Personal Heroes Thread

Is there a more badass man in human history?
>Grew up basically wandering the woods fucking girls and shooting squirrels
>Enlist in the FFL
>Decide its boring and fucking leave, suffer no consequences lol rich kid
>Enlist in the German army in ww1, become the stormtooper to end all stormtroopers, is described by his contemporaries as "completely without fear as he cannot die"
> Win every medal known to man, wounded seven fucking times
>Spent the interwar writing encouraging literature, collecting beetles and doing scientific research, and shitting on the weimar dirtbags and pumping out babies
>Tells hitler to fuck off, once personally, and shits on the nazis all the time, gets away with it bc lol war hero
>Spend ww2 doing drugs and getting smashed in Paris with old prussian war buds and french bohemians like picasso
>Tried to assassinate hitler
>Gets off with a dismissal
>Tells the allies to fuckoff with denazification after the war
>Spends the rest of his life doing drugs writing books
>Never apologised for a single thing his entire life despite being ridiculed by liberals all the time
>Last holder of the pour le merite

An actual hero more for the quality of his lived life more than killing any man in war.

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Other urls found in this thread:örni

He was pretty fucking based. Although I recall him being wounded more than 7 times. He was pretty fucking based.

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>Private Johnson distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a member of Company C, 369th Infantry Regiment, 93rd Division, American Expeditionary Forces, during combat operations against the enemy on the front lines of the Western Front in France on May 15, 1918. Private Johnson and another soldier were on sentry duty at a forward outpost when they received a surprise attack from a German raiding party consisting of at least 12 soldiers. While under intense enemy fire and despite receiving significant wounds, Private Johnson mounted a brave retaliation, resulting in several enemy casualties. When his fellow soldier was badly wounded, Private Johnson prevented him from being taken prisoner by German forces. Private Johnson exposed himself to grave danger by advancing from his position to engage an enemy soldier in hand-to-hand combat. Wielding only a knife and gravely wounded himself, Private Johnson continued fighting and took his Bolo knife and stabbed it through an enemy soldier's head. Displaying great courage, Private Johnson held back the enemy force until they retreated. Private Johnson's extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

After exhausting his supply of ammo and grenades, he beat back the Germans using his rifle as a club. When his rifle stock broke, he stabbed a Hun to death. When he lost his knife, he fought off the Bosch with his bare hands.

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Cool so instead of colonizing space we get to play the knockout game outside Walmart
Dog bless

>mutts glorifying this nog who went all the way to Europe to kill the native people there

Sounds about right

fuck off fag
nigger did more than you will ever do.

How much of a chad did you have to be to fuck girls back in those days when it was all wait until marriage and casual sex wasn't accepted, openly, as normal? These days some of us can't even get laid when girls are literally wearing t-shirts saying they're a slut.

Casual sex has been a thing for centuries you're just a fuckin incel loser

I seriously doubt that lmao.

>lol drugs
based degen nigger

Brigadier Phil Toosey.

>maintain high as fuck personal standards of integrity, modesty, fitness and efficiency throughout life
>recognized as an effective commander of worth
>ordered to GTFO Singapore on one of the last boats
>declined in order to stay with his men who could not be evacuated
>captured by Japs and sent to railway work camps
>horrible conditions and survival rates
>use a mixture of bull headed resistance and tactful negotiation, a just the right times, to improve situation for men under his command
>get beaten for standing up to captors
>effectively sabotage railway work in secret
>worked hard and cleaned up PoW camps so much that the ones he ran all had much higher survival rates than others
>travels back into jungle when half dead from illness and starvation to oversee release of men at the end of the war
>get a movie made where you're portrayed a mentally broken collaborator with the Japanese and it's rated as one of the all time classic war movies

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>"Lol, this subhuman fought a dozen trench raiders, while sustaining serious wounds, and drove the surviving enemy forces off. I can totally do more than him"
Fuck off, you pollack larper

This chad of a Norwegian, Colonel Birger Eriksen. He was the CO of Oscarsborg Fortress, which helped sink the heavy cruiser Blücher with a couple 28cm shells and ancient WWI-era torpedoes. He started the defense with the line "Either I will be decorated, or I will be court-martialed. Fire!"

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>kills more Yankees than Lee in half the time

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>when you request permission to be inserted at Super 64's crash site so many times that Garrison finally relents to make you shut up and stop asking

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>Either I will be decorated, or I will be court-martialed. Fire!

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How does that act, which was totally inconsequential to the conflict as a whole, even amount to anything? It was across the ocean. His family didn't benefit from the war, seeing as how it was their own fucking country that was oppressing them. The Europeans were more accepting of his kind.

The dude was a dumb mutt. Total pawn for war profiteers

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>During the battle of Luzhno in Russia, Christen’s crew knocked out 6 attacking tanks.
>The next day their PaK38 (AT gun) took a hit killing all crew members and wounding Christen.
>He manned his cannon alone, holding on without supplies for the next three days.
>When his gun sight was shot out he aimed using the gun barrel.
>When counter-attacking German soldiers recaptured Luzhno.
>They found Christen: 13 destroyed tanks and about 100 killed soldiers were in front of his position.
>He was awarded the Knight’s Cross, making Fritz Christen the youngest in the Waffen-SS and first enlisted man in his division to be given this honor.

