Garand action closed on my dick

>Garand action closed on my dick.

Attached: 1533929717082-k.jpg (736x429, 41K)

That's why you can't hipfire a garand

>my dick
WAS your dick.

>literal PINGis

>FAL pinched the skin on my thigh

Attached: D34C5320-4478-4E12-B3E2-2ED5A1674E85.png (480x477, 242K)

>Mosin twisted my testicles

Attached: 1533173705722.png (500x500, 186K)

>accidentally pulled my ball hairs out with my wheellock
I don't know how this happened I tells ya.

Attached: 1525366228137.png (774x768, 872K)

>Implying I was shooting it

Hobbs leaked back down my pee hole and now it stings like hell

>Staff Sgt. Sawyer saw the semen shells

Attached: 1513598327810.png (808x805, 349K)

>.308 casing fell inside my boxers

Attached: Do my best.png (750x366, 291K)

>set off a primer in my ass

>Hakim action closed on my dick


>clit caught in Colt Gold Cup

Attached: 1533111685403.jpg (845x555, 110K)

>Tore my scrotum off on the Mauser clip guide

Attached: 1531850789464.gif (659x609, 2.07M)

>Foreskin stuck in the mag release again

Attached: 1527731435915.png (1192x830, 286K)



>got circumcized by garand action

>Mosin degloved my penis

Attached: justttt.png (280x291, 106K)

>my finger pulled the trigger on my winchester 94

Attached: 4fa584669dbb181676e4f485f3d358b2.jpg (1849x2332, 2.62M)


>Penis got mutilated in the M134's rotor engine

Attached: nuclearpng.png (640x360, 261K)

>closed the SxS while my dong was in one of the barrels

Attached: 3-dimentional pain.gif (432x610, 3.04M)


Attached: face.png (368x304, 139K)

>corrosive cum made the barel of my sks no longer useable
go for crome lined

>when you tryna do a tacticool overreach charge with a brand new AK and slice your hand open on the dust cover's sharp edge

Attached: DEXTER WAS JESUS.jpg (716x520, 119K)

>One testicle in the RPG-7 when loading a new rocket again

>having a railed dust cover instead of low profile gas tube rails and a sidemount for your scope

>dick rubbed against the ARs keymod rail
>im gay now

You were gay for having keymod anyway.

>im gay now
Nigga dont lie