Patch Thread

Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme

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So just scored some m995 for 50 bucks. That a good price?

When are we getting a patch for the sky king?

Please someone make the embroidered version

Attached: initial d patch.jpg (1114x1114, 373K)

This isn't embroidered? It doesn't look printed to me.

That is a woven patch. To be honest, I'd even taken the woven one if I could.

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Ai please come back ;-;

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>$15 to ship a patch
u wot m8?

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Nah, he can fuck off.

That's pretty normal if you live outside of the patch maker's home country, and I'd especially charge that much if the buyer asked for a bunch of fancy shit with the postage.

Remember the US postal service did away with "international flats" for anything except documents. Now anything that isn't a document has to go via package mail which is like 9 bucks to canada and 13 to just about everywhere else. A few merchants have access to third party services that can ship for cheaper but most don't.

SCP page people went full muh LGBT

I would like to make a deal with Ai but he's outright stopped responding at this point.
I'm going to give him time and if I hear nothing I will start making them.

how many

only a few of us have the option
I can do reshipping
That's assuming its worth it of course since you pay shipping to me then shipping to you
Sometimes it isn't


loaded or bullets

roki patch when?

Attached: 1532643552388.png (600x600, 97K)

I'd assume loaded, not sure how the clerk didn't notice. Not sure what to do with them.

>I'd assume
did you not open the box?

Attached: costanza.gif (264x264, 1.37M)

What's the difference, they will go boom when I press the trigger

They won't if they aren't loaded bullets

Attached: file.jpg (600x600, 169K)

lol then yes they do have gunpowder

Well you paid less than most 55 grain cheap dick 223 ammo is going for for loaded AP ammunition

Are you talking about that Barrel Roll idjit or something related to the SkyKing broadcasts?

Link to the hat? That’s a sweet hat.

Hey Badger, I really enjoyed the Lion Lager patch. Do you think youd ever make any other beer patches? I collect old beer stuff and patches so it would be the best of both worlds for me. I'm sure other anons might be interested as well? I guess this goes to Raketenmann too since you like to whip up new designs

Attached: Bru-Joy.jpg (369x288, 98K)


The cheesy old-school look of advertisement material is great patch material. Bonus if it's pin-up art. I like anime but classic American pin-up art is also really good.


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Attached: Labels2.jpg (640x494, 419K)

Yep, I would like to do more beer patches

Put up a vote for a few

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Attached: Her.png (1356x1012, 136K)

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Eat a dick

Attached: 3i5r.jpg (570x427, 87K)


how embarrasing

could you do a poll and pic up a few of his designs?

sure is a shame they broke the report form

>store at 60 degrees



Attached: FB_IMG_1491681540097.jpg (640x640, 28K)

Once I finally decide to do something, yes

id comp would go nicely with badgers Lager patch

I second this ive been wanting that STG-44 Chan and a few other but if I had to have 2 would be Initial D and STG44

I doubt I'd do STG44 simply because that is his personally commissioned design

Damn at least I tried. Looking forward to hopefully getting a few of his designs at least.

Can we get some east german patches?

as a right winger i even know they were based

>Inb4 storm fag comes in and calls me jew and request more low budget nazi patches


Attached: Cringe patch.jpg (1018x1024, 143K)

Barrel roll man

Where are the low budget nazi patches, Juden?

skyking patch when

Is that really the best design you got?

Never because frog posting is even gayer irl

Sky Hustle with Richie Russell patches when?

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Wait I got the perfect thing for it.

Attached: 1396231855459.gif (301x240, 931K)

Bout as good as I’ll get it til i use a sewing machine or learn how to embroider... or actually make something decent. I tried contacting someone to make customs, but it costs about $75 for them to just set up and then they sell 100 of them at first.
>well shit.jpg

Attached: 8108648B-BA60-4534-846B-750405CABA33.jpg (4032x3024, 2.06M)

Cute. Also, I know it's tradition but not EVERY photo has to have you barefoot in it even if it is extremely comfy.

All the patches are here

Drop date for all 3 is August 15 Wednesday, at 5pm (1700)

Update on my fb, and website will reflect

Attached: 20180811_151510.jpg (2560x1440, 1.38M)


This Madman deserves to be immortalized

Attached: c8b24b041f6083806195c386da5508d91021951c8373bf74b8738f6309ce67bb.png (589x316, 156K) quarters are just an absolute mess I need to clean soon. Doing innawoods stuff with friends didn’t make it any cleaner with all my tools strewn about. That spot on the floor was best for the shot...feet in pic kinda slipped my mind. I’ll be sure to put them in each photo I post here.

Attached: 0DE82011-D78F-4906-AC57-C23932ACF0E9.jpg (1024x707, 78K)

>No Fags Allowed

>I'll be sure to put them in each photo I post here

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Does this mean I'm a patch dealer now?

My photoshop is being fucky and I don't have the time to do an illustrator vector tonight but here's my masterpiece.

Attached: Russel Hustle.png (2000x2000, 2.18M)

I prefer Sky King over Sky Hustle

Yeah I'm just trying to find some funny alliteration that Jow Forums loves, something like can't corner the dorner.

Cheapo condor hat i got on a road trip, its comfy

"I'm just a broken guy"

woven is fine nerd
i want a "call it a night patch"

also i missed the fucking killdozer restock AGAIN. am i going to have to get a facekike account just to keep up?!

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nigger just fold a piece of paper and put the patch inside. there you have your "document".

no just git gud and git a newsletter feggit

I did, didnt get an email, patches sold out again.

pay more attention to the threads i guess

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Got another pupper

Attached: IMG_20180811_134101_340.jpg (720x960, 86K)

I announce patch drops pretty much everywhere, and always in this thread. If you email me I can make sure you're on the email list.

i did, July 10th

You should be on the email list then. I'll double check to make sure everyone was added. Make sure to check your spam folder.


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I need a R.R. Skyking patch bad goddamnit

we're going to develop this concept

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>I will start making them
NEET I love you, no homo.

This is so fucking kino, my bits are moist

All hail the SKY KING

thanks my nigger, I owe you one

>this is so fucking shit

Well... the fact I'm still moist hasn't changed.

Just buy one of the many faggy patches on ebay you dolt


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Wait, is this referring to the guy who just crashed a plane?

Is NEET gonna do this one?

It's good, but it would be more recognizable with the silhouette of the plane after the barrel roll, as shown here

Only Skyrim fans/players would understand this morale patch scheme.

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What an awful post and patch.

Mock one up with “got a few screws loose l guess” and let’s see how that looks

Colors are great, but the Space Needle in the center looks weird. Why not stick to the rule of thirds, move it off center to the left or right, and the whales opposite for balance. And the plane looks like shit, don't know how to fix it though.

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