Rookie mistakes thread

People inexperienced with weapons who think they're Rambo

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Bullpup 2.0.

Reminds me of the OICW

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I'd go shooting with Bob Marley if I could. Shame he was a moron.

god the third guy doesnt even have shoes on

god that iba, dude didnt even realize the neck guard fucking attaches.

>waering a molle vest with nothing attached
>being fat
>duel weilding
>private security
>all black
>shaved head
>pistol carbine
>leather jacket
>thigh holster
all of my hate

He's barefoot everywhere he goes so no one can hear his footsteps.

Dude on the left is literally crankenstein

Who wins?

hay look Jow Forums did a meet up.

>Jow Forums

The screw on her holster broke and the gun spun around before she realised it a second later. We can only fault her for choosing a bad holster...or befriending someone with a penchant for sabotage.

>People inexperienced with weapons who think they're Rambo
So... I'd say... 80% of Jow Forums?


how do you know thats not how her bf police buddy likes her to carry his gun? easy access from doggy style

I'm glad to be one of the 20% that is literally rambo.

Lmao made me spit my drink


Plot twist, these guys show up as well

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The first guy looks like an Oblivion NPC

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Armed and dangerless

the third dude looks like such a faggot
>buzz + dreadlocks
>fucked up body armor
>thinks he's katniss everdeen
>no shoes
>trying to mean mug, just makes me want to bully him

>Who wins?

The rest of America.

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Jow Forums

now that is highspeed low drag operator shit right there.

Did that kik take his dad now? Or was he just too cheap to buy real arrows for it? He's gonna hurt himself.

Is that fat dude duel wielding with a Glock and hi point?

Did that kid take his dad's bow*

We got fucking Solid Shanequa on the leftmost bottom. Fucking hell.

underrated comment

Not mine, but I was there.

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These all look like delusional homegirls softer than baby shit, except for the sister in camo with the cigar. That hard bitch has put bodies in the ground.

If nothing else, it sells the value of a proper war face.
She's got the face for 2-3 wars, easy.

Basedgolas doesnt even have one in the chamber. not gonna make it

>second from left
they shouldn't even make BDU's that big

my fucking sides weren't ready

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who says those aren't all males?

>t. 80% member


So all of Jow Forums?

>you will still never operate this hard

What is it with Jow Forums and identifying gender?

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Jow Forums
Where humans are gender neutral, but weapons are wifus

>leather trench coat*

I work private security and have to wear a polyester button up, fucking sucks.

That bulletproof Elven archer makes me giggle every damn time.

He’s a fairy

Fuck man this is a great thread.

Dumb, but I'll give credit where it's due. At least they have good trigger discipline.

at least this guy has killed 1 more person than the average Jow Forumsommando.

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Fuckin Hanzo gets me every time

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I'll give you a wound you wont believe, faggot.

>tfw r9k has a better kill count

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I think Dual Wield Dick had a stroke.

Is the first guy's sling wrapped around his neck? That can't be a comfortable way to carry.

This picture made me aids


>Tfw flat feet, so when running or walking quickly in barefoot, it sounds like someone vigorously slamming into a pussy

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are you guys scared of antifa?

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Those poor guns

>in an atempt to increase californian conservative values, maynard james keenan attempts to clone himself
>so far, both attempts were unsuccessful
Do you think they bothered to learn to swim?

whos the bigger amateur here, the cuck judicial system or the elected officials who undermine law and order?

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Tie it tight and hang em high.

>Buying the most expensive gun in the store - Destined to be a safe-queen with little use.
>Buying the cheapest/first cool looking gun in the store - Destined to to be a POS and a regret when you finally learn what you are doing.
>Spending more money on tacticool garbage than on ammo - Learn to shoot first then decide what you need or don't need.
>Adding a ton of unnecessary weight to a rifle - People who have never had to carry or shoot a gun think adding an M203 underbarrel is the ultimate upgrade, without realizing how much it will slow you down or fuck with your ability to shoot normally.
>Thinking newer automatically equals better - This is actually seldom true these days.
>Spending $240 on a trigger upgrade - Learn to shoot with a normal trigger first.
>Spending $1000 on an optic - Learn to use iron sights first, you will be better for it.

Hanging is too good "botched" lethal injection would be good. Paralyzing agent, fatal poison, and....whoops put the anaesthetic into the muscle instead of the vein. He'll die in extreme agony with no external symptoms.

>Stabs dude with wrong end of knife
Not that I don't think he should hang, but the dude was out of it, and this has litterally NOTHING to do with the topic of the thread.

Russian shills pls go...

"Hang em high" is a phrase for a botched hanging. Rather than letting the condemned drop and snap their neck, they are hoisted high into the air and left to dangle. Nooses arent actually very good at strangulation and the condemned would suffer for hours before dying.

>exposing canadian preferential treatment for murderous muslims is russian subversion

Protip: female bedbugs have no vagina. The male rips a gash in her back with his boner and just squirts his load in her guts.

It can be OK if you have zero neck injuries. It is totally not recommended as it can be the cause of your first.

>Stabs dude with wrong end of knife
>not a rookie mistake

>Maynard is conservative
Why would anyone think this about him?

Well, at the very least they did purchase useful guns. Though I don't see any extra magazines within easy reach. And the guy with the red jacket over an orange shirt will be easy to see in the woods; ditto for the dude with reflective strips on his pants for some damn reason.

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what rifle

>hates cali with a passion
>muh freedoms
Thats enough for me, user.

tfw work in private security and wear plates and uniform requirement is all black, but otherwise don't do any of the edgy shit
tfw work in ghetto, past 4 days of work we've had 2 murders
tfw average is like 0.5-1 murders/week
tfw 2 of my 3 partners have been shot in the past 2 months
tfw i'm probably in somebody's pictures re: being edgy private security

Walther G22, a bullpup .22 cutesy rifle

You sound fat.

that 30yr old boomer who packs 10 mags and 500 rds of ammo for a shtf but skimps out on socks

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This is advice i need thank you.

the 9k is their body count


Use chalk you dumb fucking niggers
Use thinner socks
Use proper size boots you imbeciles.

Once I got to my actual basic training company, buying foot powder was one of the first things they made us do. Teaching us how to take care of our feet and take care of our boots was like the second thing we did.
It’s literally day one bullshit.

Different user but I carried a light machine gun around my neck for a solid 5 days.
No injuries luckily


Christ shit like this brings back memories

Jesus dude. I carried my 13lb saiga on my left shoulder for 12 hours marching up and down a mountain and my shoulder was fucked for like a week.

id fuck the lady sitting in the chair

You were carrying it wrong

I wonder what wonderful fantasies were running through their heads before they arrived there?

I know that now but having a light machine gun slubg aroubd your neck for 5'd think would produce worse effects.