Remember that time two navy seals murdered a green beret?

Remember that time two navy seals murdered a green beret?

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Or what about that time those Devgru (seal team 6) guys left that air force cct dude on that mountain to fend for himself....true heroes

I remember the time they back professional child-killer and accomplished bullshitter Chris Kyle over Jesse Ventura, despite the fact that Kyle's lies were so egregious that he actually lost a libel suit.

Remember when SEALs stole money from the Maersk Alabama after rescuing Captain Phillips?

I don't remember any of this but I remember that article about Devgru canoeing people for sport and taking pictures of it when they didn't bloody the hatchet.

Don't most SEALs have some form of mental illness? They always act super autistic in interviews.

i really dont understand how they do shit like this and expect not to be uncovered eventually..

i despise everything usa stands for but one thing i trully admire is that they never forget about their dead ones..

That was ST4, not ST6.

Two ST6 SEALs equal one Green Beret.

because they are AMERICAN HEROES, duh??

This was the one about them selling drugs right?

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Who the fuck decided to call in the SEALs instead of the SAS?

stealing money I believe

>stealing money I believe

Apparently they do a lot of that:

They belived he was alredy dead, and under heavy fire themselfs. The only other result would have been one dead airman and a bunch of dead seals.

>american hero
>dies from a fellow shithead


How can I get a body like that?

That's the thing the a regular infantry man would think like you and do what you said

Seals delta are spec ops they are almost autistic in what they do. Like in the black hawk down incident the snipers went down even tho it was a suicide. Same shit with the Niger incident with the green berets the shit they did seemed had they pulled it off they would have been great hero's but they failed.

If they were real seals they would have gone back in got the body and got back

>Eat well
Basically you're fucked if you even have to ask that because that's a pretty fucking average body.

>those legs
t. never been to the gym

Not to weigh in on if they did or didn't steal the money, but why the fuck aren't special forces better paid?

I mean it's not going to completely fix incidents of shit like this happening, but the thought that I make three times what top tier operators make is fucking ridiculous given the sort of work they do, training they've undertaken and shit they've had to endure. If they made a respectable 100-150k a year they'd probably be a whole lot less inclined to risk their careers and reputations over paltry sums of cash.

I agree, vast majority of taxes goes towards entitlements already, theres literally zero reason to jew special forces or even regular soldiers like that.

Haha what the fuck are you talking about, literally every bloke I play footie with has legs like that, never mind the monsters at the gym.

Thats what happens.
SEALs are the only SOF unit you can try out for with no previous time in a combat MOS.

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Also athletes are not an indicator of average physique you fucking retard.

It was suicide and they knew it. Every seal there would probably have died, they were just so heavily outnumbered I doubth they even had the ammunition to kill all the enemies

Unfortunatly not

Not athletes you dumbass, average fucking blokes.

Let me guess you're some sort of faggot that thinks exercising and playing sport isn't average? That it's reserved solely for some mythical athletic elite?

Seriously, if you're a dude aged 20-40 and don't look like that, that's because you're BELOW average you fucking lardass.

Let's see those glutes then.

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I hate to tell you, but its even worse for america.

You some kind of faggot?

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> are you!
>j..just as bad!
Lets see those glutes!

I'm not the one arguing that the guy was average.
So I think you're misunderstanding me.

>fatboy thighs
>zero definition on legs
you're well below your own average, faggot.

Keep crying tubs.

>ill call him fat!
>that means im not a fucking liar!

It's not so much that they left him, it was a split second call and they truly believed him to be dead. It's that they when they found out he wasn't they tried to cover it up and got his MOH turned down to protect their own.

I dont live in any of those lardbuckets thankfully

best thing about this is she was with a group of others in the open, wearing white shirts wearing or carrying nothing that would identify them as combatants

>"i'm a SEAL - so hardcore i eat ten go-pills for breakfast and kill everything in sight before dying of cardiac arrest in my early thirtees

oh 'murrica...

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wrong pic...

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Yeah, that stuff however was just fucking autistic

The other guy is fucking retarded. That's what you get for trying to help

Stfu you faggot

Ain't much point to calling someone else tubby when you've just proved yourself fat.

Ventura is an idiot to begin with.
Kyle is only so damn popular because of him bragging about kill count.
So what, he killed a kid who was about to harm our troops because he was raised by shitty parents. Looks like he made the world a better place for it.
Both of them were egotistical shitbags who couldn't keep their mouth shut about their job in the military.
Rob O'Neill is also included.

What happened to quiet professionals?

I see we’re using Russian special forces tactics

Pic is swartzeneggar, far from average obviously. Bad bait.


Austistic bong is so deluded that he thinks he looks like a navy seal even though he's clearly never been to a gym in his life.

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i remember that time a seal was smuggling guns in from iraq

lookin good user
remember to work on your definition or you'll look soft

Remember that time when SEALs threw a grenade on a hostage?

Are you fucking retarded? It was ST6 on Robert's Ridge you mong fuck.

Pump iron

Is this the same Seal Team 6 that attempted to rescue a British hostage by throwing a grenade at her, and killing her? How very vatnik of them.

>the Niger Incident

That whole thing is crazy. The part where two guy volunteered to go back for the three dead. Then two more go to join them. The rest of the team gets shot up the team leader thrown from the vehicle. Driver makes a u turn to get him. Keeps driving even after getting shot through his elbow. Truck gets stuck in the swamp. 4 dudes meet up with the rest of the team in the swamp. Destroy communications after calling broken arrow. Fall back to an Alamo point and set up one finale stand. Take turns texting family their last goodbyes.

