Would you operate with a wood gun?

would you operate with a wood gun?

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Sure, clapping a piece of wood on a gun doesn't automatically make it worse.

A true operator can operate with any weapon, because an operator is the weapon.

If I were to operate, then yes. Though I'd want a stock like this one, not a folder.

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I'd operate that wood, if you know what I mean

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lol, don't be gay user ;)

Like this

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don't make it wierd

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I am the weapon. The question is: will I allow a wood gun to operate with me?

N-No homo, it's only gay if the balls touch

The miniposting is finally starting to work on me. I kind of want one. Should I go new or used?

would a gun made out of wood be able to handle firing a round without exploding spliters all over?

Used 580

new or used not important as avoiding the bad years of manufacture. but if you just buy a new manufacture series your good

>it's only gay if the balls touch
thats the best part user! but its not gay if the penis is feminine.

FALs and PTRs with wood are pretty neato

Sure why not? Depends on the climate. Jungle makes wood swell potentially affecting poi

Did someone say mini thread?

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I hope people like you get purged in my lifetime.

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>stubby boi
a cute

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good job taking the bait, retard

Wood gun, would gun.

You call it bait, but hopefully in the future it'll be evidence to sentence you to lethal injection.
Enjoy your vacation.