Be me

>be me
>pushing 30
>worked ass off entire life
>now make enough to own house and disposable income
>one of city's head engineers, too
>meet qt
>finishing med school
>almost has her doctorate
>have the hots for her in a blink
>hit things off in no time
>take her out hiking at first
>then flowers to her and family
>dating and relationship swiftly follow
>relationship's pretty damn good
>goes a few years
>first anniversery, saved enough money to take her to japan
>subsequent anniverseries involve traveling
>confident this relationship'll last
>still, she can be distant and aloof
>has periods where she isn't talkative
>sometimes appears secretive with her phone, but couldn't tell enough to look into
>one day, g/f meets white guy my age
>doesn't even have his shit together
>local musician still living off mother
>college dropout
>roll eyes when firstmeet him
>g/f is weirdly nice to him
>she's normally shy and reserved, but distinctly open and warm when he's around
>she gets along with him faster than it took me
>kinda jealous, but didn't think a loser like him could compete
>put out of mind
>yet with time
>she's on her phone more than usual
>texting more
>calling people more
>kinda out of character for her
>want to go through her phone to investigate, but can't think of a way to approach
>has a weird kick in her heel, too
>grows more distant and cold
>doesn't seem as excited to see me
>talks less
>one day, confronts me
>says she's in love with white guy
>that she's happier with him
>and is leaving me
>brain 404s at the thought
>still not getting how anyone could choose him
>think she's joking
>soon enough she's gone
>just gone
>like that
>out of my life
>the devastation alone requires it's own thread
>check up on her after a while
>still with him, who still doesn't have shit together
>she has to pay for most things
>still apparently in love with him, for some reason

Is this how misogyny is born?

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Nice blog faggot.

Be thankful she is out of your life and that you didn't married the bitch. You still in good shape and you still got money so you can enjoy gun hobbies and if you feel adventurous you should go to anime conventions and find yourself an english shy weeaboo girl and just get yourself an easy gf then. Bonus points is if she is thicc

Negatory. Don't marry thicc, it turns to fat. Marry fit and it will turn to thicc.

Don't listen to him he is a skinwalker

tldr except for the first and last few lines. Chicks are fickle and tons of people have serious issues, especially with all of the fractured familial relationships, absent fathers, etc. I'll go out on a limb and guess this has something to do with whatever is going on with your chick.

I would not worry about what I am or am not, my facts remain the same. I have lived 1000 of your insignificant lives, I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

But are you white?

>false flagging to try to turn threads into "reee this go back to..."

I'm betting both of them are black.

>tfw white guy who has stolen more than one black girl over the years from brothers
>mfw one got so pissed off and called me a plantation owner when his girl was over at my house sucking my dick

But I'm successful like OP though, which makes me think that he might actually be Asian or Mexican, not black.

>op is city's head engineer
>making bank
>has three year relationship with med student
>pretty solid relationship
>she still leaves him for a white musician who still lives with his mother

Best I can sum it up.

Cry all you want, but OP invited the question by mentioning the other dude's race several times.

I got the impression of Asian as well.

The only concern is that I can't see an Asian woman leaving for a much less successful white guy, but I can see a black woman doing that because of "mixed babies" and "trading up", both of which I've been the recipient of (but they also got mad when I wouldn't give them mixed babies because I'm not fucking up my bloodline)

It wasn't even an undertone he made a point that the loser musician was in fact white. Very solid bait thread.

Now you realize why contraception and the idea of women having financial independence just so they can make shitty decisions is what will ruin the West

>durr stop crying
Christ, just call me an incel since it's the current popular phrase to use to try to belittle the other post(er). There was absolutely no reason for it to matter what the OP is outside to start shit, and you can already assume he isn't white (if he's legit) since he mentioned what the other guy is.

Same. As soon as the first few lines were giving off a resume I got the Asian I-deserve-by-default-oh-and-also-fucking-white-guys. Common with Indians too (I say as one lol).

Where the guns @?

Literally what does your blog post have to do with Jow Forums

I think the op was baiting by bringing up the dudes being white more than once. It was irrelevant to his blog post other than to incite speculation to his race and start shit flinging. Intricate bait.

Unless you want to escalate the situation to a full on vendetta scenario, and you're wondering which caliber's most appropriate for this use, what is this thread doing on Jow Forums?

You could have tried at least, and make something like a morale checkin thread so everybody could unwind, but you thought you were special enough in your suffering to deserve your own thread.

That's why she left you. You took her for granted, because you're a big ego faggot. People aren't worth their income, and you're a perfect exemple of that.

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God damn user.

>>has periods

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desu this, the entire post is all about how great he is.

dude youre a chode, shes into the dte guy. hes prolly got a huge chode himself, and right now while youre crying to some fuckin nerds on an anime board, hes fucking the brains out of your girl.

now go be a man and fuck off.

Like the above post says you sound full of yourself stop thinking you deserve pussy just because you work hard and expect a women to put up with your shit just because you have money

This may be hard to drill into your skull but even if you have status you will not win a woman’s heart by existing you have to put in effort

>you will not win a woman’s heart by existing
Actually you can, if you inherently have a stellar personality and character for people to be drawn to.

Obviously, not everyone qualifies (not at all like OP for sure).

Yeah but that character won’t shine as much if all you do is work

Women need a bread winner
Women get interested by status
You won’t hold that interest with status alone

That basically implies their character/personality isn't all that stellar, work or not.

>work your ass off for all your life because you believe it is the only single way to have enough good boy points to get pussy.

No shit Sherlock the vast majority of men are this way. Look at incels they’re just honest about the situation the only difference between them and older men is that they refuse to work for pussy and all of that while having no personality to start with

so are you going to shoot him? because if not then your thread is off-topic.

I suggest shooting him though.