/MSG/ Military Surplus General

Fondue edition

Previous thread -

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Other urls found in this thread:

aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=A8YFMJ196&name=Yugoslavian 8mm FMJ 196grn 15rd box, on 5rd stripper clips&groupid=42

Opinions or experiences with star BM? Got mine shipping from sweaty ben.

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>owning obsolete rifles

You won't make it during the race war

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>not owning surp and modern firearms
Nice digits but you are still a tremendous faggot

>hurr durr owning one kind of gun precludes you from owning another

From the last thread, picked up a spanish m43. It's matching and has the civil guard Crest, chambered in 8mm mauser. No date stamped anywhere, serial number is a W prefix. Any ideas on date? How can I expect this to perform as a shooter? Bore looks good.

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That's pretty neat. M1943 with Guardia Civil markings are rare; vast majority are 7.62NATO M1916s. La Coruna made M43s from 1943-1961. If you take it apart you should photograph any markings on the underside of the receiver; it might even be a foreign-made receiver recycled into a new rifle like the Air Force M44 rifles.

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t. nogunz

>fix the safety location from the 1935A
>fuck up the mag release location

What the hell, Sig?

Like any other milsurp in good condition. 2 MOA if everything is perfect, 3-5 with varying ammo.

Glad to hear it's something rare. I'm not big on spanish mausers, but since it was matching and not rechambered I impulse bought it. I'll take it apart tomorrow and post pictures of the underside.

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Check my gets, fgt

>milsurp owners eternally btfo

I actually dont own any surp yet, not for a few weeks at least, all modern guns. BAITPOSTER REKT BTFO ETERNALLY

argh I'll be back


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Euro doctrine was more about carefully retrieving the empty mag than swiftly getting another full one in, so the heel mag releases were popular cos it locates your hand right there to draw it out and pocket it.

Really nice. Smooth recoil and trigger, very good for the price.

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straight pull or tilting trigger?


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If it stove pipes a shit ton replace the recoil spring and extractor / extractor spring.

This fixed my problems.

Time to make some food lads

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I'll have an egg, scrambled.

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Sorry, I've got Korean beef and rice to make my dude.

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>he actually thinks he will ever fire one of his guns in anger
Fuck off LARPer

Almost shot a stray dog with this a few months ago.

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Was that going to be the "beef"?
I tried shooting a rabbit but not with my rifle, I was trying to shoot it in a farm.

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Nope. This was much better.

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Looks good.

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Any tips for a Walther P1? I've got one coming from AIM and have no idea what to do with it. Specific bullet weights? Ammo brands to avoid?

Took it apart, very tight fit. Revealed one non matching number on the bottom of the barrel. Here are the marks under the receiver. What do they mean?

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finally got to take the M95 out at night. now i understand what it's like to be legitimately blinded by muzzle flash

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Inspector's, proof and acceptance marks. Nothing to date it.

They were designed for 124gr loads but they work well with 115gr. If yours doesn't have a hex reinforcement bolt I would avoid hotter loads. If you're only intending to shoot it at the range there's not much reason to invest in hotter ammo anyhow.

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Well damn. Never knowing the date will always bother me. Oh well, it's a nice rifle and I'm pretty happy with it. Always planned on avoiding spanish mausers, but shit happens. Thank you for your help.

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I never wanted a Turk really, but I couldn't pass this up for $150

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The little circle with a diamond sticking out of it is a "flaming shell" mark of the Spanish Army Ordnance Department. And I may be imagining it, but are there a couple of old "Fraktur" letter acceptance marks on there? Might indicate a recycled Gew.98 receiver (my own for comparison; the letters varied based on the inspector and factory of production). Again, I may just be seeing what I want to see.

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Currently having this done to mine.

>Guy on Armslist selling a CZ-82 for $485
>Sweaty Ben has them for about $300

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When the nigguz are driving in their low rider oldsmobile down my alley towards my house,
drive by shooting hi points and aks at 90 degree ghetto cool from far away, I put some fmj 8mm Mauser with my commie k98 into their engine block and their windshield. so its easier for my wife to aim with the micro roni (you know, gurls) when those who werent mausered try to leave their now stopped ghetto cruiser. bada tssss

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>that front sight
Is that a Portuguese m/937 barreled-action?

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You could be right. There's definitely a "B" and that semi "U" thing in common with our rifles. Interesting. All I need is a sling and some 8mm stripper clips now!

