Is there a reason I shouldnt go with a beretta 92fs over a glock?

Is there a reason I shouldnt go with a beretta 92fs over a glock?

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>range gun
>bedside gun
If weapon lights are important then get the 92a1
Get the 19

>a glock
Yes, glock has a 10mm variant, 92 doesnt.
That said, 9mm is fine and from a 92, super soft shooting. The 92 is also really nice as a duty gun, but theyre atrocious for carry (atleast concealed). For a bedside gun, neither is better if both are 9mm, but if you get a 10mm glovk, performance will be better. For 9, get the cheaper one neither is bad, im pa
Rtial tp the 92 tho as i find it easier to stay on target bc the weight

You really think 10mm is the only way to go?

Basically no.
Grip angle
metal frame
safe action isn't
stylin and profilin

Commence arguments

get both, they are both fun to use and good tools that will get the job done. glock is a billion times better though.

No, but i have little issue with the recoil, or cost, so i prefer it to 9. 9 has uses but is ballistically inferior

Weight and thickness, that's about it.

Everything else about the 92 is wildly superior to a Glock.

Like what?

>in the year of our lord 2018

Trigger, recoil, shooting in general.

This. If you have no problem with open carrying, wear the 92. If you want to hide your power level, get a Browning HiPower and tuck it in your pants. Under no condition should you be purchasing a Glock.

92 is not a toy. Glocks are for estrogen-rich boys.

Attached: riggs92.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Both are fine pistols. Personally I'd pick the Beretta because I have a thing for DA hammer fired steel framed pistols. A Glock depending on model will be easier to CC tho

>Is there a reason I shouldnt go with a beretta 92fs over a glock?
No, not really. Both work just fine It's ultimately more about personal choice. But I'd also point out that Beretta doesn't have a history of exploding due to a design flaw in their chamber.

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>design flaw in their chamber.
user, do you know what a fully supported chamber is? Because most guns don't have them. The 92fs has nearly identical chamber support to a glock.

In fact, in US military testing 14 Berettas blew their slides apart, injuring four different shooters.

Too many safety features on the berreta.
Plus Glocks are the Jeeps of the handgun world.
You can get a SHIT TON of aftermarket parts to customize your own weapon.

>the Jeeps of the handgun world
Thanks, I just figured out why I don't like glocks

>literally one safety feature is too complicated for the glocktard

So they're so unreliable that you have to replace almost everything to get a decent shooter?

They're more like the Honda civic. Robust, reliable, but unexciting out of the box. But you can turn it into a godawful abomination with tacky bullshit.

Ignore them.
They do not know what they do.

Glocks are cheaper, but have more aftermarket parts.
Berettas have aesthetics and are more pricey, but you should fire one before you buy.

Good luck OP.

everything on a glock is adequate out of the box
however people dont want only adequate so they "upgrade"

if you cant shoot a bone stock glock you cant shoot

strikers are an 80's fad loser, get a good pistol.

Manual safeties are acceptable in only one case, and that's a hammer fired single action. Strikers shouldn't have any form of manual safety and DA/SA guns should have decockers ONLY unless the lever serves both purposes (HK).

That said, a G Beretta is fine.

What's a good way to carry a beretta more discreetly but comfortably for a get home bag tyoe situation. Shoulder holster

>Strikers shouldn't have any form of manual safety
Fuck off, m8.

Attached: HK P7 Pistol.jpg (1218x1609, 333K)

Shoulder holster?*

Forgot question mark

They shouldn't, and HK realized this. There's a reason the VP9, the best striker fired handgun ever made, doesn't have one.

>Beretta 92
>Steel frame

I don't know where you came from, but you need to lurk moar.

Get both. My 92fs and my G17 and G26 are all great guns. Don't listen to memes of the fanboys of any manufacturer. Glock and Beretta are high quality firearms manufacturers. Try both out to see for yourself.

I've been on and off this oars since 09

>striker fire
>not single action only
>in 2018

A SEAL lost a bunch of teeth in one instance iirc.

this but unironically

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A 92 is a completely different animal to a Glock.
It's alloy framed, which is heavier, which makes it a bit softer shooting.
It's also DA/SA with a safety decocker. This means you can't carry it safely on but cocked and locked (although you can do that with a Taurus PT92 because of the frame mounted safety). You are supposed to decock and carry as a DA with a longer, heavier initial DA pull followed by lighter SA pulls.

