Looking for an FN Fal. I'm in Europe? any nations in the Eu I could own it in?

looking for an FN Fal. I'm in Europe? any nations in the Eu I could own it in?

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Switzerland and Czechia


If semi-auto only, pretty sure you'd be able to own it in Belgium, Germany, Finland, possibly in Sweden, Norway, maaaybe Poland and Baltics. Switzerland you could get a select fire one, maybe in Czech Republic too.

Legal in Estonia when you push paperwork through

How's the government attitude towards guns since that EU shit? I'd imagine you'd take more of a Czech stand. It sounds like Poland is slowly easing their restrictions too.

I'm Irishman. the gun community is rather small but very adamant

I will add that you could own one in Spain if you found one that was converted to shoot .243 Winchester instead of 7.62x51. They have a ban on "military cartridges."

Spain is Spain. not choosing that shit nigga

Eh... it looks like you might have an uphill battle with that one, Mic. The FAL would fall under a restricted license, and owing to it's "scary, militaristic appearance" you would be at the mercy of your county superintendents office as to whether or not they would grant a certificate licensing you to own that gun, and that is after you get a license to own firearms for a sporting purpose (target shooting or hunting, no self defense) and show membership at a local club and training which they deem sufficient to permit you to own the rifle in the first place. i would start off with a .22lr just to get a feel for the process and figure out if your local super is a complete bellend. You might also meet some fellow citizens that own semi-auto guns and figure out what the process is like. If you can't get them to authorize the purchase of a FAL because it "looks to militaristic" try a Ruger Mini-14 instead. For some reason that one sneaks right by in a lot of countries that require LEO permission to own because it looks like a deer rifle.

I was just adding it to the list of countries where you could own such a gun, see my response here for more details. I really think your best bet is to contact a local shooting club and get started there.

taken into consideration.
really wish it was easier but hey it is what it is

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Sorry bud, knowing that good people have to jump through this many hoops to own their preferred method of defense makes my burger-clogged heart cry. I do think you owe it to yourself to pursue this further, don't let the government keep you from owning a gun by psychological discouragement alone. Also, it looks like you're going to need some character references but those could probably be some people at your local club. Again, start small with a .22lr or similar rimfire, make some friends at the club, and ask them about their experiences with the local Garda licensing the guns. Unfortunately, what I've read makes it look like a lot of your options could be at the whims of whatever jackboot is in charge of your county. The next town over might let you have a FAL, but your's might not.

Also, be sure to not refer to your gun as your preferred method of defense because "LOL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO OWN A GUN FOR SELF DEFENSE." Pretty shitty m8, sorry.

>European Union

check out my FN FAL. got it today. i'm in love.

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I also mentioned Norway, which isn't in the EU. But OP could easily go and live in those places if he's got right to work there.

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also i got his bhp today to go full herstal loadout.

O'm literally drowning in pussy right now, please send help

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Are you Belgian?

no, i'm a burger with good taste

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The land of mountains, Nazi gold and holed cheese is not cheap nor easy to migrate to, user

Otherwise I would have left this hellish oven that only is good economically and Gun wise known as Texas long ago

No, you aren’t supposed to own weapons like guns in Europe.

It is easy when you're a Euro. And it's a lot cheaper than Norway.

>tfw actually jealous of eurofags

>He thinks bubba shit is tasteful

There's nothing "bubba" in his picture, you weirdo.

nobody on Jow Forums has ever lifted off their fat ass and moved to another country just to buy guns

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Pistols with stocks are confirmed bubba. You’re just delusional.

>comes from the factory able to attach a stock

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You're a moron, I see...

It is much easier for euros to migrate around their nonexistent borders

I been trying, but just like Tinder at home, I can't get a match with qt wimmin elsewhere either ;_;

Thoroughly jelly

>brand new fal and hi power
>lives in a tree fort

livin the dream user

Switzerland doesn't really allow select-fire anymore, in general. Except the assault rifle issued to citizens during their service - even then, if you want to pay to keep it, they neuter it to semi-auto only.

I'm jelly as fuck

Thanks anons. I'm a happy man.

Bitches love treeforts

the fn hi power was regularly converted to full auto and used with the holster stock. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

i'm the dude you called a fudd btw. 27 living in the second largest msa in the US

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Why would anyone brag about living in LA?

France. But don't go there, it sucks.

Semi-auto you could own in most yuropoorean countries but there's just a lot of hassle involved. For full auto most countries have some equivalent of a "gun collector". They sell some nice stuff for gun collectors in auctions like fa rk-62 or jatimatics etc. Picture related is an australian abomination fa.

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>nobody ever mentions France

Attached: Gun laws in France.png (800x3333, 961K)

That pic is obsolete.

Also, it's wrong. Cat B firearms are far from shall-issue.

updated version

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Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Germany

>saying the Czechia meme

I'd trade places with u if I could americuck

>u can buy funs in rolexland just by walking over the border
Hold your amigos there Gomez