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Other urls found in this thread:

>user mechanic takes plane from Seattle airport
>user mechanic flys over mountains, watches the sunset and chats with air traffic control about various pol related topics
>user then mentions that he wants to do a barrel roll
>airtrafficcontrolshitspants.jpg "uhh that's not a good idea"
>user fucking does it and makes it with a few feet to spare
>anons plane runs out of fuel and user is down in a cloud of smoke.

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Rip in peace

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is this real


Godspeed, you absolute madman.

>“We have multiple 911 calls, over 30, reporting a fireball. Witnesses said and Alaska Airlines plane is going down. We have police boats, we have everybody responding, we’re trying to contact the military. We are sending resources and people. Hopefully it is just a stolen plane with one pilot and no passengers.”
did they shoot this guy down?

no you dip lmao

not an argument, statement, or testimony. keep losing

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at first I thought it was funny but listening to the guy made me sad
It was like listening to a make-a-wish list
things that the dude wanted to do and experience before biting it

imagine being this retarded. Can't wait until all the puppy mutts go back to school. Also you are correct in saying it is not an argument, it is a fact

facts are based on evidence. stay lost

Probably ECM'd it into the ground to be quiet about it.

Guy was nuts and that's a big enough plane to fuck some shit up in a small town like Seattle.

>random ass mechanic "steals plane" somehow
>random ass mechanic knows how to take off
>random ass mechanic knows how to fly it
>random ass 29 gear old mechanic can do areial maneuvers in that plane better than most pilots
>F-15s scrambled
>middle streak
>military: it was suicide guise we swear
Yeah, nothing fishy about any of this.

Fly high lesbian seagull

There's a video where the Q400 and F15 are both visible and the Q400 is 'mirroring' the F15s movements. Obvious ECM is obvious.

ya he talks about screw loose, being light headed, refusing to land, low on fuel, then he's down

Making those manouvers isnt that hard, he was just lucky he had the altitude tho.

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was this some sort of self-contained drone module test? like can this plane be electronically controlled?

>>random ass mechanic "steals plane" somehow
>>random ass mechanic knows how to take off
Yeah, why would an aircraft mechanic have access to a plane and some knowledge of how it works?

>>random ass 29 gear old mechanic can do areial maneuvers in that plane better than most pilots
The burning crater begs to differ.

So he was murdered

>The man was a ground service agent, a job that includes directing aircraft for takeoff and gate approach, and de-icing planes, authorities said

Theres more than an hour of ATC communications between rich, the tower and the f-15 pilot.

>TFW the first episode of the loan gunman now have confirmed 2 consipicies before they even happened.


Yes because the F-15C clearly has ECM modules capable of hi-jacking another aricraft. How fucking dumb are you?

Because an entire generation didn't grow up on flight sims. Guy knows how to read a manual. Can easily look up Vr while doing routine work. Protip: flying is easy, it's the law that makes it hard.

>Killing a plane hijacker preventing him from 9/11ing some place is 'murder'.

Taking off is not easy if you are not intametly familiar with a specific planes systems, and taking off with coastal winds? As a rookie with no flight time? Bull shit.

>Light headed
>Low on fuel
He probably just crashed

>killing someone preemptively who has shown now sign of doing anything violent
Yes, yes that is defined as murder.

So If I stole your car you wouldnt try to prevent me? Cool!

>38831501 (OP) #
Rip in peace more like Rich at peace haha......


Best kill all gun owners before they can shoot up a school I suppose.
Nice leftist logic you got there, thought crimes and precog bullshit.

So any hijacker who just shuts up on radio is free to do whatever the fuck he wants now?

>the lone gunman
I'm surprised anyone remembers that show.

You're a fucking retard. It makes me sick that I have to exist on this fucking planet at the same time as you, you paranoid motherfucker.

>someone steals your car
>you blow up the car
>not murder
Try harder

They called 9/11 9 months early

my GF's dad was an airline mechanic but also had his private pilot's license and was working towards his commercial. Guy could have been going through pilot training or had his private cert.

It's been a little bit since I've been on Jow Forums, but when did blue-pilled leftist teen scum take over?

If you stole anything from me I’d shoot you, don’t see how this is different.

That isn’t leftist logic at all you brain dead retard, there’s a clear difference between gun collectors and a fucking hijacker in a fighter jet.

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>fighter jet
You mean a low and slow turboprop passenger plane?

You will 100% go to jail for murder then. Which is good, we don't need psychotic shit heads like you running around.

than leave. there's a line where complacency becomes complicity

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Whatever, my reasoning still stands. Moron.

>not presenting any immediate threat to anyone
>flying over the ocean

No I won’t because I live in a state that allows me to shoot people that rob me. Cuck.