This transition makes it difficult to shoot the gun well. Either you'll be throwing the first shot or all of the subsequent ones. For this reason (and officers fumbling with the safety) many departments that used the 92 or 96 opted for the D model (double action only). It's also a big reason why striker fired pistols and Glock in particular took over. No safety to fuck up and a crisp, predictable SA pull from the first shot to the last.

Also the Glock 19 is a compact frame, making it much easier to conceal. The Beretta 92 equivalent would be the Centurion model which I'm not sure is still in production. In any case being metal framed any 92 variant will be heavier than a Glock.

So yes there are multiple reasons why the Glock is better. If you have shot both and just really like the Beretta, you're in good company. It's a very pleasant gun to shoot and definitely still viable as a range/defese gun. CC however, not unless you're really dedicated.


So you can carry the beretta 92fs with it chambered and hammer cocked back with the safety on or did I misunderstand?

Difference between 92FS and M9? I want one but have no use for rails so I don't want M9A3 or M9A1 but the M9 looks just right

One is made in the US (M9), the other in Italy (92FS).

It was due to shitty metallurgy so unless somehow OP you happen upon one of the two dozen or so 92 that were used to test the gun for adoption in the US military disregard this fuddlore bullshit, and if you do get one sell that shit because it is probably worth a lot of money and hot as a fuck.

>This transition makes it difficult to shoot the gun well. Either you'll be throwing the first shot or all of the subsequent ones
[Citation needed]

Not sure about the early frame safety models but the later slide mounted safety models (i.e. nearly any 92 you are going to track down without looking really really hard) no you cannot carry hammer back safety on like a 1911, the safety acts as a decocker.

>two different trigger pull weights don't affect my accuracy at all!!!
just shutup. wumb is useful and correct. you are nothing.

>glock is a billion times better though
OP wants a handgun, not a hand grenade.

DA/SA isn't that bad but people who suck at/are inexperience with guns have issues with consistency on it. Despite media myths most cops aren't really big into guns and, if what I have read on cop forums and around is true, most of them shoot the bare minimum to qual and don't really practice with their guns outside of that.
Also the DA trigger pull on the 92 is probably the worst single thing about the gun. I seriously would not want to use it at anything but point blank range it is really that bad.

The biggest issue for an average shooter with DA/SA isn't dealing with two trigger modes.

The biggest issue is dealing with two trigger modes shooting one-handed on your weak side, because it's lunacy until you get used to it and straight up, the average American shooter isn't dryfiring much to address weak-side shooting anyway.

It is MUCH easier to pick up a striker gun and immediately begin learning to shoot with both hands. This is coming from someone who owns both, subjectively likes Berettas more, and primarily shoots/carries Glocks.

>The cocking lever is not a safety. The P7 needs no external safety.
Homie did you even read the image?

Splitting hairs.

It performs all the functions of a safety, without being one.

I like how you think, guy

>The 92 equivalent would be the centurion model
Wow you don't know Jack about 92s, they came back out with the compacts years ago in stainless with rails, and came back out with the black ones less than 5 years ago.
Google Beretta 92 compact right now.

Biggest differences: M9 has straight dust cover, 92 has slanted. M9 has dot over dot "snowman" sights, 92 has 3 dot sights.

The M9 is a frozen in time version of the 92FS from 1985 when the military adopted it.

I'd wager that 95% of Glock owners don't put any more add ons to their gun than what the rest of the manufacturers have available (sights, trigger, grips, flashlights/lasers, etc)
>But muy variety of brands
There is some very nice add ons out there but half of the Glock aftermarket is cheap junk

The VP9 is not the best and stop trying to validate your purchase as being "the best"

Just get the glock for practicality and versatility and get the 92 when you wanna larp as a 90s cop

Why not get both? That's what I did

those were fucking early 92's

Acts as a decocker and blocks the firing pin from the hammer completely.

FS can also be made in the USA. One of the few guns where made in USA or made in Origin country doesn’t really change quality.

dont do it
>its heavier if you're ever going to carry it in a holster
>generally cannot change the iron sights as they're milled into the slide on most 92s afaik
>slide safeties are genuine cancer
>some people have issues racking the slide because there's a short amount of space to grab between the barrel and the safety, but also you're really meant to use the slide stop as a release when larping reloads on the 92

do it
>single action trigger is bretty good

get a glock. If you wanted a 92fs, you would know why.
t. own both

This is the ideal handgun, you estrogen filled polymer fags may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

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If you put the work into it, the 92 is a very accurate and well shooting gun. It holds all the current Camp Perry records for a reason.

