Can we have a gun shop escapades thread? Either from people that work at them or people that have shopped at them

Can we have a gun shop escapades thread? Either from people that work at them or people that have shopped at them.

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21 years prison sentence for killing a mutt commie

Euronymous was American?

Just eternally getting muzzle swept by boomer suburbanites obsessed with tacticool pistols.

>muzzle swept in a gun store

as much as i agree with you i was in one today and people do that shit all day, i dont think you can help retardation

t. jealous of our gun laws europpressed

but I'm also American

I expect it occasionally, but it's been rising in frequency and 9/10 it looks like Brian down the block just dropped his kid off at soccer practice and used the trip to hide a trip to the gun store from his wife.

No you're not

I was gonna take a picture of my wallet but I only have yen in it like the weeb I am
You win this round

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>retired cop NDs into the wall
>takes in his 1911 cause it’s “bin actin funnuh”
>closes slide on “unloaded” magazine
>pulls the trigger
>misses another customer by a mosquitos fart, cuts the customers hoodie close
>hits the wall
>cops show off, let the guy off because he used to be their boss or some shit
>check out the hole in the wall
>square center into a wall stud

Funny because a lot of countries other than the US accept USD. Nice try.

Ask me anything only an American would know

You really need to learn proper sentence structure. Then again, you do work as a sales rep in a gun shop. You know what? You keep doing you.

That's how I know you're not American. Only a non American would say that, because every American knows that every state has different culture. Get the fuck out of here foreigner.

And there are still things unique to all Americans despite different state cultures. I'm starting to think you're the europoor

Is it better to keep your CCW under one of your fat folds or in your mobility scooter basket?

Let me get this straight, you have a wallet full of yen, but no passport, ID, or any other form of identification that proves you are American. Especially not a gun.

You're a worthless nogunz NEET. It doesn't matter if you're American or European.

Which ethnicity makes up the majority of toll booth workers?

Newfag detected

>what is greentext
how new r u

>putting a ccw in a transparent basket
Fat folds it is

We don't have tollbooths in northern RI

Niggers. That’s not a question only Americans would know however

clearly he doesn't though.

Nice false flag, europpressed.

Lol you're a Yankee? Completely disregarded.

All I wanted to know was if Euronymous was American or not, since someone called him a mutt.

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He was sami, which is a mutt Asiatic people, kind of like the inuits.

>was Oystein Aarseth, the Norwegian black metal musician who was a pillar of the Norwegian black metal scene American?
gee user, what a brilliant question

He wasn't a Nordic, he was sami. A nigger who lives in Norway and speaks Norwegian isn't a norwegian.

Good to know, thanks