AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group

Friday Night Fright Edition


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Posting ARs

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This is Colt right?

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>stamped 'C'
>staked like a goddamn vampire

looks like it to me.

>Also when are you going to post receipts or even just screens of your order confirmations for the 11,000 rounds of pistol ammunition you shot last year?
Maybe of you weren't a concussed waterhead, you'd realize I'm not ThatGuy.

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staking is the one thing colt is good at, fuck trying to swap their receiver extensions

don't reply to jews

Budget PSA build: non-anodized boogaloo coming through

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please don't post that garbage here again

Posting ARs

Any intentions to put a finish on that?

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Lmao my gf drew that for me
not anytime soon, I’m a poorfag college student so I bought a box of 6 non-anodized aluminum lowers for $100 at a gun show and never got around to getting em anodized

what are you, a teenage girl? clean your goddamn room, you fucking slob.

> i bought 6 lowers for $100 instead of 1 lower for $40
>i'm a poorfag college student

You're going to be poor for the rest of your life if you keep making stupid financial decisions

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watch your language, this is a christian general

>i can escape Juden Peterstein filters if I add swears into the middle of his favorite catchphrase

nice ash glass

he's had the glass before ash, thus nullifying the ashness

lmao youre all still here?

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I’m from commiefornia and I bought em when the state was about to close the (((loophole))) where you could build an AR off the books legally without having to registry it

you are about to join them again

boy it sure doesn't seem like that college education is helping you develop any critical thinking skills

>hey son did you build that unmarked, unregistered, untraceable rifle before 2015?

how do you think they're going to prove that you didn't, unless you admit to it?

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Anyone know if the triarc ronin bcg is better than the bcm bcg that comes in their uppers?

just get a cryptic if you're going to spend that kind of money on a meme carrier


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For the life of me I can't figure out how to add more rails to this meme. Its not m lok or keyhole. Anyone got any ideas for this meme?

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Well, my first tip is to get out of Australia, they're not very gun friendly. Then you'll have a larger market of options to choose from.

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All I got is holes in the 3, 6, and 9. I haven't found any risers that I can screw in. I have tried google to find them and no luck.

What if I told you i was not there and still couldn't find options?

Guys I think I have a problem
Went to the shop to just buy a little bit of ammo for the range Sunday.

Suddenly i walked out with 200 9mm and a 360 tuna can of .308 to hold me off until i bulk purchase some cheap brass ammo, and like 4 boxes of brass soft points for sighting in my scope first.

And of course some targets and a new sandbag rest.

I went in looking to spend $100.........

sounds like an average trip to the gunstore desu

you never buy ammo from the gunstore, thats a mistake... thats like buying guns from a gunshow. unless you're in a commie state, you should be able to get gud deals with local sales.

Hopefully my ar308 handles it well or its going on gun broker, so far has fed flawlessly through 250rnds, and it's brand new. (From a local custom shop, they milled their own upper/lower IIRC)

its basically to hold me over until i can score a good bulk deal online.

Im just going to throw this in the trash and just buy a new handguard. I cant find risers or anything for this fail.

You bought enough ammo for one trip to the range. Whats the big deal?

Should I buy this?

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why not? and dont tell me holosun is better cause I don't buy chinnese shit.


not at that price

I'm going to be an advocate of the twistmount. It doesn't weigh down your gun when not using it, and you either 1. are being shot at and need to get to cover, or 2. are in cover and can attach it at a leisurely pace. It's easier to remove than add, and can be dropped in a pocket.

Buying off-brand is usually against the grain here, but this random user recommends just getting an off-brand twistmount off Ebay, loctiting the screw so it doesn't move (even blue will keep it in place as long as you want it to), buying an appropriate height spacer for your optic, then buy the glass based on your budget. Instead of $500+, you spend $80-$250 depending on magnification and quality of glass. Unlike the optic itself, the magnifier is less bound by extreme durability requirements.


the eotech has parallax issues
the magnifier partially obscures your view at 1x
the magnifier isn't as good as dedicated glass
the eotech doesn't have a good bdc
4 hour battery life
The whole assembly is heavy

ar is erect in the right position.

I would pay 10 shekels to see her naked.

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a daily reminder that an EXPS3-2 with a magnifier is better than an Acog with an RMR and both are better than $2,000 Kahles LPVOs

nice pistol

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Hello fellow black stock band

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Back with my 3rd pin again, I'll be nicer this time

Anyone other non-Americans with full funs?

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I need to build a pistol. I think Ill do a MARS lower and a HK416 upper with a lpvo.

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WGWS, tell me about building a 308 AR.
I know you have learned important stuff making the anime dmr.

