Stolen valors hysteria

Foreigner here. Why this happend and why people get so angry at this ?

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Didn't Stolen Valor get repealed?

In the US, Veterans get all sorts of bonuses, wich is kinda ironic, since they all signed up to do it, and and most of them doesnt even defend their nation, but rather defend other nations intrests.

>all vietnam vets signed up and since the conflict was unjustified, the soldiers don't deserve any compensation

But yeah they just get free shit, all around a greedy and scummy thing to do. I'm technically a vet and don't leverage it because I don't feel I should.

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yes and no.
it's OK for me to lie I was a navy seal. as long as I don't get something from it like a discount or in a college.

Talked about post-vietnam. The ones who served there was 2/3s volonteer tho. I do however think that the troops deserve respect no matter the conflict, but why do they need all sorts of economical benefits?

>that pic
>"yuuup, just going to my local K Mart. just preparing my Class As and making sure they are squared away and getting them dirty driving to and shopping in the K Mart. ayuuup."

>keep my valor locked up in a safe
>someone breaks in a steals it
>now I have no valor
>someone is out there getting discounts on coffee and there's nothing I can do about it

In the United States, soldiers, sailors, and airmen are given a great deal of respect because they are all perceived as young men that have sacrificed so much and willing to sacrifice their lives for their country. Very few truly fit this, since most of them are joining to get a job or to receive education and healthcare benefits. The people pretending to be soldiers want to be treated like heroes because they believe that everyone that doesn't give a shit about them will suddenly turn around and salute them and respect them just because they are wearing a uniform.

Why people get angry is because posers make the military look bad, and the guys that genuinely deserve the praise and respect are rare to find, and most of the true heroes are buried out in the deserts or killed themselves back at home

>Veterans get all sorts of bonuses, wich is kinda ironic
enough to be worth to buy whole uniform to get them?

Because the lower classes in America see military service as the only way to escape their poverty.

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As a euro thats compleatly foregin to me, here the poor would have no chance (unless they were really clever, but then why the fuck are they poor) at getting a job in the military.

>The poor have no chance at getting a job in the military
Why? How?

The US armed forces are one of the few vectors for social mobility upward. You won't make it to the top (reserved for old money and Jews), but if you serve the ZOG valiantly, it will reward you with some mid-level careers.

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The military has high standards I guess. And pretty much everyone who is poor here is fucking stupid, has a criminal record, has done drugs or failed highschool. Its not a job like any else, it pays pays pretty good but you have to preform too.

So beeing in the military is a good career? Those who stay for a long time make the most money I guess?

because people who support the troops are gullible retards and vets are delicate snowflakes

>military pay scale is literally calibrated as unskilled labor
>thinks it is a path up the social ladder

the only way to make money in the military is as a mid/high grade officer and if you are enough of a kiss-ass/politician to do that you would make far more money in the corporate world as a managerial type

The military has many aspects that can make you VERY comfortable.
>room and board
>steady pay
>tax free/low cost shopping
>subsidized housing
>payed for college/money assistance
The problem is most people are retarded and blow their money, go to college for stupid shit, or bitch about housing and try to live off base, find some dependa whore that fucks every dick around and blows all the money in a day.
>welfare queens
I REALLY wish conscription was a thing, and cucking out is a lifetime, non expunigable felony. Like a college or a job would rather hire a true blue rapist murderer than a draft dodger.

>wants the government to enslave people to justify your poor life choices

fuck right off

I do not think conscription would be a good idea for the US, but I do think that reinstating it last year was one of our best decisions ever.

Conscription armies makes sense for small nations with a 100% focus on national defence, but its a horrible idea if you ride around and try to play world police. Conscripts should never be forced to leave your nations borders and fight for another nation, thats just retarded.

>poor life choices
>free college
>free room and board for 5 years
>%1.5 interest home loan
>first in line employment
How's paint taste? I'm pretty sure you're safe from any sort of conscription.
All all volunteer, highly trained and motivated expeditionary force, now where have I heard of that before..... oh yeah the Marine Corps fits that fucking role quite nicely. The problem is that the Army got a taste of MIC funding and now won't let go, the Army is a completely useless and fund hogging branch.

ive seen multicam sets at goodwill and gabes on like 6 occasions.

as always, dumbshit vets pretend their shit is "free" because they are too lazy to harness the increased earning power outside the military. there are garbage-men in major cities who make as much as a fucking captain after 20 years.

