Why does this fuckstick hate the idea of an electric primer so much?

why does this fuckstick hate the idea of an electric primer so much?

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OP is a colossal faggot

Because it's a garbage idea

>OP is a colossal faggot
>Because it's a garbage idea
Also true

Also why is OPs meme attempt so shit?

Because while it has been done already, its pretty lackluster with the exception of metalstorm

Checked. And my theory is that, on top of being the gayest man to ever exist, OP scarcely has 2 brain cells to rub together. Quite sad. Sound plausible?

very plausible. BTW I really enjoyed the recent Maltese content from forgotten weapons. Anyone else see it? Massive artillery, interesting flintlocks.

If you wanna shit on Ian, shit on him for literally hating his fans on Jow Forums

>fires 100,000 rounds in 2 seconds
>takes 3 months to reload

He hates Jow Forums because of the autism. No other board on Jow Forums intruded on his life, spread rumors about him and generally made his life hell for a while. For no other reason that some anons were jealous of him. Normal people watch he videos and move on, not the autists on Jow Forums who had to personally invest themselves in his life.

metalstorm was a colossal and pointless piece of impractical and useless vapourware tho.

See OP

Huh, always figured the reeeing came from Jow Forums or something.

That 100 ton gun was pretty awesome. It could be used to bring down ships today. Also when he got hold of that rare walther mkb45 in the Maltese collection was amazing.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are a blurred together now. It was supposed to be a containment board but the retards just spilled into the over flow and ended up here.

What was the purpose of this beyond setting records again?

It's like one dude with some kind of demented obsession, the rest of Jow Forums think it's fucking retarded and generally don't have much bad to say about Ian.

Jow Forums saw it for the falseflag bullshit it always was, I'll give them that.

point defence if you live in Detroit.

What the fuck are they really good for in small-arms besides absurd niches?
But I don't think he ever said they were worthless, and in fact he dismissed the idea of an "EMP" disabling your electronically primed rifle, on the subject of the Remington one.

More stable, less effected by temperature and moisture, less sensitive to shock or heat.

I suppose? Not like good old centerfire primers have a lot of problems with any of those things though, they're a pretty reliable technology.

It seems more like they'd just make sense for people who are going for the tightest possible MOA.

I have actually been on malta myself a few times and love the place, grandmasters place and the arms there are incredible.

>Jow Forums and Jow Forums are a blurred together now
no...no they are not. /pol is imploding like /b before it other boards will survive

Some designs are so stable they don't have to ship as hazmat

Well yeah, there's advantages, but for most people, primers are all around just good enough, they do what people want them to do.

It wasn't vaporware though. They made some products, even managed to sell some. But they were being paid by the Department of Defense to develop stuff, and what they developed for them, the DoD didn't want to buy. The Chinese wanted to buy it, but the guy turned them down. Which is why their main customer ended up being... Papua New Guinea!

The GL they were developing was compact and light weight in compared to the milkor. Actually a viable product but died with the company.

Maybe they shouldn't have wasted their time with bullshit and focused on the good thing.

Probably because Remington tried it.

In fudd calibers. Turns out funds didn't want to pay extra for fancy electric bullets that they needed a 700 that was twice as expensive as normal to fire. I bet they couldn't have successfully marketed them to gear queers if they'd picked more tactical calibers and released an electric AR upper.

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Could have. They could have sold these to gear queers and done better than trying to sell to hunters.

Theres a few others besides what the other user said.
Primers are one of the most failure prone parts of system. Its not a huge problem but the statement is still true. Electric priming done at proper scales (don't think Remington etronx, think 20x102mm) has the potential to be significantly more reliable.
You can make your trigger group immune to fouling, sand, grit and such, and put the trigger anywhere you like on the rifle while maintaining a perfect trigger pull.
You can have complete control over ignition. No out of battery detonations, no cookoffs, no danger with open bolt guns.
Safer in general as well, this is a blue board or I'd post the picture of the hand of that soldier who tried to use a .50BMG round as a hammer.

I swear all these electric haters are mentally retarded from all the mercury accumulation in their brains

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>Maybe they shouldn't have wasted their time with bullshit and focused on the good thing.
Oh absolutely. They had to get rid of O'Dwyer before they could actually move on from retarded record chasing. If they'd been competently run, they could have used all the press the 1,000,000RPM gun got for pushing their practical products. Instead it was mostly spent by the time they actually had something worth selling.

I saw Ian McCollum at a grocery store in Tucson yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “cool man, do you have any French 7.65 long?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Emile Berthier did nothing wrong” and waving a baguette in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him oui oui as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen chaucauts in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the machine guns and started oiling it, he stopped her and told her they didn't need any oil because “franchement, ils sont l'arme la plus fiable de la première guerre mondiale,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think those are real words. After she scanned each gun and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by saying "there we go" really loudly.