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The Yugo ones are probably the best and cheapest right now. Buy 3/$6.50 and they even come with cartridges on them:
aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=A8YFMJ196&name=Yugoslavian 8mm FMJ 196grn 15rd box, on 5rd stripper clips&groupid=42

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My LGS has a good condition, all matching parts, Arisaka Type 99 in 7.7 with an intact chrysanthemum for $350. Sound like a good deal?

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post more U.S rifles.

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Pretty decent. Last ditch or early war?

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Made this yesterday with some scraps from work. How'd I do?

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Early war, though I don't know its exact manufacture date.


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looks good. i would maybe add some foam or carpet to the top v notches so it doesnt gouge your wood.


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sounds average, not a deal and not a ripoff just what they go for. buy it if you want it or try to negotiate down to $300

I would give up all of my surp besides my K31 for an intact M1917.

With that hyperbole aside, has anyone ever come across a Mle 1950 in their travels?

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>local gun show season is coming

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I have to convince myself that it’s just not worth it anymore. Last one I went to, I walked around for a couple hours and spent like $10 on brass.

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I just go and buy a few packets of 54R and leave, but I'm still excited.

It's still possible to find good stuff at gun shows.

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Not if you live in NE Ohio... I have given up on the shows near me.

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Hey guys, not really sure where to ask this but I'll ask here just because what I shot was mil surplus I think. I shot my first rifle ever which was an M39 Finnish Mosin. I read a lot online beforehand of people hating the recoil and saying it hurt. Now I did shoot it, and it didn't feel bad for me, but I only got to shoot it like 40 times. How much more would 30-06 feel compared to 7.62x54r? And I guess how much is a standard AR's recoil? Sorry if this is the wrong place for this.

Standard AR recoil is very light. And. Recoil from 7.62x54r and 30-06 is very similar. The size of the rifle determines whether or not that recoil is pleasant or not fun at all

>The size of the rifle determines whether or not that recoil is pleasant or not fun at all

Also your shooting position. Shooting from a benchrest or prone position will hurt more than shooting offhand while standing.


god roll

30-06 is much more violent than 7.62x54r in my experience.

It all depends on your local meta. My area has surp dealers and private sellers. Right now I'm hoping the "real" boomer private selling his collection still has the 1944 "corrected" Springfield M1 Garand he's only asking $1.8k for (not some bullshit mixmaster for $2k+, a make / drawing number corrected for sub $2k rifle. His sell tag has all the drawing numbers on it). He's the guy I got my high number 03 from for $1k and other than the bolt being 40% in the white and the mystery brass disk on the stock it's a beauty. Also the other true boomer private selling some of his stuff. Got the M1898 Krag for $750 off him (thus is life Purdue dude). He still has a P14 and Springfield M1884 trapdoor for sale. I can't remember price but one is below market the other is a bit above. When I got my M95 carbine for $250 the dealer had a Egyptian Harkem for sale on the rack right above it for market price. He also had other good shit (and a augmentative nigro fucking up the tables mello). Also there's the table-o-bayonet guy (pic) he scowers his area for blades and sells them for reasonable prices.

All depends on your area. Unless your area is total shit, so long as your the first asshole in the door you can come across gems (your not a collector if your not balls deep in the game and applying the iron elbow to the competition). I'm stiil happy at the last show of the season I found 6 still is cosmo factory new FN made metric FAL mags for my STG-58 parts gun. That dealer had a Remington 03A3 but it looked too good for its own good.

The thing that pisses me off is gun shows stop in May and don't start again till late August in my area.

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wew lads

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I smell a Hoosier. The 1500 ain't everything; go the one at Stout Field.

Ha, that's pretty funny actually. Guess it makes sense since the x54r is like double the size of the .223 I think.

I shot on the bench and it certainly felt a lot worse there. I think it's mostly because the benches at my range have a metal edge and I couldn't get into a position where the rifle recoil wasn't making my funny bone hit that metal edge.

What's so special about this one? I just bought mine, the one I was talking to these guys above about shooting, for like half that amount, and it's in really good condition.

Nothing, it even has a massive crack in the wrist.

>I read a lot online beforehand of people hating the recoil and saying it hurt
Its because they are pusses that are used to intermediary and smaller rounds shot out of semi-autos. Also they don't know how to shoot all funs in all forms.

>How much more would 30-06 feel compared to 7.62x54r?
They are both full sized rounds. Unless your some kind of minutiae connoisseur the feel is indistinguishable.