>1.5% interest
>VA loans charge low interest rates, even if you have a skimpy down payment and less than sterling credit. The average cost of a 30-year fixed-rate VA loan was 4.74%

nice try retard

>first in line employment
for the shittiest unskilled jobs imaginable, enjoy

no shit im safe from conscription, people in skilled fields that require graduate degrees typically are. i do recall when the military recruiters showed up at the job fair when i was about to graduate 15 years ago, they just stood there like idiots because not a single person would talk to them.

this makes the few brain cells in my combat engineer skull pan hurt please stop.

If you sperg out over stolen valor youre a pog

No one cares about it except for welfare queens who want benefits from being pogues.

>Jow Forums pass
Thank you for your service.

thanks for your cervix

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Heroes don't exis....

Thank you for your service.

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>I'm technically a vet

NO You Are Not a Vet

Pussy too. They hate it if you lie about service to get pussy

thks 4 u cervux

Your all idiot, LARPING Commies. Read A Book!

Is that a Cavalry insignia?

>skilled labor
Counting Eli Shekelbergs money isn't labor, get a real job.
Yeah if your credit score is nigger teir, and if you don't put any cash down.
>shittiest jobs
>honeywell, boeing, raytheon,
Kek, why are you so salty? Because your hands couldn't stand a little hard work? Don't worry, you'll catch bullets just fine.

You'll never know

Based Melton

What this faggot said.

Posts somebody else’s Ferrari.

This is a load of bullshit. Literally go to college and get a STEM degree and you’re g2g. Take out loans if you need to which you’ll pay off with your income. The reason people tend to get trapped into poverty is because they model maladaptive behavior.

>Counting Eli Shekelbergs money isn't labor, get a real job.
fuck off commie, next you're going to start spewing the labor theory of value

>Yeah if your credit score is nigger teir, and if you don't put any cash down.
right now the VA loan average for 30 year is 4.375% with 20% down, compared to 4.56% for non-VA. that's a one point difference. your number of 1.5% is beyond ludicrous.

>honeywell, boeing, raytheon,
as technicians, good luck getting into the professional careers with no education and a worthless degree.

my employer (fortune 500 high tech company) interview veterans for professional positions knowing they are totally unqualified because we need to protect ourselves from lawsuits alleging discrimination against veterans. i always go into interviews with any open mind but every single fucking time after i interview a vet i go to the hiring manager and ask him why he wasted my time and the time of four other people.

>but why do they need all sorts of economical benefits?
They don't. The purpose of that is to promote soldier worship, so that when we go to war for Israel for the umpteenth time, critics can be painted as traitors who don't "support are troops." 'Murica!

Who's the artist?

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Veterans are seen with a lot of respect here, to the point where they get discounts at certain places and greatly admired because a lot of them put themselves at risk to provide a service to the nation.

Guys who do Stolen Valor like to be admired as well, but people here see them like a guy who stole someone else’s invention or best selling book and calling it their own work.

>Like a college or a job would rather hire a true blue rapist murderer than a draft dodger.
It kind of happens here.

The records for entering universities include whether you enlisted to do your 2 years in the military, if you were excused from serving because of health issues it would be stated there as well.
Unless your condition is really bad(something like permament handicapped I guess?), its generally better to just serve the 2 years in the lowest health rating, which limits you to purely admin work.

>I REALLY wish conscription was a thing
This is your path
It's why you get retards in school who fuck around because they don't want to be there and conscription would just be Highschool for Adults BUT YOU might GET A GUN

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>posers make the military look bad
no more than screeching at some retard playing dress-up while quoting regulations verbatim and waving your phone around like wshh contributor.

>most of them doesnt even defend their nation, but rather defend other nations intrests.
>(((other nations)))

For the same reason plagiarists get shat on

finns are by far more fun than burgers though

>>military pay is unskilled labor wages
>>unskilled labor pays 80k/yr after 5 years ((not including jobs that disable you in 4 years or so like construction))

Only ones poor in the military especially active duty are idiot e1-3s who go knock up some white trash hooked, buy a 40k mustang with a 29% interest rate and drink away $200 a week at the bars.

