Anyone know what medal this is? Saw it on a vietnam vets hat today and wasnt able to ask him...

Anyone know what medal this is? Saw it on a vietnam vets hat today and wasnt able to ask him. Cant find it anywhere online.

Attached: Screenshot_20180811-194933.jpg (866x416, 96K)

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low effort B8
KYS yourself

Faggot tier bait
Neck yourself

It's a Boy Scouts Knifemanship Badge, dipshit.

Jesus christ, OP here. I genuinely didnt know. Why the fuck would he have a boy scout badge on his nam hat?

I don’t know the meme, but I was in Boy Scouts and there is no fucking knifemanship badge. Jow Forums enjoys assuming everyone is in on their gay little weaboo circlejerk here.

Since nobody here wants to be helpful to you, that is a combat action badge, the pog equivalent of a combat infantryman badge

Oh, yeah because i even looked it up under that context and still can't find it.

Fucking thank you user.

is exactly right. Got some more on it here

Attached: 350px-Combat_Action_Badge.svg.png (350x172, 41K)

usually people are just bitches when they don't know the answer, nice illustration op.

Thanks man, he was sitting really far away but i got to stare at it for a little while.

Except it isn't OP the Cabbage I mean Combat Action Badge, wasn't Awarded during Vietnam. It began to be during GWOT when all the fucking Pouges started crying like the bitches they are.

>a boomer wouldn't put unearned badges on his "recognize me" hat

I know it's a gwot thing bro I'm just saying that's clearly what's drawn here. 82nd 2BCT at fort bragg here and trust me I've seen plenty of retarded shit on those big veteran hats

Looks like that one did.
No worries lil'guy I was just pointing out it looked like the CAB and that wasn't given during Nam. I honestly wouldn't be surprised of a boomer rocking one and being all "fight me".

Attached: 1465846141852.jpg (768x768, 93K)

Totn chip is. But it didnt look like that circa 2005-10

> Raised to always respect my elders in all things
> Now all my elders act like retarded selfishly entitled manchildren

What the fucks a guy supposed to do

>What the fucks a guy supposed to do
Commence Boomercide Operations and erect statues in the their honor of what they could have been and done.

you sure you weren't raised by retarded selfishly entitled manchildren? respect those who deserve respect. it is earned.

>respect those who deserve respect. it is earned.

would you ever fuck off with this faggoty burger mumbling?

Attached: cFwufde[1].png (618x618, 90K)

how is this bait? bait is someone trying to start a argument/upset by playing dumb

It means they got a lot of thumbs. Hope you stay at least 21 feet away from him.

Attached: a lot of thumbs.png (1077x547, 33K)

Did it look just like this?

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 8K)

I'm not sure if I'd classify scouts, FOs, gun bunnies, or tankers as pogs. Infantry likes to think they're the only ones who do anything and then cry, break contact, call in CAS/arty, then go back to BAF and jerk themselves off over their musket wreath.

Oh yeah, our troop didn’t do that, everyone just had a whole day of shit on their first camp out. Still, not a knifemanship badge.

>56 thumbs
>believing that shit
Acid doesn't turn you into a berserker, quite the opposite in fact.

Knife Marksmanship Badge with Wreath, for superior marksmanship with a knife.

Agree. Total bullshit