What kind of retard pays $55 for a magazine

It's not a rare, out-of-production collector's item. It's not a custom. boutique or small production run gun. It's for a mass production gun in current year.

Attached: 12-round-mag-365.jpg (576x469, 22K)

stop being a poorfag, poorfag

Desert Eagle mags are like $50. I guess there probably just isn't enough demand for non factory mags. I really need to buy two more but I just keep buying more Glock and AR mags instead.

A poorfag would pay $55 for one magazine for a SiG. A richfag would buy 3 or 4 P mags for a Glock. Poorfags are poor for a reason.

Realize you're paying $55 for 2 extra rounds...

Why are anti-Sig shills always angry poorfags? Because they can't buy superior products so they resort to overblown reliability issues that are perfectly normal and pricing?

Attached: mpx670000.png (1503x869, 297K)

It's just such a jew move to not include one 12 round mag with the gun. They know the only reason the gun is appealing is for the 12 rounds in that size package so by god they're gonna milk you to get it. I'm glad I took the Glock pill and sold my P229.

pic related...overrated it is.

Attached: 100_2086.jpg (2048x1536, 711K)

Cost to fill the mag pouches on my carrier(6) not counting ammo or shipping? $402...lol no


Attached: poorfags.jpg (1256x1112, 618K)

Pmags are over 200 bucks in my country. No joke.

Fucking how, and also how do I get idiots to buy them from my American ass

>Sig P365 mags are $55.
>Desert Eagle mags are like $50.
Anyone seeing a (((pattern))) here?

Attached: 1528176108547.jpg (578x712, 152K)

Especially for a gun that isn't out of beta yet. Triggers going dead, firing pin drag, Sig quality.

And to think they market this as a "self defense" gun. This shit is gonna get someone killed.

Everything is expensive here as rule, plus theres duty and import fees that drive up costs. Bushmaster ARs are ~1500, SCARs are literally 10k though few can buy them anyway, it all evens out.

Nigg, they're $40-45 all over the place and I've seen them as cheap as $35. Find something legitimate to bitch about like the gun eating itself to death.

If you can't afford additional magazines, you shouldn't be owning guns

And no, buying revolvers are not an option, it's 2018 you fucking fudds

I think I paid about $55 a pop for P30 mags about 10 years ago... Shit, even LC9 mags are over $40...

I'm an anti-sig shill, but mostly because thgey make shit guns.

Yeah, I believe that Sig was one of the best gun makers in the world, but that boat saled a long time ago...about the time production moved to Exeter New Hampshire.

Sig ownership is the fastest way to see if a fellow gun nut is a noob or actually knows what they are talking about.

Why are pro-sig shills always so buttmad when people point out their "premium" product is hot garbage at a premium price? It's like S&W and their shitty revolvers. Both companies are riding the reputation they built when they were actually producing a high quality product and brandfags whose ego rests on their ability to shop(instead of shoot) eat that shit up.

they've been doing rolling releases, they put in a new firing pin mechanism

This, for the money they're spending they should buy HK.

where the hell do you live

>he doesn't pay $15 for a gallon of water? what a poorfag

>muh brandfags
spotted the poorfag

>how do I violate ITAR
very carefully?

>CEO: Ron Cohen
>jews you for every cent
what a shock

>company based in literal mountain israel


>Still being Swiss

>define /arg/ in one picture

ARG actually buys quality parts though