No super tanks Americans?

Americans, how can you call yourself better than other countries when you haven't even created super tanks yet?

>spends a ridiculous amount of money on military, but does not develop a weapon to flatten and crush your enemies

It would be unstoppable. Sure, modern anti tank weaponry is great. But if the tank was made large enough, it's armor would be too thick to be penetrated by any known weapon. Except perhaps Chinese railguns.

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>shooting a rifle right into the armor of a super tank

That picture is retarded

Because no terrain is capable of allowing them to be truly mobile, same as always. Go be 15 somewhere else.

He's probably used to fighting American tanks, which can be taken out by concentrated heavy machine gun fire.

>middle east
>not flat

Besides, it would be too big to give a shit about the terrain

Bolters can and will kill tanks in 40k lore though.

Imagine a supercharged gyrojet that fires APHE.

Then why the fuck would there be tanks as assault vehicles. That's why we stopped using unarmored trucks

Because handheld bolters that arent being used by space marines are rather rare, and there are only about a million marines in the galaxy at any one point.

The size is the problem. God damn dude, think.

>what is T28

Attached: The_T28_Super_Heavy_Tank.jpg (512x366, 38K)

Lasguns are the most common weapon in the 40K universe. I imagine armored trucks can stop shots from them just fine. Going up against someone with a Bolter would be like facing someone with a ASh-12.7. You don't really plan for it.

I gotta admit, when you foreign fucks are right. We really had hoped y'all hadn't noticed.

We'll work on it. Please give time.

Logistics, mechanics, and the fact that some shitter with an ATGM can kill it just like they do with regular tanks (yes there are countermeasures).

More like a 6P62.

Attached: 6P62_Firing.jpg (480x480, 36K)

Attached: 1533622261372.jpg (1390x743, 357K)

Because we have planes.

Planes that kill tanks.

Also we have drones.
Drones that kill tanks

Also we have smart mines.
Smart mines that kill tanks in a 2 mile radius.

Also we have infantrymen
Infantrymen that kill tanks

The only countries that build "super" anything are those that dont have the capibality to build it smaller.
I am convinced the T15 and T14 Armata are resigned T90s. Pls buff. Also pls buff T90.

>track gets blown off while engaged
>need literal crane trucks to repair it
>keep taking repeated missles/morter hits/artillery barrages/strafes from aircraft
>optics and external systems eventually get chewed up
>enemies mount tank, find a way in, kill crew inside
>enemy now has your megatank

Attached: 1533266933844-1.jpg (52x70, 5K)

The tracks won't be able to be blown off if you make them correctly.

t. Polish tanker

super heavy tanks are impractical no matter how much you shill them

hello enrich, how's the eastern front going?

The abrams is already a heavy tank, the M1A2 is already close to the same weight as a King Tiger

The LVT UX2 was probably a dry run on how to build an effective superheavy tank.

aside from the russian tanks part he is right, drones are pretty cheap these days, what with china even selling them to iraq

We literally had this thread yesterday dude. Just because you didn’t like our answer then doesn’t mean you will magically get one you like today.
Just stop

Because when you act like Germany, aka making a tank the size of a house, you end up creating a giant piece of shit that goes 10 mph, gets stuck CONSTANTLY in mud, and eats through fuel like a motherfucker.


Attached: 19791184b00b40ecbe9d02116a02547c_th.jpg (1600x905, 570K)

This guy fucking gets it.

Attached: T28 Driving.webm (640x480, 2.98M)

such a thing would cost like half a billion dollars to build or more and would be slow and immobile

It would cave in roads. We wouldn't be adverse to a 120-ton fuckoff machine that could obliterate an Abrams with dual 140mm guns, but it would be too heavy to transport or drive over bridges.

I mean, any of those scenarios are still better than getting the whole tank exploded with the same mine that only takes off a track from the supertank or would die to the first missile or shell that hit it

You can actually see where the MBT-70 and later Abrams evolved from this thing.

Wouldn't that thing be putting immense ground pressure because of those threads?

The reason that we're better is that we're smart enough to realize that super tanks are retarded idea that only wastes resources, and is pretty much useless for anything other then arguing with 13 year olds on a Cantonese underwater basket weaving forum. Instead, the US focuses on getting production efficiency and logistics down to an absolute science, which is boring to mouth-breathing children because something doesn't explode every six seconds, but actually does a hell of a lot more to win wars.

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Our supertank flies, faggot.

Attached: FCD78120-6E47-4D74-8DB7-3BEBEEFFCF21.jpg (780x518, 51K)

Yes, but the average digital artist these days has a brain the size of a walnut, since the computer does 99% of the work for them

>95 tons of freedom
>lose it for 28 years

>Bolters can and will kill tanks
Definitely not that one. Light vehicles only.

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