Oh please. His dislike of Jow Forums predates ass grabbing and communist/pro-gun control character assassination by half a decade. Is it really so hard for you fags to believe that a normal well adjusted person would find this dump distasteful?

I've seen Pvt. Stumpy before.

But I see your point, one could make a bullpup with an objectively excellent trigger.

I had an idea a few days ago about electric primers. Many modern military projectiles have a steel core. What if the barrel had a coil in it so that when the steel projectile passed through it a current would be generated. This could provide an amount of charge back to the battery equal to what was used to ignite the electric primer. It would in theory never run out of charge.

>fires 100,000 rounds in 2 seconds
>takes 3 months to reload

For close-in point-defenses it could be very effective, of course, you wouldn't be firing your magazine empty at once except if the sky was filled with incoming missiles

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Because Jow Forums in general is a bunch of fuckwads. Everything Jow Forums complains about is literally what Jow Forums is

Almost like that is a fucking retarded idea.

getting interested in guns, fitness and books was one of the main tennants of the alt-right's "mean-spirited self improvement" program on Jow Forums. which is why so many impressionable underage kids came to Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /lit/ after getting brainwashed on Jow Forums.

> be in future battlefield
> go to shoot enemy
> gun battery dead
> Dies at the hand of the enemy.

Depends entirely on the application

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Oh hey it's a another Jow Forums pretends to hate Ian, but actually has strong feelings of a homosexual nature for him thread

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Which is why Jow Forums and Jow Forums got more insufferable posters, and why nobody on /lit/ noticed anything at all.


I can't see why he'd think that

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Not how that works.

As far as I can tell this all started with anons that were his patreon supporters and for some reason they thought they could buy him. Their demands were not met and they threw a childish fit, got the rest of Jow Forums on the bandwagon because lol Jow Forums loves a good bandwagon and it spiraled from there.

But Jow Forums didn't go with it, one samefag isn't all of Jow Forums.

I think it would just be far easier to rig something up to generate energy from the movement of a gas piston or bolt.

>Go to battlefield now, primer fails die.
It's almost like an electric trigger is a direct upgrade.

>traditional primer dies
>eject cartridge, continue firing

>electric primer system dies
>gun is now huge paperweight
Direct downgrade you mean? A futuristic way to lose your flints or have your match saturated?

>not having meteor insurance.
Congratulations on dying before the firefight faggot.

This is just an example of how completely retarded.

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>But Jow Forums didn't go with it, one samefag isn't all of Jow Forums.

Checked and why the fuck would Jow Forums care about a guntuber? Jow Forums doesn't even know shit about guns except for the occasional normie or cross poster with Jow Forums.

You can think up ways that could have with a traditional firearm as well. Debris can get in your trigger group and stop it from working, or your firing pin could break
Just because something is electric doesn't mean it's inherently less reliable than the mechanical system

This is my first trip back here in almost 4 years. What the hell actually happened?

It's nice to see the Tism's, hasn't changed at all here.

>be in modern battlefield
>optic dies
>can't aim

He is completely justified in hating Jow Forums

Considering all the homoerotic memes Jow Forums has made...

Nothing really. Hes just become a Ben Garrison type figure for some, where the fun is in pretending that hes secretly some hardline white-hating communist. I mean, he genuinely did make some ill advised comments regarding South Africa and got in a pissing match over the definition of genocide (whats going on in SA does fit the definition, but no official group calls it as such, so Ian feels it is overblown and not real), but I dont think anyone is actually that upset anymore, its all just a meme at this point.

>whats going on in SA does fit the definition,
No lol. Just no. Shitty? Yes. Genocide? No.

Because Ian made the mistake of saying he didn't agree that the situation in SA didn't match the definition for genocide, in his opinion.
Jow Forums of course went full tumblr because someone DARED to disagree with their worldview and started spewing sewage everywhere

i dont know if i would call the white killings in SA genocide, is it state backed terrorism against whites? yes. Is there rising anti white sentiment in SA that will mostly likely lead to more violence against whites? yes. is it a full fledged genocide? no.

>noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
>the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
So whats the hangup? Is it the number, in which case how big is a group before it can be considered "large"? Would you say there have to be killing fields or mass graves before it counts?

Even if he *had* liked Jow Forums, which there was some speculation he low-key did for a very short minute, there are zero benefits to doing so, as even if he had, there's a very good chance this board would have shit all over him with a smear campaign anyhow.