It's a clusterfuck but damn

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You can't have a hostage situation if there's no hostage

>The part where two guy volunteered to go back for the three dead. Then two more go to join them

that's the thing the spec ops guys do suicide missions

where they go they go knowing they are not comming back but they come back and it's a great story they fail, Jow Forums nerds go online and scream oh look at them faggots such losers

look at every mission spec ops do they are almost crazy and almost look like suicide missions

now i am gay thanks op

so he left his wife and kids got a new girl in the end?

Even if they were making contractor money you know there would still be greedy shitbags

Shit man I'm an American and I despise everything we stand for. Shame I wasn't born overseas and can claim duel citizenship so I can leave easily.

>Frags British secret agent hostage
>Have a freedom blanket you fuckin bong

If it was an obvious and definite suicide mission, then how the fuck did the airman live?

>he unironically fell for the antiAmerican meme

Literally go to any country outside of the US and its fuckpuppets and see what it looks like.

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SEALs are advertisements.

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Why are we against this again?

>there are actually liberals who think this deserves charges.
I don’t even lick boots but lol

yeah if you're sent to rescue someone, you should blow them up. kys user

>Not supporting operators making a tough decision where the outcome was fragged Arabs.
Lol how about KYS you big gay

you don't use grenades when there is a hostage present, they literally teach this in MOUT 101

let alone if you think you're so operator you're above common sense and training that you can use a frag around hostages... you don't use a throw a fucking grenade towards unknown people WHEN THERE IS A HOSTAGE PRESENT

jesus that's the dumbest thing i can think of and you're the dumbest person i can think of

I bet you blindfire, too, retard.

I don't think you've read it correctly. The outcome was a fragged friendly.

That's Melvin Yarbrough, and he was a Marine, not a SEAL.

What a massive fuckup, Jesus Christ.

It's the fault of this Russian hacking campaign.

Russia hacked SEAL training materials and uploaded Spetznaz materials instead.

who said we were?

I said nobody should be charged legally you terrible troll or big idiot.
>lol at the failed trolls
>lol at the idiots calling me the idiot

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>even the worst cities are far better than the best cities of usa
>tv programs are fucking awesome
>you can actually watch a sports game without have a 10 mins ads brake every 5 mins of actual game
>better living index
>less idiotic politics and politicians


throwing a grenade at a friendly in a situation where 100% of doctrine and procedure is to NOT even use grenades is absolutely something you charge

You mean like being denied it because a politician decided so, rather than being able to choose whatever healthcare you see fit for yourself?
>even the worst cities are far better than the best cities of usa
Like all the ones where you can't own firearms?
>tv programs are fucking awesome
>you can actually watch a sports game without have a 10 mins ads brake every 5 mins of actual game
footie lmao
>better living index
If you like living in a garbage dump i suppose
>less idiotic politics and politicians
Ok so you're just making shit up based on your own ignorance, got it. pic related, dumbfuck.

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Chris Kyle made up a bunch of bullshit. He also said that he killed looters in Katrina and killed a guy at a gas station fight. He also lied about the number of medals he had.

Not that guy, but sadly you have way too much faith in humanity. Way more lardasses and skinyfat pencilnecks walking around than actual athletic people.

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Glutes for the sloots, brah!

remember when rangers and delta got DABBED ON in somalia
remember when 3 sf operators got DABBED ON in nigeria

also lied about donating 100% of his book proceeds to veteran groups

you figure that cause his support base to evaporate, but that would give them too much credit

>the hero we deserve

You don't know what the scenario was, you only know what some random internet people told you. It could have very well been seen as necessary by the operators. You can't know unless you were there.

so like, why then are you faggots THREATENING to come kill me then?|

Why not just come here and get me the fuck out normally? I don't fucking trust any of you. I'm not going to trust that you're going to do some sneaky shit like dressing up as cops, picking me up, and then just driving out into the sunset. You fuckers lie about literally everything. I would have to be fucking retarded to believe any of you are actually going to help me.

I would rather fight to the fucking death than go with any of you.

Remember all those times they didn't, and we never heard about it because opsec. Look at literally any other sf and the list of fuckups is miles longer with far fewer actually successfully operations.

Yes, throwing the grenade was so necessary that they covered it up and lied about it afterwards...

what is this responding too

Again, you have no idea because you weren't there. Someone thought there where baddies there and chucked a frag, apon realizing the fuckup, they try to cover it up cus they don't want to look bad. It's not like the guy was like "oh look the hostage we're supposed to extract, I'll just pop a drag at her"

fucking cuntts fujcking spiked me again.

Stop fucking drugging me you fucking cunts. I swear to fucking god I'm going to fucking kill all of you

you dont shoot blindly and indiscriminately
you dont throw grenades blindly and indiscriminately
doing so risks exactly what they ended up doing, and is akin to gross negligence
Again, simply violating doctrine by using a frag when you know you have friendlies in the area is grounds for charges itself
Read a fucking book.

Doesn't matter if they thought it was necessary, you don't get to do it. You don't get to say "I thoguht it was necessary to nuke the whole town" and get away scott free. If you have friendlies in town, you don't go around that town chucking grenades.