What precautionary measures do you make when you're handling your firearms Jow Forums?

What precautionary measures do you make when you're handling your firearms Jow Forums?

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>What precautionary measures do you make when you're handling your firearms Jow Forums?
Having half a brain.

Loaded chamber indicator, keep my finger off the trigger at all times


Attached: Ha Gaaay.gif (300x167, 211K)

gun ALWAYS loaded, finger always near the trigger. just in case.

If I shoot myself, it's because the Lord willed it, and who am I to question His will?

I fire in my girlfriend's general direction to clear whatever's in the chamber.

Attached: 1504245250112.png (800x800, 626K)

Make sure my IQ is above room temperature in celsius?

Well, I guess he won't have a foot to stand on when it comes to teaching firearm safety

Look on the bright side, at least he can now fuck the hole in his foot

Attached: vn9nuaho1doy.jpg (706x960, 60K)


Attached: Safety's your finger.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

I only load them at the range like a good leaf goyim

Whatever you say, Rabbi.

the fuck is that

The acronyms or the picture?

finger = safe ; )

hours, paint, etc

Attached: 2fn7lk.jpg (500x625, 163K)


It's from 12 ga shotty. Apparently the guy shot himself during trapping comp

A ssume every firearm is loaded.
C ontrol the muzzle direction at all times.
T rigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard.
S ee that the firearm is unloaded- PROVE it safe.

P oint the firearm in the safest possible direction.
R emove all ammunition.
O bserve the chamber.
V erify the feeding path.
E xamine the bore for obstructions.

Try again

Way easier and less convoluted. 4 weapon safety rules will keep you and others around you perfectly fine

Attached: 5741e8d5e269823b81c0aea1acc32761.jpg (625x609, 52K)

How is this even a question? You put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. If it goes off, you weren't worthy. If it doesn't, the gun has chosen you. I cant believe you retards have to be told basic shit.


Someone should make up some rules for this problem so we're all on the same page.

I know, maybe if there were like 4 of them or something.

Attached: 1499754731353.jpg (500x377, 49K)

>Clear gun
>Point at something valuable
>Pull trigger

No bang and no pissed off for the rest of my life because I shot something I wanted.