/kgg/ - Jow Forums Games General

ITT: We discuss games that are particularly popular with the denizens of this board.

Why is Arma: Combat Operations so overlooked? It's an improvement on Operation Flashpoint, with none of the shit that made Arma 2 lackluster. (No story beyond briefings and newscasts, no bullshit characters or "emotional" moments the devs want you to care about. It's just war.)

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There is only one Jow Forums game and it is STALKER.
go home stalker you are drunk

>casings eject left STALKER
>bulletsponge enemies STALKER
>the one and only Jow Forums game
Fuck no.

Arma: Combat Operations, like Operation Flashpoint before it, also has a much less intrusive UI than Arma 2.

>Why is Arma: Combat Operations so overlooked?
Because it's the weakest game in the series and if you give a shit about any of the series campaigns aside from the Resistance campaign you are literally doing it wrong.
Queens Gambit had some real potential, but again, ARMA 1 and everything surrounding it was new levels of unfinished and buggy for the series.

I'm not keen on the ARMA series in general.
They all play like they're designed by programmers, without no concern for UI and the end playerbase are the testers. The game as released is basically an Alpha, it is buggy, ugly, badly optimized and most of all very un-intuitive. There's no reason I should have to use just about every single key on the keyboard to play, or go through their convoluted system outside the game (which is clearly a half-assed hack rather than a fully implemented feature) to attempt to change key bindings.

Far from being immersive I found ARMA's system of just moving around, the 40 different ways you can lean around corners and heck the inventory management system so badly kludged together that I struggled to play at all let alone get into it. That's also assuming it was working, which would have been in my experience the exception rather than the rule. Obviously I didn't play for very long, so I never got to see past all of these faults but they are pretty major faults.


But...........picture related.

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You mean armstalker?

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I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this

I want to like the game but doing anything is overly complicated by the controls

Learning to play Arma effectively takes about as much patience as learning to use a flight simulator, Squad exists for people who want a more structured and streamlined experience (not using every key+combos). Also I'd like to add that I have 50 hours in Combat Operations so far, and I haven't encountered a single game breaking bug. That's in the campaign, as well as single missions and the editor.
Hey, I thought David Armstrong and the tank commander's missions were pretty good in Cold War Assault.

Modded stalker is better then regular stalker.

Rainbow 6, the first one in particular. 2nd was neat as well, I replayed the airliner mission a hundred times with different setups

>having to mod a game to make it decent
I enjoy modding my games, but like New Vegas, you're basically playing a completely new game once you've modded it to the point where it's acceptable.

I legit think you've spent more time complaining about the game than actually playing it because it's really not that fucking complex.

Where can I buy those now? The only Rainbox six game I have is Raven Shield, I can't find the really old ones on Steam.

Just accept that you're going to eat shit for awhile until you get the hand of it. Play through Cold War Assault first, you don't even command other units until you're like four hours into the campaign. It really eases you into it, while newer Arma games assume you already know how.

See Mods are basically a must for the game. There used to be a general here constantly for it but I guess mods started banning it and forcing it to go to /v/

I think GOG has them

There is absolutely no reason the controls need to be that complicated. If they had put any effort into UI at all, they could have been streamlined to be only a little more complicated than any other FPS and far more intuitive.

This is why I say it's a game badly kludged together by programmers. They don't mind complicated controls because some fucktarded key combo is still easier than typing whatever they want to do into a console, but it never occurs to them that if somebody that didn't program that game wants to play it they would still need it more streamlined.

For instance you don't need separate controls for being on foot or in a vehicle. That shit is completely retarded. You aren't going to run around and be driving a car at the same time, only one or the other. Therefore you can disable WASD as running commands and use them as driving commands (accelerate, turn left, brake, turn right) instead. Every game I've ever played does this, except ARMA which uses a separate set of keys on another part of the keyboard that I have to switch to when I climb into a car.

How come everyone overlooks GR: Wildlands? Especially with the release of Ghost Mode its as Jow Forums as it gets.

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>except ARMA which uses a separate set of keys on another part of the keyboard that I have to switch to when I climb into a car.
How fucking retarded are you?

Vanilla ShOC is playable but clearly un-finished and not the ideal experience.
CS is a dumpster fire no matter what you do.
CoP is perfectly fine in Vanilla and a stable, well optimized base for extensive modding.