The Glock however is easier to carry safely and has a well earned reputation for reliability even with some quirks.

tldr; You need to decide on the trade off between simpler manual of arms or higher accuracy potential.

This is now a DA/SA master race thread stryker fags need not post

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>In fact, in US military testing 14 Berettas blew their slides apart, injuring four different shooters.

Using ammunition that was somewhere between +P+ and proof loads.

>not installing a 92G decocker only kit from Beretta

Hello my brothers

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This happened decades ago and Beretta quickly fixed any flaw in their design to deliver the perfect handgun


Srsly, OP, both are great handguns for different reasons. I would recommend a Glock 19(with sights other than standard) for carry and an M9A1 with a light for bedside.
>Laughing at all the tribal faggot fanboys who somehow manage to hate either one of these iconic and hilariously successful sidearms.
You guys make me laugh the same way that AK vs AR twats do. I wanted to judge both platforms firsthand. So I bought them both because I’m not poor and the conclusion I reached is that they’re both pretty rad. Stay mad, fanbois.
>anyone still peddling the “glocknade” meme in the year of our lord 2000+18 should probably invest in a time machine back to 2007 when this was relevant.

Get a PX4 compact carry


Not really. Ignore the autistic screeching of the Glock fanboys. Both guns are proven and reliable. It basically boils down to personal preference. The Glock is lighter, has no external safety, and the trigger system is completely different being striker fired. The Beretta has less felt recoil, an external safety, a DA/SA trigger, and is generally more accurate. If you go with the Beretta I’d recommend the newer 92A1 or M9A3 so you can attach a light and swap out sights easily.

The 92A1 is some sex, I tell you h’wut.
I think the A3 may be a little too operator for OP’s needs.

You know, thinking about it, wasn't there a single stack Beretta used by Italy in World War Two? It was kinda small, 8 shots IIRC.
Maybe it was another gun, but I swear it was a smaller Beretta.

Having shot a glock and a 92 side by side, the 92 handles a hell of a lot better.

And its just me, but I like having a manual safety, and I'm not a fan of trigger safeties

It wasn't a flaw in the gun, it was a flaw in the ammunition.

Neat, I wasn't sure if they still made something like that. The market for compact 92s is probably not very big given all of the alternatives currently available.

If you like the Glock you should go with the Glock. If you like the Beretta go with the Beretta. It's that easy and you can't go wrong with either option for a full size handgun.
They're both in that sweet spot where value intersects with price.

Now if you're considering concealed carry handgun options that's another discussion entirely. Glock probably wins there but once you start including the CZ compacts and the RAMI the debate begins anew.

It's really not just you. Plenty of people don't feel comfortable with just a trigger safety. It's actually a big reason why people buy XDs, you still draw and shoot like a Glock but there's something besides just the trigger safety (specifically, a grip safety) to prevent you from putting a bullet into your own kneecap.

Not having a safety is not a huge problem as long as you train with it in mind, especially re-holstering. That said, if it gives the end user some extra piece of mind, is unobstructive and the user doesn't fumble with it then the safety can be a good thing too. Piece of mind is half the reason people buy guns after all.

>dot over dot "snowman" sights
What is this? I googled it but it just looks like regular sights I don't get it.

we meet again

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beretta 92 is garbage. Its heavy, bulky, and made for idiots.
I guess the question is, are you an idiot?

Aftermarket barrel blows apart

> it's Glock that's faulty!

I had an mk23 for a while. That's a real man's gun

Is this yours?

Yes, the M1934 / M34. Or so google tells me.

Do you enjoy your job as a Bass Pro clerk who thinks they're a gunsmith?

strongly planning on shelling out for an m9a3 because of the straight grip and the dovetailed front sight as my first beretta

is this a bad idea

why bother with either when the superior gun exists?

Attached: m9ayyyyy3.jpg (3024x4032, 1.75M)

Yall got some neat shooters

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I just looked it up as well. I was going to suggest it might be an ok carry gun, but then I saw it was in .380 and not 9mm. Granted, the carry suggestion was going to be a stretch anyways with a single stack 9mm, but single stack .380?
I find it interesting that they only stopped making it in 1991 though.