Why haven't we weaponized space yet?

Why haven't we weaponized space yet?

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because your mum keeps fucking your dad and producing retards such as yourself

Is that gun photoshopped in?

That seems a very specific reason

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Because there's a treaty against it.

The treaty you're referencing only bans nuclear weapons in space and all weapons on the Moon (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Space_Treaty)

Everything else is fair game

Because whe havent found no spacegooks to genocide yet.

Didn’t the Soviet’s already do that by strapping a cannon onto one of their stations back in the day?

It was more then one station IIRC, and had a fucking 23mm autocannon rigged to it like an intergalactic ISIS technical

>gun control on the moon

Those rascals

They also armed at least one of the Almaz Stations with Rockets, if I recall, in addition to the 23mm Nudelman Cannon.

Poorly, yes.

Could you imagine if private companies starting mining asteroids for resources AND we discovered a potentially hostile alien species? We'd have legitimate reasons to starting weaponizing space.

A minor skirmish in LEO has the potential to fuck most use of satellites for the next 100k years or so at present tech levels.

So pretty much the same reason we don't use nukes; no ability to fix what is broken after the conflict.

Finally something to unite the earth against. UEF here we fucking go.

Because leetol bullit goes very fast and also in orbit. Have fun getting shot in the back of the head by your own bullets.

Kessler Syndrome is already going to occur in the next 50 years unless we start a major orbital clean up projecy.

The trick is that you can go very fast too. The only "speed limit" in space is how much propellant you have.

They were going to send one up with a laser cannon too but it was destroyed on the pad at launch.

in reality deltaV limits are the problem
space is 100% predictable and there isn't any cover

its then pretty easy to send an ICBM up there to blow in orbit within a pretty wide margin to take out whatever the other side just spent a billion dollars on

from what I understand the USAF has spent the last ~10 years developing small cheap shit that can be deployed en masse to counter this tactic along with a rapid cheap launch platform
that dumb supersonic return vehicle is supposed to have a turnaround time of under a few days

eww a female commie cosmonaut, i wish i could lick her armpits though

You can lick her dick


Clearly we need to Jow Forumsolonize the moon and make our own rules. We must leave our homes innawoods and unnaground for onnamoon.

we can still be unnaground onnamoon

Technically we have been weaponizing space since the launch of the first military satellite.
But if you mean actual battles in space it just hasn't been necessary yet since it would be too expensive for too little gain.
However I do foresee the superpowers engaging in efforts to launch weaponized assets into orbit soon since in the modern day the achilies heel of most large nations is their reliance on space based communication satellites and I'm certain any country able to afford to do so is going to want some kind of space based defense for those vulnerable objects.

Against what threat? There's nothing worth fighting for and no one to fight against.

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Because it's stupid. Second a shooting war starts ASATs wipe it all out, and it's expensive as shit.

We already have a space fleet with Solar Warden, and other secret space programs. Also places like the moon and Mars are divided up like Earth is already.

They said that the commies didn't get to the moon, but they lied.

seeThere's a lot worth fighting for, if GPS and comms sats go down, the US is getting fucked right in the ass

The human race is fucked in the ass if any significant military action occurs in orbit. The only responsible militarization of space is for deterrence, the moment anti-satellite missiles start flying is the beginning of the end of human spaceflight.

Still waiting for power armor and orbital drop pods.

>Why haven't we weaponized space yet?
Its called throwing someone out of the air lock

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So if you fired a rifle in space, I'm assuming it would just travel through space at muzzle velocity for all eternity?

breddy neat stuff if u think about it

which is why they want to go up and make that deterrence
if there's enough point defense near those sats to render any attack on them pointless, they wont bother attacking
no attack = no problem

technically it would slow down over time due to space not being perfectly vacuum, but such a slow down would take millions, if not billions of years to finish
so yeah, all eternity as far as mortal humanity is concerned

if we plant trees we can still be innawoods

>if GPS and comms sats go down, the US is getting fucked right in the ass
That's literally what I said you double nigger

More or less, eventually atmospheric drag would slow it down enough for it to fall back down to earth but assuming you were nowhere near earth it would fly along it's trajectory forever until an equal or greater force acts upon it.

that's why I directed to your post user

Doesnt this make normal projectile weapons really stupid in space? I mean if you miss it will go in orbit and return back to hit you.

not really
if you fire it opposite to your movement, it will be on a slower orbital path
if you fire it in front, it will be on a faster one
fire it in other directions, and it'll be on completely different orbits entirely

Once you pull the trigger you’re ruining someone’s day
Maybe it’s your target
Maybe it’s someone 50,000 light years away

We did. You just don't know about it.

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Triggered that the flag is backwards...however you can shoot regular guns in space, but they will immediately overheat and as such, having WW1 era water jacketed radiators with coolants and fans will be a thing.


Oh my bad

>Maybe it’s someone 50,000 light years away
How fast is this bullet?

I guess if you count spy satellites as weaponisation, we already have...

Btw pic related is the reason why the Space Shuttle had such a massive cargo bay...

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because guns dont work on space

it needs a medium(oxygen) to pass through

>fuck its the chinks again
>cant believe they made it here without hitting any space debries
>it looks like they are trying to dock our station
>its so eerie they never reply to any coms
>i hope everyone inside is dead already like last time
>why isn't their drop ship slowing down?