>For instance you don't need separate controls for being on foot or in a vehicle
>ARMA which uses a separate set of keys on another part of the keyboard that I have to switch to when I climb into a car.
What the hell are you talking about? Cold War Assault through Operation Arrowhead all use WASD for cars. You're embellishing things.
>How come everyone overlooks GR: Wildlands?
Because it's a third person shooter Ubisoft open world game designed to sell cosmetics.

He's not retarded, just a filthy liar.

>Magical Squad AI that's invisible to enemies, can shoot through literally anything with perfect accuracy, can see through anything, has fully automatic magical sniper rifles and can teleport.
>Enemies that magically vanish after 3 seconds
>Enemies that can magically see you as soon as you enter "alert status" and will hit scan you the second they have line of sight.
>Enemies that can snipe you at 300 metres whilst dual wielding SMG's
>.50 cal bullets that magically make armoured vehicles and APC's explode with a single round
>mag dumping an SMG into literally any vehicle will also make it explode
>most effective way of avoiding SAM missiles in a helicopter is to do barrel rolls

I mean don't get me wrong, Wildlands is a LOT of fun, especially with mates, but it's hardly Jow Forums material.


>Ghost Recon fans want the series to go back to being a realistic tactical shooter
>Ubisoft equates cheap deaths with realism

I completely agree it’s controls are retarded in every way but you did use WSAD in cars and the like as well.

How retarded do you have to be to not know how to play Arma after all this time? Have you really sat down and tried to play it? I have less than 140 hours across the Arma series, and I have a pretty good understanding of the controls. And I'm too stupid for hoi3.

One note on ARMA controls. A 16 year old did it better.

At the height of the Day Z craze a 16 year old kid in Canada made a very rudimentary low-rez knockoff on the Unity engine called Unturned. It has pretty much all of the functionality of Day Z and by extension ARMA 2. It has tactical leaning/crouching, inventory control, complex player interaction, vehicles, objectives, magazines need to be topped off and can be merged, etc. It is also deeply customizable, moddable and has a very easy to use mapping program. It's not pretty or perfect, but the fact that one teenager working by himself could make a far more playable game that's designed along the same lines goes to show that the ARMA devs really suck at UI.

ATF simulator

pic related, about to infringe on a patriot's rights

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I'd love to play ARMA but I haven't had a computer capable of hitting 20 fps even on the lowest graphics settings.

>It has tactical leaning/crouching, inventory control, complex player interaction, vehicles, objectives, magazines need to be topped off and can be merged, etc
And do you have to micromanage squads (starting in Arma 2, MULTIPLE squads) of AI soldiers that may or may not be in vehicles in Unturned? No? I didn't think so, because it's based on DAY FUCKING Z, the mod that killed Arma and dumbed down it's player base.

You don't have to play ArmA 3, you can go back and play ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. There's still tons of people who play it, hell, I spent a big chunk of my life playing Warfare servers on ArmA 2 OA.

Well then you must be playing on a laptop from 2007, because I have a desktop with a shitty duel core and integrated graphics from best buy, and even with Arma 2 I'm usually above 30 frames per second.

>because it's based on DAY FUCKING Z, the mod that killed Arma and dumbed down it's player base.

This. ArmA was a land of peaceful military autism before DayZ happened. The game got by with less-than-perfect anticheat because there were barely any cheaters, servers could get by with intermittent or even no moderation, it could be me looking back with rose-colored glasses but fuck me I KNOW that things were better before the casualpocalypse.

>but fuck me I KNOW that things were better before the casualpocalypse
Normalfags are bad sports in whatever game they play. Cheating was rare in old Arma because the players were more mature and understood it took the fun out of the game for everyone, the cheater included. Actual Arma multiplayer requires teamwork and coordination, while DayZ you can be a lone wolf who doesn't contribute to his team just fine. Furthering it's appeal to normalfags.

>Comparing Unturned to ARMA.
Allowing video game discussion on Jow Forums was a mistake.
You were a mistake.

>It has pretty much all of the functionality of Day Z and by extension ARMA 2
Does Unturned model the speed of sound?

Any good RTS games I'm missing?