This place is like a mongrel dog, even if you feed it, to the dismay of everyone else on Earth, it'll probably still bite you in the ass for its own schizophrenic reasons.

yeah i just consider it by the number, if you ask someone to think of a genocide theyll name the million of Jews being killed, the million of Armenians being killed, and million of Ukrainians being killed for an example. and when you have something like this that is subjective on what it could be classified as it is important to see what society classifies it as. but i do see how someone could say it is genocide.

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is there an archive for that thread? I wanna know why Ian hates this place so much

Most of Jow Forums has been shitting on this pathetic Jow Forumsfag loser since the beginning.

InRangeTV... It's clear by their videos that they are not only communist but also degenerates. I was on the fence about it at first, but after witnessing their "Blue and Proud Video" I realized what they were.

The video, since deleted, involved Ian gobbling up a fifty-fifty mix of Pozz cum and human pus. The mixture looked to have the consistency of Greek yogurt that had been left out in the sun for an hour on a hot Arizona summer, but with more chunks. Ian vigorously gobbled this out of a filthy, prolapsed mandingo asshole while it spurted out green diahreeha and AIDS blood into the thick mix. The entire time Karl lied under Ian, using his face much like a toilet, slopping up any amount of the vile mixture and Ian's vomit as he could. He was dressed only in an eye patch and a banana hammock with a hammer and sickle logo on it. Ian started with a "I'm With Her!" T-shirt but took it off because he didn't want to ruin his prized possession even though it would have been very progressive to let the nigger shit on it.

didnt some guy from Jow Forums slap his ass in a 3-gun match?

yes. he pressed charges afterwards.

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Ian is a major league tranny loving autist. He hates Jow Forums for the same reason that the firearms blog's fuckboy hates Jow Forums: it's not their blog post and people openly call you a faggot when you're a faggot. Ian isn't a saint


>Ian isn't a saint

they hate Jow Forums therefore hate Jow Forums

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I would classify it as thousands or more. Nobody has a firm count on any death counts, and how it stacks with average crime.

No he didn't.

A magical place indeed

To add to this; You would need magnets in the projectiles.

BTFO by based user

Him disliking a niche idea is what makes you dislike him?

Not him comparing ever bullpup to "My FAMAS" then saying how his FAMAS is better?

Good lord that was getting sick. His SHOT18 coverage was insufferable.

I think he's secretly sad that french rifle production ended with a memepup

No, ONE person did, when they took it to Jow Forums, the board pretty much all told him to fuck off and stop being such a fucking idiot.

Jow Forums perhaps doesn't always have the best of judgement of the best of times, but you can't blame them for this.

Well, to start with, crime in South Africa has always been pretty high, it's a dangerous place to live no matter your background, lots of people are killed, raped, mugged and burglarized every day. There's a reason that mounting flamethrowers to your car to fend off carjackers is a common (and not to talk about legal) practice, you just cannot let your guard down in a country like that.
Most people who live there has probably seen some degree of death in their lives, many have had to defend their life and property at least once in their life.

There is some racial tensions, and the current government is playing on those tensions, because they for some godforsaken reason want to be Zimbabwe, even though Zimbabwe, obvious to everyone everywhere, is an extremely shitty place.
Some of the mentality probably rubbed off from Zimbabwe, some of it is probably lingering resentment for Apartheid.

The farm attacks are brought up a lot, and they're examples of some unfathomably heinous murders, but in truth, nearing about 80 gruesome murders, are not just a minority of the farmers in the country, but also a minority of crime. They were probably racially motivated, but the entire point was likely still burglary and theft. The cellphone jammers are pointed to, as if provided by the government, which sounds likely, but then you realize you can easily acquire them commercially, anyone, including the perpetrators themselves, could have just gone and bought them.

You also have how there's no concerted effort to mass disarm white populations in South Africa, the gun laws haven't changed, you can still just go get a license and buy a gun like always, and given the recent atrocities, a lot more white farmers have armed up and started training, so they can defend themselves if attacked.
If it had been a true genocide situation like in Germany or Ukraine, generally the targeted demographic would have had laws drafted against them to prevent them from arming themselves.

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I think what you can truly say about South Africa, is that it's a shitty developing country with a lot of violence, and a lot of tensions between demographics.

But that doesn't make a genocide, otherwise one could point towards Brazil and say that's genocide, when it's really just a country made shit by socialists, and everyone suffers a lot of violent crime.

>everytime guest says about how fucked gun laws in france are ian qukicly moves to another subject
what a nigger

hey man, kill yourself. for the sake of everyone on this board.

The 1,000,000RPM gun they built only held 800 rounds and they were tube fed.
Horribly retarded all around, but reloading wouldn't take more than a minute or two.

what do you expect from a gun control supporting antifa member?

Stale bait is stale. Try harder

Because he's an antifa member who likes to steal snickers bars.

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I know these are just jokes but I still feel a need to post these again

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merely a photoshop, fellow capitalists