Be American

>be American
>start to wonder if the libshits are right about a revolution of the civilians failing against the military
>after all, I'm just some skinny civilian who's never seen actual combat
>start to feel a bit bad about never serving
>then I remember all the stories and greentexts about military incompetence
>especially shit like Operation Redwings
>4 Navy Seals BTFO'd by only 8 goatfuckers, fucking hell
>start to feel much more confident in our chances
>even feel good about having never served

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nice blog post

Where do I subscribe? I like this blog.

Three words: inbred sand niggers

Well also, at least some, if not the majority of the military would be on the people's side, and refuse to fight, or join the people, only the most backward sociopaths would stay in the military, so mostly POGs.

>writing a random shit in hopes of some stranger’s attention
You have our attention, now will you proceed and continue slicing your wrist? ^^


same desu

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The goatfuckers had righteous purpose and the blessing of Allah (pbuh) behind them. You just have a big behind.

I would expect lots of military disobedience in the hypothetical civil war 2: oh shit it's happening edition.
People are more inclined to gun down foreigners than they are their own countrymen.
Also I doubt it will happen unless the people who wish for liberty kickstart the revolution. Those who are in control are doing just fine smothering it out and wouldn't risk *major* violence in the position they're in right now.

whoa really taking a stand my dude. but the real question here is, why are you telling this to a crowd of patch collecting larpers with tribalism complexes?

implying they don't already mass enlist the most braindead sociopaths in the whole country

If you die, who will pay the taxes(their paycheck)

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>If I call a professional experienced insurgent a "goatfucker" it makes me feel better about how weak I am

>>start to wonder if the libshits are right about a revolution of the civilians failing against the military


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>experienced insurgent

many of these have people lived and breathed war since they were ankle biters. experience is worth tons compared to training

>many of these have people lived and breathed war since they were ankle biters
So have the Somalians, doesn't matter when they're being taught wrong.

People tend to forget that revolutions and civil war's don't just *HAPPEN* The American Civil War happened when established power structures chose to secede. It wasn't a bunch of disgruntled farmers, who just up and decided unanimously, and all at once, to pick a fight with their own country. It was backed by industrial groups, and politicians who represented those states. Without some sort of unifying entity, no "revolution" or civil unrest or any other fuckery will EVER happen. Look at the threads that pop up here every so often. "What would it take for you to go crotch-boxing with Uncle Sam?" Most people differ on where exactly they draw the line. Everyone would wait for that "100th Monkey" to leap before they decided it was a viable cause worth upending their lives and livelihoods to support. Nobody wants to be on the losing side, and nobody wants to be the next Waco. You can take a way people's rights and folks will just hand them over. No force required, in most cases. And in this day and age of mass damn-near omnipresent surveillance, and sprawling government entities, it's doubtful any "grass-roots" resistance type leader would ever be allowed to emerge and last long enough to consolidate power. The millions of gun owners are stretched across a massive nation. It's not enough, and certainly not concentrated enough, to really gather the strength needed to do anything of any value.

Without a power structure, a flag so to speak, to rally to, nobody is ever going to pick a fight with their own government. Isn't. Gonna. Happen.

Da. Borris is always saying this. But Borris also reported me to supervisor Ivan Ivanovitch for saying Mercedes is more reliable than Lada. Two days I have in lada re-education class watching lada promotional video about lada the peoples car from Russia and its varieties of excellence in fuel economy before they let me go back to cubicle. Fuck you Borris. That is what I am saying. Anyway today my name is Dave and I am from, eh, Alabama. I am supposed to write about Americans having another civil war with also some race war and how much fun that would be with the dressing up as Rambo and the shooting the mother in law. But fuck that. If they will not fix toilet blocked since Sergey had that mackerel salad then I will not be bothering. Nonetheless Russia stronk and Putin is most grandmaster of chess pieces.
Whatabout Vietnam? The military aggression from Estonia is very great. NATO wants our swamps badly.

My sister Natasha is prostitute in London. This in truth depresses me.