonna be attacked so they set up the entire base area with booby traps,barbed wires,mines and Czech hedgehogs
Paki's had bad Intel and didn't know the Indian put all the traps there and believed they had the element of surprise also did not know that Indian fighter pilots/bombers were arriving

so what happened was entire mechanized infantry division was heavily stalled dealing with traps and mortar fire then a couple hours later the Indian air force came and bombed them
and paki's never even made it near the base

Are those khakis

value within three months of being printed:
nothing.+ cost of sheet of A4