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That's his point. Even if it's 500 billion years from now, that bullet will hit *something.*

Soon op! Very soon!

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Everything in that image is photoshopped in. Or illustratored if they weren’t retarded.

>on Jow Forums
>doesn’t know what weaponized means

We attempted to follow the Outer Space Treaty...unlike everyone else...

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One, you don't know what "weaponized" means.

Two, you don't know how guns work.

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Only 1 station specifically Salyut 3/Almaz 2, the cannon was integral to the station, and it was a Rikhter R-23 23mm cannon not a Nudelman. OPS-4 was expected to be Almaz 4 and would have been armed with missiles but was never launched. is also partially correct - he's talking about Polyus which mounted a 1MW CO2 Laser, but failed due to a faulty INS and burned up in the atmosphere not on the pad.
Not necessarily, space is very very very empty, and eventually you'll get into a void where the distance to the bullets next "target" is expanding faster than it's covering ground. It might never interact with another object again.
>they will immediately overheat
No. You still have to heat up the gun to a dangerous temperature first, same as you do here on Earth. The amount of cooling that happens during your burst of fire is negligible. So you can fire the same length initial burst.
It will take longer to cool down after you fire though - so the difference between a long burst and several short bursts with the same round count will be less. Once it gets hot it will take about 2x as long to cool down.

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What MOS is mech driver?

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>it will take about 2x as long to cool down.

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We can have both unnaground and innawoods onnamoon. No one will ever see it coming. kommandos from far and wide uniting in the final frontier for a better future.

We could, but if we do, it'd be a whole level of fuckery between nations as now the fight for space and the ability to destroy a nation from above will be intense.

You can do the math yourself if you like. Compare radiative heat losses to convective. You'll have to pick a reasonable emissivity and heat transfer coefficient ofc, but other than that it's plug and play.
In general you find that at the temperatures relevant to firearm operation, about 1/2 the total heat voided is through radiation.

>Even if it's 500 billion years from now, that bullet will hit *something.*
actually, thats long enough for the distance between stars and galaxies to have grown enough that it will never reach anyone before it proton decays into nonexistence

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My point however is that a bullet is not going to able to move fast enough to escape the sun's gravity so no it isn't going to bother somebody 50,000 light years away.

Rods of God when?

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We are literally in the process of militarizing it you absolute mong.

You can make a flamethrower that works in vacuum with the right fuel.

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Space Force 2020.

You missed the fucking memo, carl.

>intergalactic ISIS technical

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Because space travel requires a great deal of international cooperation so there's a gentleman's agreement between the great space-faring nations that they won't take weapons into space.

Trump's Space Force bullshit is just him renaming him renaming the Air Force Space Command which manages the satellite network.

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>ywn be an asteroid tug pilot on the grind in the ‘Belt
>ywn use the jerry-rigged Ma Deuces bolted to your tug to fend off corporate pirates

Wouldn't that then mean just launching most ICBMs would be a violation?

Creating an entirely new branch of military seems a little more far reaching than just renaming an existing group.

The air force only became a thing once manned flight was capable of being militarized. And at first it was a joke compared the modern air force.

Now that so much of our intelligence and communications depends on satellites and space in general, safeguarding those satellites is paramount.

If you want to rely on a 'gentlemans agreement' to keep those satelites safe from attacks and limit our ability to protect the mainland US, I'd assume you live in california.


I want my space raifu and I want it NOW

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But seriously we already have.

>suppressed gun
>in space where sound can't propagate

because we're too busy babysitting niggers in africa instead of using those resources to go to space

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>For technical reasons, the payload was launched upside down. It was designed to separate from the Energia, rotate 180 degrees in yaw, then 90 degrees in roll and then fire its engine to complete its boost to orbit. The Energia functioned perfectly. However, after separation from Energia, the Polyus spun a full 360 degrees instead of the planned 180 degrees. When the engine fired, it slowed and burned up in the atmosphere over the south Pacific Ocean. This failure was attributed to a faulty inertial guidance system that had not been rigorously tested due to the rushed production schedule.


Spin 360 degrees and walk away. Somebody got sent to Siberia for this.

Wouldn’t guns melt if fired in space

Overheating is an insurmountable obstacle. All guns will be rocket pistols.

The would only have radiant cooling to rely on, so typical designs would overheat quickly. But I imagine swapping a liquid cooled barrel and piston onto a piston AR-15 would be a simple modification. It would really only require a custom barrel. And since it is a piston design the rest of the parts aren't exposed to hot gas.

>Overheating is an insurmountable obstacle. All guns will be rocket pistols
ultra-high efficiency railgun

>In a desert
>a desert of extremely fine particulate matter
>in extreme cold and vacuum

would that happen to be liquid chlorine trifluoride?

It's like you fags have forgotten: if you aren't moving and using cover, you aren't operating.

if that was the case, the bullet firing from the gun would have an orbit that is different from the person that fired it.

Uh, dude

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ICBMs aren't launched from space, you fucking retard.

>Spot the fudd!

But they enter space tho. So if nuclear weapons isnt allowed inspace, how can ICBMs be allowed to enter space?

checkmate atheists

>wanting to use a 50's jamomatic

Oh I'm sorry, would you prefer the common name of Chlorotrifluoride?

Fucking idiot.

is that an emergency claymore on his chest?