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It says Office Depot. Do your research.

>I do however think that the troops deserve respect no matter the conflict,

no not really

>Only ones poor in the military especially active duty are idiot e1-3s who go knock up some white trash hooked, buy a 40k mustang with a 29% interest rate and drink away $200 a week at the bars.
So all of the e1-3s. And the 4s and 5s who got screwed in their divorce. So all of the 4s and 5s too.

If you apply yourself then you can use the military as a spring board to actually being successful. That said, if you're a fuck-up you usually tend to be a fuck up until something bad enough happens to you to force you to stop fucking up or you get kicked out (or die).

I find it funny how guys who i thought were chads were the ones getting processed out for stupid shit and here I am 8+ years out and on my way to a 60k job.

I think the only thing I regret is not giving a fuck and fucking to stupid whores who gave it up to anyone who wanted it only because I would have been smart enough to not get them pregnant.

Being a memember of most other NATO militaries is akin to being a Civil Servant.

>Only ones poor in the military especially active duty are idiot e1-3s who go knock up some white trash hooked, buy a 40k mustang with a 29% interest rate and drink away $200 a week at the bars.
So almost all of them.

these videos are always so cringy for both parties


Exactly where was I wrong?

>Being a memember of most other NATO militaries is akin to being a Civil Servant.
They ARE civil servants. And driving a fork lift at an airbase does not make you some sort of WW2 national hero.

Was wearing marpat pants and boots, was called out for stolen valor even though I told them I wasn't a marine.


Army vet here,

I never got all that wound up over Stolen Valor all that much desu. Most of the people who engage in it in my experience are very clearly mentally ill so there's not really that much of a point over socially shaming them.

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Lol what? It take 4 years to get a 60k job in the stem fields.

>fortune 500
>Jow Forums
Kek, nice getting paper cuts, or fiat cuts.
I'm no commie, but labor is the lifeblood of nations, the outsourcing of industries has gutted a swath of America, stagnated wages, and lowered the quality of life.
It's 1.5% at 5% down payment, like I said, have a credit score and some "cash".

You are an active member of the globalist scum that is bleeding America dry, you'll hang with the Jews.
MOS 6332.

Retail Worker here.

We don't offer veterans discounts but if we did we would have been trained to ask for VA cards or something, I mean that's what I think. We don't do the vet discount because it is controversial to the franchise and it's goals.

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>falling for the 500 meme

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Is it illegal to steal valor to get laid?

>paper cuts
Not everyone is a technician/secretary stuck at the bottom of the professional ladder just because you are, user. Again, bad life choices.

>I'm no commie, but labor is the lifeblood of nations
Confirm commie.

>It's 1.5% at 5% down payment
No it's not. You're confusing interest rate with funding fee, retard.

>MOS 6332
So literally a technician then.

nah but it is a felony if you use to get a discount on a prostitute in Nevada.

This. Work for 4 years or whatever, have basically zero expenses during that time, go to college for FREE afterwards (foreigners take note, this is a very big deal) then enter the free world with a degree and a significant amount of savings. I don't think people understand how much it helps starting with 100k in the bank instead of 100k in loan debt.

>I don't think people understand how much it helps starting with 100k in the bank instead of 100k in loan debt.

ignoring your made up numbers, its because people who aren't stupid can make much more per year than the maximum GI bill per year cap.

Jesus, forigner here... I can see that nobody wants to die for Israel for free but jesus, do you need to have such a huge bonus just to recruit people or do you have really high standards?

go back to plebbit fuckhead

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recalibrate your bullshit radar. a fresh enlistee cannot save 100k in 3 years even with the numbers and allowances spun in the most generous way possible.

>really high standards
>US military

oh lawdy

am active duty.
turns out college isn't as unaffordable as people make it out to be, they just suck with money a lot of times and won't put in the work for scholarships and non-federal financial aid. Granted this means you have to be above average in some way, but the average is pretty low.

That’s.... just horrible.