A Hypothetical

Yamamoto is often misquoted as having said that a land invasion of the US would be impossible because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Let's say that China does something monumentally stupid and launches a full scale land invasion of the western US, and just to make things worse, let's say their invasion force is 2 million strong. Assuming no nukes are launched, what chance does the US stand? Would the gun owning population play a significant role? Think Red Dawn.

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They get sunk before a single one of their troops make it to US soil

How do you envision them actually being dropped here? Water is no, land is no.

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Wasn't there an article a article that was made a while back stating that if no nukes where used and we American clay was where we made our stand we would basically be able to hold off the world for a long time. Not only that but the american landscape would be a nightmare to capture.

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They would likely take Cali. Every Jow Forumsommando will not do anything. For fear of being made a target not just by the invading forces, but local peace keepers and neighbors as well.

Every noguns over there will cry for help, only that call to be left unanswered.

This. The United States has twice the navy that China does by ton, and one of the finest air forces in the world. China's been talking up their anti ship missiles lately, but between the carrier group's combined CIWS coverage, ECM capability, aircraft to drop clouds of chaff and flares, and China probably just talking up lackluster missiles they'll never end up producing, I don't think America is in any danger.

Besides, if the US was at actual risk of invasion, the military would see huge recruitment numbers pretty much overnight. Basic combat training only takes eight weeks for the army, and while it wouldn't be a good idea to drop those guys straight into front line fighting, you could use them like other countries use conscripts to guard support infrastructure in the backfield.

This country is covered in natural choke points.

it is impossible to do a conventional invasion on the usa

Is basically impossible to take the US via invasion. Too much ground to cover and many different climates you're going to have to account for.

I live in MN and rolling through that place at any time of the year is going to suck ass. In the winter it's cold as hell (not as bad as Alaska but still) and in the summer is almost always 80-90 degrees with humidity from all the fucking lakes. A major plus is the thick ass forests one could disappear into. All in all though, it's not going to be as bad as other places, but still.

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>a full scale land invasion of the western US
if los angeles chimped out like they did when the rodney king thing happened, china would quickly realize that it isn't worth it and just go back home

>2 million insect people vs tens of millions of bubbas and steves that have been playing with guns their entire lives for fun

6.5 Creedmore would become legendary, I can tell you that much. Sniping would be way the fuck more common than militia commando raids or maneuver fighting, and there are plenty of Iraq vets who would jump at the chance to be on the other side of the command detonator line.

Basically anybody that wants to sneak around and use creative means to kill foreign soldiers would be having the time of their fucking lives. Tannerite would be backordered for decades.

Wait he's misquoted? He never said that?

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How the fuck are you not aware of that by now, it's fucking 2018. You should have been aware of it 15 years ago.

Most gun owners in the US today are older men. US population is majority urban. Majority of urban Americans are anti-gun.

The "American guerilla" in a hypothetical invasion scenario would be almost non-existent.

I went from OK, to Death Valley and back again recently. I gotta say this is it.

Going through some of the interstates you will just hit vast stretches of fucking nothing for hours. A lot of stuff here, from the military to the civilian market is all about vast logistics. Even if someone was to get past the coastal states and into the mainland they'd be dealing with a hell of a time.

Overheated vehicles everywhere. The terrain out in the west doesn't fuck around. Enjoy going up and down mountains in that 120 degree weather.

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soon California will be so communist they'd all get gulaged for being too much of a capitalist.

How anti-gun do you think theyd be if we were getting invaded? Theres enough guns here. I know people with more guns and ammo than you could imagine.

Nah fuck that bullshit. You do realize we have 344k guns in civilian hands alone that we currently know of. That is not a small fighting force of people shooting back when faced with a fight. Defensive shooting isn't the same as taking an offense. Potentially 344k people defensive gorilla fighting an invading force will have that invading force take a massive fucking hit. Not to mention surrounding states just itching for a fight. AZ, NV,WA,OR and remnants of CO,UT,ID. Even half that rate will fuck any army at choke points. Destroy bridges, IED roads, forest niggas, desert niggas, mountain niggas, lake niggas, industrial niggas. It'll be a tactical fucking nightmare.

>Vast stretches of nothing
This. If the military can find a large group, bet your ass they'll tomahawk the shit out of the general area.

The only bad part about this is the nogs will now have access to shotloads of slavshit military hardware. Bet your ass for the next few decades gangs I'll have APC drive by shootings.

An invasion is impossible because how the fuck are you going to do it? How in the hell can you simultaneously invade all of america?

