Meanwhile, in the armed forces of Jow Forumsommandostan

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OPSEC needs a word

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>armed forces of Jow Forumsommandostan
like the FDF, but more drugs and autism and even more gibberish

is this loss?

Not everything is memes user

>Jow Forumsommandostan
Like outer heaven on bath salts.

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An everyday occurrence in Jow Forumsommandostan

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did he just forget how rounds activate? holy shit, he's a soldier. it's literally his job

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I'd say a good 70% of soldiers don't know jack shit about guns. For most of them, this isn't an issue because there job has nothing to do with guns on a daily basis.

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Don't forget more fucked up camo than russians.

I love North Korean Anti American propaganda

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This is the truth
>t. former army mechanic who just recently became hasguns

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Lmao met a Vietnam vet that lost a couple fingers similarly.

Had a Mexicant not head space properly and peppered his crotch.

Personally, I love the m2 just because it really punishes stupid people.

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I'm fucked up playing with a loaded ak lol

why is there an RC car battery pack taped to the rifle?

probably airshit

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