EDC Thread

EDC Thread: It's been a couple days and I'm lonely edition

How's everybody's Saturday night/Sunday morning?

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>Rising Sun badge

Is this stolen valor?

>no gun cuz work

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>I did not steal her valor I didn't
>I did not
>oh hai satan

>Get my remaining guns taken and go to jail if caught with so much as a 2" folding, non locking blade...

Fuck this place, I hate it.

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>get bit by tick
>become fatally allergic to mammalian meat


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/WA/fag too huh? Nice. I also have a similar knife.

Fuck you for rotating my image.
In bag is a shemagh, protac, a cup, hand sanitizer, and some other shit probably




>backup gun in different caliber
y u dis

Honestly can't even imagine

Holy shit this is bad. I guess the difference between you and me is, you can't carry a gun so you compensate like a fool. I throw a glock in my Jansport and walk around with a shit eating grin
>or just IWB a single stack

fucking crips
How many rounds thru her so far? Buddy really wants one but plans to wait a few months for SIG to fix it

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>what is reading comprehension

>rattle canned glock

The bag normally stays in my rig. But if I carry at work it's not just I get fired, it's a felony.

Post office or? Can you at least keep CC in your truck (locked)?

>cannot have, or have access to a firearm while in shift.
It would have to be locked in something I don't have a key for.
And no not post office, but government contractor.

Fleafag, join hg discord you gay nigger.

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>bad choices, the EDC
Are sounding rods legal there?
Lone star tick a shit
BUG doesn’t need to be same caliber.
>no time locked safe

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I've lobbed about 500 rounds down range with it. Nary a malfunction to be seen. I'd recommend it if you're looking for something small as shit with good mag capacity, it's also accurate as all shit.

Bad choices, are the best choices friend-o.

I've really got to take a new pic. New phone wand watch from this.

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Well when you put it that way

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Work construction and am not taking a gun I value to the job to get fucked up, but honestly this is almost an exception to the Taurus stigma ~600 rounds through her and not a single malfunction

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>doubling down in that nicotine intake
i think i got a little cancer just from looking at that pic

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Trying to quit smoking and switch to just snuff....It's a process lol...

Based Costco. Was my first P80 and I couldn't resist hitting the bare frame before I built it out

I'll pass along the recommendation. Know what gen/revision you bought?

Gen 2 I believe, I got it mid June.

>p80 lowers cost a minimum of $600
>glocks cost $500 new

fucking pouches.....

What is that an iPhone 5?

Fuck your stupid hat, and fuck your EDC threads.


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Indianapolis Jones???

>the point of 80% builds is to save money
You are wrong and you know it.
Also, you can buy complete p80 build kits for $460 right now.

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You know what pisses me off alone about these threads? For work I 1 have 4 fucking keys and a keyfob. At home I have 4 keys for car. house, gun safe and safe. Phone, wallet with license, insurance, SS card, 2 debits, 1 credit, 1 pre-paid visa and 1 gas card. Are you guys in so low of trust level you have 2 keys and a money clip?

>needing keys for wageslave gig
>carrying your physical SS card
>not just one but TWO debit cards
>a pre-paid card?????
>only one gun safe and it takes a key
100% of memes aside, don’t try to brag. You’re bad at life, but you don’t even know it yet.
We can still have fun, post gat pics, and play dick chicken, though!

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I have 2 ss cards 1 is in the safe.
Debit cards are at a bank and credit union (seriously check out credit unions).
Pre-paid visa is just in case kinda deal. You never know. $500 paid in cash. Can be used at hotels or gas stations.
Gun safe has a key in case of button or battery failure.
Not bragging, but more annoyed from what I see.

carrying your SS card on you is a very bad idea

My CCW says otherwise. I understand the reason, but know if it is on my it is safer than anywhere else.

er on me. House catches fire, etc.

you are more likely to loose it somewhere than for someone to try to take it from you

I havent lost a wallet in my life, what is your excuse?

>it's not to save money, because before shipping it's a minimum of $550 For a basic bitch p80
>it's because you're a felon
Oh, ok.

For the record, you’re roughly as flammable as your house.

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There is so much autism on that glock I don't know where to begin.

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Show us on the doll where the P80 touched you

Just a 4s (?) gf passed it on after she got a 7

Werd, thanks

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I have the same flashlight.

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I would buy a p80 frame right now.
If it were actually cheaper to go that route then buying a brand new glock, since it isn't, only children and felons buy p80s
You have a $20 streamlite, no way!?

You ain’t seen nothing yet boy.
The point of 80% guns has never been as a way to save money. Your life as a poorfag is bleeding through.
>if it’s not to save me money what is it there for?!

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Fuck off ryan

>muh ghost gun
>muh gubment can't track it
>thinking guns are registered somewhere any governemt agent can look at it
Top tier bait, or you are just a felon.

Wow you are actually triggered!? Nevermind the fact that proper P80 builds actually tend to run better than OEM glocks in my experience. Several functional improvements vs the factory lower (magwell, rail, mag release, texture, etc). Personally a huge fan of the grip angle, and believe the rail sections in the P80 are longer/more robust


My name's not ryan

That sounds exactly like what ryan would say

Fuck off, Stan

Oh Ryan.


Does that work as well as the green combat gauze quick clot?

Risk aversion. Past performance is no guarantee of future outcomes

Do you conceal the potato masher in your dog?

>took 26 hours for that to be acknowledged

>that hat

Kaolin content is all the same, AFAIK.
Package color doesn’t really matter, it is just marketing, but there are different styles as far as size and shape and material type.

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i carry this plus a spare mag and a droid turbo 2

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>magenta anodized aluminum

>things that I see

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That jingly bullshit is not tactical enough.

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>unfolds key chain
>unfolds key holder
>unfolds key knife
>unfolds key knife blade
>”Have at thee!!!”

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Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

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Does anyone have a waterproof wallet that isn’t bulky? I got caught out in the rain again and my wallet got soaked. I’m trying to find a non bulky front pocket wallet

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I mean, what isn’t water proof in your wallet? I’d be more worried about my $1,000 phone than some easily replaced plastic cards and easily dried pieces of (((paper))).
Y..yes, s..sir.

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That texture looks pretty gross.

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You look pretty gross.

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>be a real Ryan
>see my name in a thread
>think I have friends for a second

You can get one of those metal wallets from every trendy store ever

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>slouch hat
>that fag
We may be greatest allies but pick one and only one of those two cunt

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Not OP.
There's a lot of us.

Rod Soundington is a Scholar and a Saint. So you shut your whore mouth.

Are you me?
Also named Ryan too.

>Defending a namefag.
You get the fuck out of here.

>Marlboro Black
My man

Should be obvious why there's no gun. Looks likely that I'll be moving out of state in the next year or two, maybe to NM, and getting a CCW is gonna be the first thing I do when I get there. (And putting in SBR and suppressor paperwork will be the second.)

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>not being rod’s bro
you can tell which pics are his anyways so all his namefagging don’t really matter.

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You don't deserve a gun

>not carrying one of those old fashion change makers as a money magazine for tactical tipping

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The struggle is real

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>Alpha-gal allergy, also known as meat allergy or mammalian meat allergy
How have I never heard of this? That's terrifying.

Also, why hasn't there been some radical vegan group tainting food supplies? A disease that causes anaphylactic shock in people that eat meat is just too convenient to have been ignored by them.

Want to get a new wallet. Any recommendations?

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