>how much is a standard AR's recoil?
Negligible, its a small/tiny intermediary round being shot in a semi-auto rifle with a "yugh" buffer spring in comparison to the round.

There is a world of difference between shooting a semi-auto (kinetic force recoil being eaten actuating the action plus took by the recoil spring), and a closed system like a bolt action (no kinetic force being used/taken up by parts like action or recoil springs and directly applied to the user).

In my youth I did high power compation shooting sports, also I did the Army and LEO thing. I treat surp like I was taught to shoot pump action (closed action system ) shotguns. You get a good stock to shoulder pocket interface, and pull the stock into yourself, then shoot. If your not pulling the stock into yourself your going to have a bad time. Its like the Bruce Lee 1 inch punch. If you have the stock limped into your shoulder its going to fuck you and punch you. If the stock is pulled into you, its one continues mass and your body just goses with the flow of the kinetic force and no brues.

>not really sure where to ask this but I'll ask here
If I sound like a ass don't take it to heart. Ignorant people ask questions and learn, stupid people don't ask and stay stupid.

ive gotta couple

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Anyone get it?

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i suppose i'm weird, ive always had a much easier time with .30-06 than 54r, while 8x56r is legitimately painful and not very much fun to shoot for me

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It's got some inconsistencies, I passed.

Why must you add to my cornfed list of must goses. There are only so many ticks and tocks in my life span. Also my wallet screams to God for deliverance.

If you go NW Ohio I heard tell of a mega swap meet full of guns from a few surp dealers. It reminded me of a story from the Toledo IBEW local member that kind of confirms it. The main thing is some of the guns stink of stolen and I heard tale of people "nopeing" out once the seller started displayed the "not NFA" full-giggle inventory from the false panel in their box truck.

Yep. I might have bid on it if it had it stayed at $900, but $4k is more than I can afford, and imho more than the thing is worth. The nosecap is from a pre-armistice rifle so it's been messed with. The pictures don't show if it's matching or not, which makes me assume it's not. I really don't understand from a business point of view not taking decent pics to show things off. Is the winder for the sling missing too?

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I like my U.S. rifle.
>while 8x56r is legitimately painful

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You won't see one sell for less than $2500 if you're lucky. Most of the time their priced around $3000-3500ish. The band and the lack of decent pictures is why I just watched it as entertainment.

I have found that stock shape can affect felt recoil. If a certain gun happens to fit you better, you can get a better shoulder weld and take the recoil better. I shot some M2 Ball out of a 1903 and a k98 with some pretty hot hand-loads back to back, and the 1903 felt worse than the k98. The best explanation I can come up with for these different experiences is that some guns are just a better fit to some people.

About $1000 too much.

I too wish to either get a star BM or a Beretta 92s.

that's a good point. my M95 actually has a really weird bend in it, maybe that's why it affects my shoulder so badly while 54r never gave me a problem

Enjoy gunbroker.com/item/781943979

Trigger is nice. I'm not a good enough handgun shooter to comment on accuracy.

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how much should i really be spending on a hard case for my mosin?
i have friends saying that a cheap case would actually damage the gun and others who say that its fine as long as its a hard shell with foam inside
all of my other guns are in soft shell cases, but i want to keep my mosin in something a bit nicer than a soft shell

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Storing guns in any case, let alone a foam rust trap is retarded. Get a 10 cabinet from stack-on.

>foam cases cause rust

not this nonsense again...

>$200 safe
thats going to be an Oof from me. i dont really have that cash, but i do have $50 for a foam or canvas case

it literally does, foam retains moisture if you live in humid areas. throwing dessicant in there will fix it, but foam cases and /especially/ foam bags will rust a gun pretty quickly.

They have them on sale all the time for $80.
Plastic cases don't have air flow, foam retains moisture. A+B=thefuckingobvious

Top tier fuddlore.

one day I'll take a non-shit pic of my stuff

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have you stored your guns in a foam bag for extended periods?
i left my SKS in a foam bag for a couple weeks after cleaning, when i took it out it had surface rust. when it stays out of the bag, theres zero issue.

I like it.

Hey you also own a Model B too right?
How does it compare the the BM, I kinda want the B since it's larger but I'm worried about parts and shit like that.

>have you stored your guns in a foam bag for extended periods?

Yep, all but my AR. I've even got a pistol receiver in the white that lives in a foam case with no issues.