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The thread's about individual heroism dumbass. Doesn't matter what the context was, the act in itself was incredibly heroic, and if you think your pansy ass could do that you're delusional.

Besides, he did help conditions for him and other blacks back home by fighting. One of the factors that reduced racism in the US was when everyone saw how hard the blacks fought for our country in the world wars.

>Fenet was born on 11 July 1919 in France
>In October 1943, Fenet volunteered for the Waffen-SS
>On 23 April 1945, the Reich Chancellery in Berlin ordered Brigadeführer Gustav Krukenberg to proceed to the capital. About 350 men from the remains of the Charlemagne division chose to go to Berlin.
>In the days which followed, fighting was very heavy and by 28 April, one-hundred eight Soviet tanks had been destroyed in the southeast of Berlin within the S-Bahn. The French squads under the command of Fenet accounted for "about half" of the tanks
>For the success of the battalion during the Battle of Berlin Fenet was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 29 April 1945 by Mohnke

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>Lauri Törni
>fought for Finland, Germany and America
Dude just hated commies that much.

>get knights cross
>from now on only get bullshit kamikaze mission because you are supposed to be ubermensch war hero with magic killing powers

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I doubt Pvt Johnson would aprove of that.

Yea but I read on stormfront that Blacks and Jews are to blame for all my problems and insufficiency.

Prostitution was legal and more or less accepted up until the late 20s when the women's temperance movement came along and got it banned.

Bingo. People act like everything before 1970 was christian talibanism.

Christians just did mind gymnastics to somehow make prostitution okay. It's the same shit they do today when everybody is getting divorced but homos endanger the sanctity of marriage.

he's was a cool guy, but your unnecessary exaggeration makes his story sound like made up shit, no need to do that

I read his story, most people might not know of his heroism but the men who served by him did.

Canadian Big Boss

Basically a Commonwealth commando that lost an eye and took a German foot patrol prisoner just because he was wet and cold in the rain, and they had to pay for that.

That's true. I was reading something years and years ago about the PoW camps (I think it was a magazine article actually) and came across his name so I googled it. I ended up getting the biography written by his grand-daughter and another book about him and the camps by Peter Davies. Both very good reading. I have a few people I consider personal heros but of them all I think Toosey best exemplifies how to be a good man.

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It really depends on the branch/denomination, around here divorce is definitely a big no no, and remarriage is even more so.

Junger's diaries make him sound like a normal guy. But then he casually alludes to going on trench raids or sleeping through intense shelling. Junger was a great man.

He was wounded like 16 times, not seven. He didn't try to kill Hitler, but he knew those who did and inspired the action to some degree. IIRC Goebbels wanted him executed, but Hitler ordered him not to be touched, because Hitler respected Junger.

This guy.

Attached: 1528894743129.jpg (720x960, 116K)örni

Roy Benavidez

>1968, a 12-man Special Forces patrol, which included nine Montagnard tribesmen, was surrounded by an NVA infantry battalion of about 1,000 men. Benavidez heard the radio appeal for help and boarded a helicopter to respond. Armed only with a knife, he jumped from the helicopter carrying his medical bag and ran to help the trapped patrol. Benavidez distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely valorous actions... and because of his gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. At one point in the battle an NVA soldier accosted him and stabbed him with a bayonet. Benavidez pulled it out, yanked out his own knife, killed the NVA soldier and kept going, leaving his knife in the dead soldier's body. After the battle, he was evacuated to the base camp, examined, and thought to be dead. As he was placed in a body bag among the other dead in body bags, he was suddenly recognized by a friend who called for help. A doctor came and examined him but believed Benavidez was dead. The doctor was about to zip up the body bag when Benavidez spat in his face, alerting the doctor that he was alive.
The six-hour battle left Benavidez with seven major gunshot wounds, twenty-eight shrapnel holes, and both his arms were slashed by a bayonet. He had shrapnel in his head, scalp, shoulder, buttocks, feet, and legs, his right lung was destroyed, and he had injuries to his mouth and back of his head from being clubbed with a rifle butt. A bullet shot from an AK-47 entered his back and exited just beneath his heart. Benavidez was evacuated to Fort Sam Houston's Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, and he spent almost a year in hospitals recovering from his injuries.

He even admits to losing part of his left index finger while taking apart a live British rifle grenade for shits and giggles. Junger gave zero fucks lol.

He was a son of a bitch but a great man. So was his friend Johnson.

Post war medals with timestamp

Léo Major!

Also for killing his lumberjack friend Willy

Kid, you ain’t fucking shit better than a negro who aided his country’s allies in war. You’re just a white trash nigger with nothing to hold yourself higher than your skin.
Neck yourself.

