How can I convince my antigun mom to carry?

She always needed me around because we lived in a dark area and she didn't feel safe alone. I remember once she said she's not anti 2A but pro AWB and that a assault glock with too many bullets sounded scary.
So I'm gonna be moving to my pop's property in maybe a week or two but have convinced her that I need a gun but not vise verse, then she's gonna clean the house for a month and then she's moving to the property.
She's a short, small, wine mom, fragile woman who's ignorant about black crime even when I prove it to her that the threat of getting chimped out on Israel. What kind of gun would be good for her? Maybe a hipoint unironically?

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Tell her that if she carries it makes no difference in the gun crime and its better to have one and not need it than to need it than not have it

You can't. My mom isn't anti-gun but isn't pro-gun. I've taken her shooting and she just doesn't like guns. She's a gradeschool teacher and the nicest people I know. Even if she completely changed her thoughts and started carrying, she would never shoot someone. Even if that person is coming at her with a knife. She's just too nice. She takes martial arts and carries pepper spray. That's pretty much what you have to expect with people like that op. Get her leo grade mace and teach her how to use it effectively.

Lend her one of your dragon dildos, that way she wont need to leave the house in a 'dark area' to pickup Tyrones.

>who's ignorant about black crime even when I prove it to her that the threat of getting chimped out on Israel.
Are you having a bit of an aneurysm? Either way, your mom seems wise and experienced enough to ignore the infowars propaganda you've gobbled up, so she'll probably do fine even if she does let the scaremongering get to her a bit.

>infowars propaganda
Right, because all those unsuspecting people on CCTV/WorlStar were actors, black(s) would never randomly attack a stranger for no reason in packs, and they definitly don't commit almost half of all violent crime
That's briedbart russian nazi racist propaganda

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pay a nigger to rob her purse

Let her get raped, robbed, or attacked.

Why do mods allow stormfaggots to persist in their constant derailment of threads with their constant REEEEIng about their step dad Jamal fucking their moms.

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Just compare it to the reason why she "needs" a dildo in her nightstand.

She's got far more experience with not being not being raped, robbed or attacked than OP has with existing. She must be pretty damn good at it, not only managing for so long where OP apparently couldn't take three steps unarmed without being relieved of his safety, wallet and anal virginity but also somehow keeping him from such fates for the better part of two decades (if not more) before he realised that he had to have a gun to protect himself.

She's commie femenist trash but at least she's no nigger lover. Keep projecting and giving us free housing in your head, sweaty.
Why do mods allow nogunz subscribers to derail threads by trying to start fights?

Hello JIDF, since you have nothing better to do, mind checking I bet there are at least 6 new attacks on strangers.
They do it all the time rabbi, its not racist to acknowledge the truth.

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Damn son you sound asspained, its alright my dude you should be happy your mom is getting pleasure from someone maybe Jamal and Tyrone will go shooting with you bro showing you the ropes and love that your real dad could never give.

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Show her the near infinite amounts of black on white crime videos that exist on the internet

Rape her with a mask, she'll be more receptive to the idea after

>Muh "Nuh... No you're angry so let me write a big paragraph about how angry you are!"

That comment sounded like it hit too close to home, are you angry snowflake fag? For a second there, I though it was a coincidence that you were always talking about interracial porn, now I realized that you probably unironically bop your weasel to that shit and you're a shit eating cuckold.

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>he literally got mad enough to open up MS paint and copy the post number

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Nice senpai you have a good one :^)

Wine and dine your mom. Then when she's a little drunk, confess to her how beautiful you think she is. Get all touchy feely with her, then take her to her bed to lay down. Take her cloths off and lay down with her. Then fondle her tits and make with her. Then proceed to make sweet love to her.

Ohh wait... wrong mom advice. Sorry

>Hah, you're the angry one
>He says on the board he only visits to get the attention his non existant friends never gives him

I derail threads here all the time with porn and memes but for fun, what your doing is sad and insecure.

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There are hundreds of thousands of videos of niggers sucker punching random people (Elderly, women, children, ETC)
Also, I bet the big MMA nigger who's cock you'd pay to suck could get beaten up by a pack of urban youths sucker punching him from all angles in large numbers.

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Yet white people are the majority of school shooters baka

I don't know if he's bait, projecting, or a literal cuck porn enthusiast but he's got the scent of summerfag.

You can’t judge people based off cherry picked videos from the internet. Statistically speaking you’re more likely to be attacked by someone of your own race then not. Take your bigoted shit to Jow Forums, and feel free to stop posting anytime.

Compare how many school shootings there have been the the year than knockout games to the past day. Spoiler alert, there are over thrice fold sucker punches then there are school shootings but one of the two gets more attention...

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There are a lot more black on white attacks than vise verse, changing the subject doesn't change that it happens more often.

Chimpouts and massacares don't even come close to comparison but there are a way more chimpouts than you could comprehend.

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You can when they're white. You see all the outrage when a "poor unarmed black man" who's usually a piece of shit gangbanger that didn't get shot for nothing, gets a mag dumped in him because he attacked an officer/resisted arrest

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Let her get raped a few times and she will come around

im gonna be real with you chief my grandmother was the same way you describe your mom even to the extent of being a teacher the only way she'll change her tune is if she gets mugged then she'll become the most pro gun person you've ever met

that's because whites are the only ones who actually go to school

>make her get raped a few times and she will come around


>go to school
To learn.
Nigs go there for free lunch

Dude, some people have such ingrained biases against things that even traumatic events wouldn't change their minds.

Reminds me of the professor who watched his wife and daughter get raped and then die in a fire started by their rapist.

>Reminds me of the professor who watched his wife and daughter get raped and then die in a fire started by their rapist.
Was he swedish and was it an immigrant?

Get a couple Jamal's to rape her love tunnel. She will either wise up or kill herself.

Either way works.

Argument that usually works for women is the time a rape lasts and the comparison of the time she need to pull up the phone and dial, unlock it, dial 911, or just pulling the gun out of wherever and shooting.
Also the argument that cops are over there but not to protect regular citizens work as well, and the time it takes for them to answer a call.