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Why is this game played by absolute fucking spergs who literally quote the phonetic alphabet and give me orders like I'm actually going to follow them.

It's a good game but jesus christ. The people who play it are fucking unbearable. Micfags are the worst.

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What is the point of several threads a week with the exact same shit?
>is EFT any good?
>argue about it
>muh modded Arma 3
>Squad vs Project Reality
>woah guys seen Post Scriptum/GR:W/Ready or Not?
Like fuck just make an infographic if you're never gonna play anything new

There’s literally a button dedicated to stepping over small objects. Not since Jurassic Park: Trespasser have I seen a game with such overly and unnecessarily complex game controls (trespasser was worse though, you needed a full number keypad to pick up and aim a gun properly).

Does anyone here still play SWAT 3? It is superior to 4.

Faggots need to learn to use /vg/ and mods need to do their fucking jobs.

How's it feel having ADHD?

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>There’s literally a button dedicated to stepping over small objects
*waist high fences

God you're such an insufferable faggot. You hardly ever need to use the vault key, but it's there when you need it. It accomplishes the same action as jumping at an obstacle in your beloved Battlefield to vault over it, albeit at a more realistic speed with all your gear.

I have arma sitting on my drive and I just have no clue how to even start with all these mods. I see badass pics of ww2 and Vietnam gameplay and shit. Literally no clue what I’m doing with all these steam mods

Wargame Red Dragon is what I'm playing right now, other than a mildly toxic community it is great. (also the ash and shadows mod is basically a different game)

Command and Conquer Generals and the expansion Zero Hour you massive fag.

Literally the pinnacle of the series.

bought all the Tom Clancy games on GOG when they were on sale. is Ghost Recon fun? it sounds awesome

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Ghost Recon + Desert Siege + Jungle Storm is an excellent time, and that's before you get to the mods.

agreed, and there isn't anything wrong with that.

For the frequency you use it it should be integrated with the use command or elsewhere. The point is the controls are needlessly complex and that’s only one example of it

total war

Just stop.

list of some favs

Rainbow 6 1-2-3 - great games, nice campaigns. Some levels are so good you will want to replay them multiple times trying different setups and challenges

Stalker series, 1st one in particular. ZRP patch is enough to make the game playable all the way through. 2 is the weak link but the first half of the game is still nice. Turns to shit when you cross the bridge.

Operation Flashpoint aka Cold War Assault. Campaign is at its best when you're just a grunt part of a bigger thing. Are the SP campaigns any good in Arma 1-2?

Close combat series. Tank pathfinding will make you lose your hair but other than that fantastic games.

Commandos 1 and 2. Not the Jow Forumsest games but comfy and solid.

Unironically Medal of Honor 1 and CoD 1 and 2

Game is shit.

What kind of a retarded point is that? Literally how does modeling the speed of sound affect the awful shitheap controls?

which of you niggers playin' the insurncy: sandstorm beta right now

>Wargame series
>World In Conflict
>Planetary Annihilation TITANS
>Natural Selection 2 as Commander (if community is still alive)

>Planetary Annihilation TITANS

And why exactly would you suggest that over the entirely superior Supreme Commander or Total Annihilation?

Far Cry 2 has nice guns, too bad the rest of the game is a bag off turned assholes. Far Cry 5 can be fun if you just fuck but it fucking sucks that a lot of the guns are locked behind missions and a high price. Also the lever gat has a lazy reload animation

Isnt that mod essentially russian only? I thought the devs stopped caring about the US demographic.

there are mods for farcry two, five can't be saved
>best ending nuclear ending, because that can lead into way more insteresting far cry game or farcry 6 return of the blooddragon

5 isn't all that bad desu. But I agree, if they go nuclear survival for Far Cry 6 it would be a fresh direction for the series. Far Cry could end up being a better Fallout franchise than Bethesda could ever do.

Then don't use them at first. Get a feel for vanilla, and then go try mods. If you don't want to do 2035 shit, go play Arma 2 and get used to that. Arma 3's control scheme isn't that different, and the switch will be easy because A3 is so smooth compared to A2.

The paradox ones

I don't know why but it feels like far cry 5 was shoved into the 2010's where it felt like it'd be really more at home in 1988 or '89, like just at the death spiral of the coldwar