>drugs lmao
Drugs are the sign of a broken man and if you value them so highly you’re a pike of shit.
Not denigrating Junger, but you sound underage if half your praise of this fantastic man is “he did drugs LMAO”.
t. ex cocaine addict

>Christian talibanism
>I want

I feel like I should move down South, but I'm Catholic so I don't know if my particular tribe would be accepted.

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Are you for real? Get in a fucking car accident you intelligent 15 year old

I hope you get in a car crash and bleed out alone and afraid

>Chimpouts deserve medals.

Stay mad nigger lover

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You're a sad little faggot

Louisiana. Frog colony so Catholics are common.

Totaling fucking delusional. Blacks were still ostracized in the mainstream.

The opinion of blacks didn't change until the 60s with MLKs peaceful protests. You totally just made that shit up.

Just because 1 spear chucked decided he wanted to kill whitey, you're al gushing over it. Pathetic

Bless you user. I'm going to Cajun country!

>America unanimously hated the blacks, then MLK marched on Washington, then America changed its mind and unanimously loved them
That's how they teach it in grade school history books, to people who aren't able of understanding any more complexity than that.

In reality, MLK's movement was the culmination of a trend that had been building for many years. A movement like that doesn't come out of thin air--it only succeeds when a large portion of the population already agrees with it on some level. People watched intellectual blacks like Frederick Douglass and learned that blacks aren't all dumb brutes, then watched black soldiers (whole units of them, not just 1 spear chucker) fight bravely in the world wars and learned that blacks aren't all lazy and cowardly either. If those conditions hadn't been created beforehand, the civil rights movement would have failed.

>invented pretty much everything

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Post actual proof and not your speculations

>Are you retarded? There are a shit ton of newspapers with the Hellfighters on their cover at the end of WW1. Hell blacks gained even more recognition with the Red Tails and the 761st, and even more so with the Black Rangers in Korea.

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You’re going to die alone.

Lol triggered pol cucks

The fact that most people outside of this website will immediately ostracize you for espousing racist views.

fuck off Jow Forums jesus christ i fucking hate you shitting up every thread with nigger this and nigger that

Patrician choice for sure. Fucking shot through the chest before antibiotics and lived to 103.

And every war he fought in was won by commies, pretty ironic huh

Drugs arent bad or good they only have bad or good effects on people. Drugs horribly affect those who get addicted but can be pretty fun and even positively affect those who dont compulsively use. Many historical figures, not just junger, were users of drugs and it positively contributed to their lives. Thats not an excuse to use drugs its just a reality. Not trying to justify anyones drug use or my own, and i dont use anything stronger than a few cups of coffee a day or drinking at parties.

There's a bunch of us in central FL. Old settlement from 1880's. All cattle ranchers.

Honestly being one of the first people to drop acid is fairly badass.

Well he lived to see the end of the war and then died 21 days later

There was also this one guy that bit a grizzly bears jugular, choked it from inside it's throat with a half eaten arm, and then beat it to death.

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>permanently impacting the dopamine reward system for lower levels of happiness for the rest of life in exchange for passing momentary pleasure
>neither good nor bad
... are you retarded?

>no data providing proof of your claims

Post your skin tone and a time stamp. I have a feeling you're just a butthurt nog

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oh lawd

We get it, you’re a weak willed addict who can’t handle an espresso.

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My favorite guy in the movie Gettysburg was that Confederate artillery officer. I'm still a bit pissed the movie didn't include the 1st Minnesota Volunteers to any degree, even though they were later recognized as essentially saving the union with the suicide charge they were ordered to do...and the small amount of survivors of the unit fought off the men who did manage to reach union lines during Pickett's Charge, while also capturing the colors of a Virginia regiment, which still is stored at the MN state capitol.

True badasses, and got zero coverage in an entire four hour movie.

Quick rundown on this guy?

Captain John Nicholson was a cranky, humorless, God-fearing, self-proclaimed clairvoyant Irishman who commanded regiments of hardcore kukri-swinging Gurkha, did battle with ferocious Afghan tribal warriors, crossed swords with blood-raging Sikhs and rampaging Indian mutineers, kept the severed head of a convicted outlaw on his desk as a warning to criminals, and used to hunt Bengal Tigers on horseback using only a cavalry saber. Between riding down apex predators and crushing the skulls of all who opposed him in a bloodsplosion of gruesome vengeance, Captain Nicholson was so damned effective as the ultimate paragon of Victorian English colonial badassitude of diplomatic iron-fistedness that he was worshipped as a god in some rural sections of the Punjab until the mid-1980s, is forever remembered by the British history texts as the "Hero of Delhi", and is equal parts respected and despised by roughly everyone on the Indian subcontinent.

God, what a great movie. Probably gonna go watch it right now, thanks.

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Not him, but he wasn't wrong about that. You're accepting that risk when you take certain drugs

What does a Pole with the name (((Rafal))) know about human beings?

One of the worst streets in Albany, the capital of New York, is named after him. It's like the local equivalent of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

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traitor scumbag

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He deserves a movie

Pic related deserves a movie also

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just wish some things were done differently

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It'll come off as really edgy, but I get it user

I know that feel

Of course the thread became about nazis
>inb4 I get called a jew and/or a redditor