Slow invasion from Mexico

Bubba wouldn't even have to worry about guerilla warfare. Even with no nukes in play, an invasion would be a huge mistake. America would quickly forget any internal issues and everyone would come together to support the war effort. The country would convert to a wartime economy and you would witness the creation of the largest war machine in history. China would be pushed out of the west coast easily.
>thinking it's over
Oh no. The party would just be getting started. Our navy would sail across the Pacific annihilating anything in its way until it reached the Chinese mainland. Then our jets would firebomb every major Chinese city until the Communists surrendered unconditionally. Count on the Three Gorges Dam being destroyed too if China does us dirty in the initial invasion.

It's fucking hard enough to get around California for your Average Joe - must less a hostile force that must needs establish supply lines and logistics.

Only way Eastward is through the desert South of Bakersfield. Just drove through it going to Phoenix and was considering this exact hypothetical.

It would be very fucking hard.

t. Just moved to Central Valley from Midwest

You mean there would be a 21st Century Bomber Harris?


"They sowed the wind, now let them reap the whirlwind."

Fucking this. You start it, we'll end it.

You have to go back.

My area is pretty /k

No shit just off 99 there is a gas station that is also a gun shop with a grille inside that makes tasty tri-tip sandwiches on Friday.

Basically every aqueduct/gravel road intersection has empty brass or shells.

Ask about ban-compliant ARs and everyone smiles and laughs.

>How anti-gun do you think theyd be if we were getting invaded?
An invasion still wouldn't be enough for anti-gunners.

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That dude would get owned by that tank after offing one guy


>A tank is gonna know where the shot came from and react before he fucking legs it, let alone blow a hole in a random four story building.

Also makes it much easier for defenders to track enemy troop movements, and (if GPS goes down), the invaders risk getting lost in some pretty inhospitable areas.

No volunteers from other states would help California, we all hate you.

As someone from NV, I can agree with this. I'll hitchhike with a sign saying "willing to kill commies for more rounds"

Unless there's an apocalyptic level of collapse with half the military defecting to foreign powers, the civilian population of the United States will either A. Keep doing their jobs or take on a job more essential to the war effort in a factory or something or B. be conscripted into the military, or possibly assembled into militias under local or federal command
Organizated fighting forces, even behind enemy lines, are much more effective than lone wolf fudds getting picked off by snipers.

>A major plus is the thick ass forests one could disappear into

>TFW you will never have to escape your rural farm county and take refuge in your hunting cabin in the Minnesota timberland.

The feels.

You're giving MN too much credit though. If all the fucking Hmong can live here happily, the Chinese won't give on rotten fuck about our climate. Winter, maybe.

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>Most gun owners in the US today are older men

This isn't even the biggest problem. Most of us, despite our age, are not used to a military setting. We don't know squad tactics and all of that teambuilding shit.

Trying to launch a full-scale invasion of the US is nearly as bad an idea as trying to launch a full-scale invasion of Russia. It's just not feasible and historians would look back at you for millennia and laugh at hoe retarded you are.

>Would the gun owning population play a significant role?
Considering they are invading the west cost, I doubt it. However, everyone in the US is highly educated. A shitload of IEDs would end up on the roads.

Not to mention all the troops they would need to pacify San Fran, Los Angeles, Sacramento... even if they don't put up much of a partisan fight you need to keep people there so they don't get uppity.

>However, everyone in the US is highly educated. A shitload of IEDs would end up on the roads.

LOL. Dude, my fucking neighbor is too fucking pussy to bury an animal that died on their property. I don't see them doing anything like that.

>"There's a dead rabbit in my yard. Should I call animal control?"

>You're giving MN too much credit though. If all the fucking Hmong can live here happily, the Chinese won't give on rotten fuck about our climate. Winter, maybe.
True, but one thing we still have going for us is the miles upon miles of absolutely fucking nothing. Besides Minneapolis, Duluth, and St. Paul we do t have many big cities to speak of. Most of the time it's a shotgun smatter of small towns all over the place with huge swathes of land in-between. Moving troops through that is just asking for an IED.

Also moose and bear are a thing further up north. Not a risk to a APC, but a scouting squad stands a real chance of getting fucked up. It happens sometimes, small group of hunters get torn up by a bull during mating season.

>assuming no nukes are launched
trash scenario. I'm fucking tired of retards adding retarded conditions like this. you're damn fucking sure the us will glass dog eaters if they try to directly invade. fuck outta here dumb nigger

That's right. China would be disallowed industrial capability. Seaports, dams, power plants, rail junctions, highway bridges: gone.

You arent helping California. You have been given free reign to shoot red Chinese in territory that has no value to you. Since when has Jow Forums cared about civilian casualties?

once they realize that the cops ain't coming and ain't enough they'll change their tune fast