Doing a MARS stripped lower build now, looking forward to having an ambi

but you seriously should just consider the BCM BFH CHF ELW Lightweight 14.5" MCMR upper
Most people on here are retarded and don't actually shoot, don't actually do shooting other than bench shooting so can't appreciate a nicely handling rifle, or they're cloners and are too preoccupied with cloning to go modern profiles.
The ELW is not a pencil profile. I've been explaining that for years now. Gunner isn't pencil, Hanson isn't pencil, DD Lightweight and Spikes Lightweight are all not pencil. The irony is that the barrel thiccness by the chamber of a Hanson, Gunner, ELW or DD/Spikes LW is actually thiccer than a Gov. Gov is retarded.
I’m impressed. mostly stayed away because of heat and shifting but saw no difference between my gov profile and ELW, most of the people here said to stay away from pencil barrels but I don’t see the ELW as a full blown pencil barrel the chamber end is thicc for dealing with heat and corrosion, I’ll see what my LGS has around for the sbr, still decided on a free float or fsb upper more than likely a free float though.
I know BCM states that an ELW barrel performs equally to a gov profile without the added weight but I’ve heard otherwise from different people, even with the Hanson BA barrels that tend to be a bit heavier than other which someone stated that that’s what BCM uses for their ELW barrels, since the Hanson and ELW are nearly identical(edited)
The groups opening up with medium contour barrels (the ELW is a medium contour, not a pencil profile), is a hugely overblown issue. That BCM barrel is likely sub 1 MOA when cold, and even when hot is still likely sub 2 MOA. Perfectly find for shooting man sized targets out the the limit of the terminal ballistics of 5.56 out of a 14.5" barrel. That being said, go with the ELW. The gun will point better, feel better, be nicer to carry, and just be more modern.


We have had a few posted here. Nice, but nothing all that special.

sba3 came in yesterday. Will finish my lower assembly when I get off work in the morning

>Juden Peterstein filters
Is there really a filter for those?

>4 hour battery life
Everything else is solid. This is flat out not true.

When aimpoint batteries last years

How's everybody's night going today?

7500 rounds of TULA wolf steel-case
~2 MOA
my worst nightmare is my wife selling my guns for what I told her I paid for them!

we'd all be doing a lot better if you'd kill yourself.

rude :^)

I finished this a2 clone today, gonna put a binary trigger in it later on. Are there any 3 position lowers that aren't spikes or machine guns? I want something that looks like right for this clone. Also ignore the SI charging handle, I just had it laying around and will get a correct black one later.
>pic related pls no bully

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Slowly working in my rifle. Got my BCM upper today in the mail with the pinned 14.5 inch barrel.

I love it. I just wish BCM didn't put their faggot logo on it.

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Man that PSA complete upper for 200 dollarydoo's is a steal but FUCK whoever put the god damn barrel nut on. stupid fucking piece of shit is like 100+ lbs of torque. using clam shell block, armorers wrench, a 2ft pipe on top of that, pb blaster, and a blow torch. MOTHERFUCKER WILL NOT COME OFF. I'm about to snap the fucking vise off the bench or crack the receiver the son of a bitch is on so tight.

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Are you turning it the right way?


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would a 8 inch handguard look weird on a 10.3 inch barrel

Which way is that, user?

it would look bad

Counter clockwise looking at it from the front end of the barrel.

what would look better? 9 inch barrel?

I want to get a camera for better AR pics. What should I get for cheap?

>gets a Gucci rifle
>doesnt get a Gucci camera
Not gonna make it senpai

Ammo and a range pass. Post groups with your cellphone potato.

Looking to build my first AR, going to be a 10.5 pistol.

I have all the parts picked out, except the upper, which I want to buy complete.

Trying to decide between a PSA or CBC, both are budget tier but PSA seems to be known for being generally decent, this is obviously a budget build.

What sights do y'all use when searching for 15 parts, uppers in particular?

I know of the basic sights like

But any recommendations would be appreciated. This general thread doesn't have a pastebin like the AK bois so I had to ask.

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Is that a new pasta?

Budget 10.5" upper? PSA is solid. Also check out Hardened Arms. I've had decent luck with them.

user is strange. He doesn't even post it in order or context.

Meh. Not great.

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build your own upper. Its not hard and you can customize what you want with quality parts. Also if youre a poorfag you can slowly build up over time

>Meh. Not great.
is that what yours is?
rail is urx 3 btw

Pictured is a 9" rail on an 11.5"
If I could go back in time I would have preferred a 9.5" or even 10" rail.

>URX 3
No fucking thanks.

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really needs a bronze colored trigger to complete it, it's too top heavy bronze

Can someone explain how DD got on the shit list?

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>first AR15

>"building" an AR
>just buying a prebuilt barrelled upper
Not building.

something something politics something
their ARs are still very good, it's just that they said "yeah we do like that gun control thing" and that's it

leaf here, am I gucci yet?

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>something something politics something
So you don't even know?

>G mount
No. Your higher end utility grade, but that shit aint gucci

What's /arg/ up to today?

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Yeah that's a pretty fly little rifle if I'm not memeing at you.
Can you take some better pics?

Ordering a lower today.
Aero m4e1

Shooting with some of fiancé’s family

shitposting from work is best posting
overtime is how i pay for this lifestyle
your rifle is a shitty clone of some tripfag's shitty clone

Either try less or try way harder but the amount of effort you're currently putting in is like a goldilocks shitposting equivalent of unfunniness.

>he works on Saturday
Super wagecuck status.

This is the one thing I don't like about their furniture.

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