Shill harder faggot.

Yeah I’d say it was, he was a hijacker. Maybe he shouldn’t have hijacked a plane, can’t get away from everything in life without consequences kid.

Today on Jow Forums.
People don't know what ECM is!

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ya but the military cant shoot you down and then say you "crashed" I would say that would betray the public trust but what is a public when its bootlicking goyim?

>You think Alaska would give me a job as a pilot if a pull this off?
>I think they'd give you a job as anything if you pulled it off.
>Nahhhh I'm a white guy.

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>Got tired of it
>Decides to borrow a plane to live just one more time
>Flys twin engine turbo-prop around Puget sound through the fiery skies of sunset
>Sees the sun descend over Olympia National Park
>Does a an actual barrel roll, recovering just above the deck and climbing back out
>Finally runs out of fuel, accepts his fate, and plants his stricken bird into an island, far from people as to not hurt anyone.

People come and go, but legends live forever. Soar forever under might wings. Died as many wish to live

RIP You absolute madman

>A thread of F turns into shit flinging fest between trolls
Fucking newfags.

>written by a literal child and sociopath
You literally don't know what the legal use of force is.

t. Leftist highschooler

>mfw most ECM is just Radar jamming

I have no face it was jammed by the overpowering ECM the USAF has access to.

Kill anyone who steals a car. Even if they're a mechanic at a garage.

I just want to know if this guy was shot down or not. the 1st gives us the not only the freedom of speech but also the freedom of press. if im wrong im wrong, if im right im right. I truly give no fucks. but Im entitled to the truth wether I can handle it or not. what say you? or are you here to meme like a child?

I have seen absolutely nothing that would make me think they shot him down.
All the facts point to him intentionally crashing into an unihabitted island as he ran low on fuel.

You act like military personal don't lie.

Silence civilian.
He clearly comitted suicide, do not question the government.

t. thief

if they’re stealing then sure

When did Jow Forums defend thieves? Sure is dark around here.

They took control of his ECM and forced the crash.

Not only is that theory unsubstantiated, its ridiculous

Thieves should go to jail.
No where in the U.S. can you kill someone for theft and not get 20 to life for murder.
Maybe once you're an adult you will figure that out.

The evidence we have right now says he crashed the plane on his own.


Should’ve flown into a mosque.

I see it differently. he's mentally and physically compromised, he's running out of juice and fast, and he refuses to land. he could put that bird down on a school and not know the difference.

Maybe once you stop defending thieves you’ll grow up yourself, darkie.

I think you mean the F15 is mirroring the Q400s movements. Because, you know, thats kind of what you do when you intercept someone.

>they took control of his ECM and forced a crash you guys
That's not how this works, friend.

>No where in the U.S. can you kill someone for theft
Just like the guy in Texas who shot the person who broke into his neighbours house, was running away from the scene. They didnt even detain him.

Was crashing with no survivors part of his plan?

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I cant tell if this is trolling or some kind of obscure meme

He explicitly told the he was going to put it nose down away from the population and seemed level headed enough up to his final recorded moment.
He was mentally fit enough to pull off multiple complex maneuvers anyway

Airliners arent RC planes you dipshits.

In some states someone brekaing into a domicile is different, and you can use deadly force.
Home invasion =/= theft 2

what the part when he says he wants to see the whales? or is there more audio? and do you have a link?

Listen to the ATC audio. He was very clearly suicidal and had already decided he wasn't coming out of the situation alive.

dumb frogposter

>hurr durr what is a fleeing felon law?

>This guy

>This guys joke

It went way over your head, before crashing on an uninhabited island in WA.

so is this a "car left the road" scenario? or suicide by cop?

Any retard could have done what he did once in the air. Flying is pretty easy if you're not trying to follow any rules and regulations. The hard part is getting an airplane and getting it off the ground, which is what an aircraft mechanic should perfectly capable of doing.

Retards like you should go out more. If safety wasn't a concern you could teach a 2nd grader to fly. Everything's digital these days.

>what is fleeing felon law
Nothing that warrants legal deadly force.
God damn summer needs to end

They're all 15 year olds, cut them some slack.

He joyrode a plane around some mountains and did a few barrel rolls before watching the sunset and letting the plane dive into the ground.

It was just a regular suicide.

No. This is a "man pushed over the edge by the stress of an unnatural postmodern lifestyle decides to do something reckless and outrageous with his last few moments of life just to stick it to the artificial social order before bowing out of this hell we call life in a spectacular fireball" situation.

If they're breaking into your home, sure. This was not his house the person was breaking into, he knew the neighbour was not home, the thief was running off when the guy shot him in the back.

Did he at any point banepost?

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.