Anybody got tips on travelling through commie states with guns?

anybody got tips on travelling through commie states with guns?

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If you're literally just traveling through them you're covered by FOPA. Keep them locked up in the trunk and you're immune from most bullshit.

>Subject to change in New Jersey

Moon will watch over you as you transport your raifu, user.


>get pulled over
>"Do you have any weapons in the car?"
>No Sir
>"Ok, here's your ticket for your broken tail light you dipshit"

When was the last time you had a cop make you get out of the car so he could search the whole thing? Just act like how you would act if you didn't have weapons in the car since the only thing that would tip them off is your nervousness anyway.

>drive through state
>dont get pulled over
Or alternatively
>drive through state
>get pulled over
>”you got any weapons in the vehicle?”
>heres your ticket
>drive off

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Don't disagree with you, but they do violate FOPA.

Keep it out of sight. Keep anything firearm related out of sight. Don't count on possibly using it for defensive purposes. Your best bet is to disassemble the receiver from the slide/upper into different compartments or better yet, lock it up just in case in your trunk. Guaranteed under the worst case scenario that you get pulled over and they search your shit, you're going to get let go just fine.

Safe Passage Provision of the Firearm Owner's Protection Act; As long as the firearm's legal where you're bringing it from, and legal where you're bringing it to, you're fine while travelling through states that may not allow possession of that gun. I don't know exactly what you're gonna do, so read up more or talk to a lawyer.

dog bless brother

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Needs to be a Mosin carbine for that royal voice.

CA fag here.
Option 1: Don't get caught
Option 2: Follow the strictest state's laws and you should be OK. Here, keep everything in the trunk, mags unloaded, ammo separate from guns, locked cases for the pistols(trunk should technically be a locked case but....)rifles in bags in the trunk unloaded. Also look out for evil assault weapons. If you get caught with one of those in the wrong state all bets are off.
Cops get a boner when a gun is involved and don't give a fuck you're just an enthusiast.

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Try living life as a person of color, moron.

Disassemble, place each piece in plastic bag, place each plastic container in concrete.

What is it supposed to look like a moth?

I'd rather kill myself, thanks.

>Try living life as a person of color
If it is so bad around White People why are they trying to break in to the U.S. to live around White people?
Shouldn't they not want to live anywhere near White People?
Why do African-Americans not want to live in Africa away from White People?
Why do South Americans not want to live in South America away from White People?
Since White People might snap one day and just look for someone that doesn't look like them to let out the pent up rage they have from just being White over the last hundred years?
Wouldn't it be safer to not live around White People to begin with?

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Keep the safety off and don't let on that you have them...

>Why do South Americans not want to live in South America away from White People?
The majority of “South Americans” live in Sourh America idiot. Immigration has actually gone down. Hate to break it to you, but you aren’t the center of the universe.

TL;DR if they ask to search you have to kill them and destroy the dash and body cams.
Burning the car with the bodies in it works.

Also make sure you get them before they can radio in, otherwise you're fucked.

Just stay away from commie states. It's not worth it.

the moon guides thee, moonfriend

what he said. read the provisions of fopa, follow them, have a copy printed out with you
and be aware that super shitty states like nj,ny, mass will prosecute you anyway, so drive the speed limit and make sure you don't get stopped.

Fuck off shitskin

surrender the ammo first

I'm including Central America as South America. Living standard is this same maybe it's Capitalisms fault.
Funny how you didn't answer any of that you just projected your conceited nature. An no Illegal Immigration hasn't "gone down".
>done here

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I don't understand these concepts put together. Surely pure skin is a sign of peoplehood.

Gook here, never had a problem even with weed in it
Its more with your attitude and first impression but ofc a shitskin incel like you is ready to hop on the skin color bandwagon ^^