Be me

>Be me
>be 18, senior in hs
>live on ranch in California with liberal parents
I need the cheapest ghost AR-15 you can buy on the internet. I dont care too much about how it runs. I have access to all the tools and shit I'd probably need and I have a way to get ammo irl. Id prefer if it looks similar to pic related but it doesnt really matter.

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You sound like a school shooter. I'm not helping you make us look bad.

I don't think you know what that means

Yeah I felt it would give off that vibe I just wanna do some recreational shooting bro

Red flags FLYING.

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Have you ever shot before?

Palmetto State Armory and 22mods4all have kits for 200-300 dollars, so if you've got the lower covered, there's your source for cheap parts.

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Pretty vsure they don't ship to CA.

Haven't you been keeping up with the news? Just print one out. If you don't have a printer go to the local library, just make sure the staff don't see what you are printing, they will flip out.

They do, because they're not regulated like firearms. They're just pieces of metal that can be shipped to all 50 states. For now. Some idiots passed a law that defines barrels, uppers, 80 percent lowers, and magazines as firearm precursors that require a background check. It doesn't take effect until 2020 or some shit, though.

It's too late, you can't have 80% lowers and can't buy them either. Your best bet is to fork the money and buy a 4d printer and print yourself a timeline where California isn't fucked

Just buy a decent rifle off of your gay state's "safe" list.

RIP your parents.

>ghost ar
>that you buy
Kill yourself

My god you're an idiot.



Wait until you graduate, then go to college in a nonfucked state. Your almost there, why create drama and tensions to get a gun you wont be able to shoot anywhere anyways. You got like.. What a year before you can get out?

Pic unrelated

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>Go to college
You don't even know what he wants to do fuckhead

I'm going to need to hear your use case first.

Don't tell him anything in case he is a SS. Jow Forums has enough bad press already, if the media finds out that another baby-killer was from Jow Forums were fucked. Not even gookmoot can save us now.

>liberal parents
An actual working ranch that does animal husbandry? And the parents are liberal and the kid is gun-illiterate. I'll take unadulterated bullshit for $200, Alex.

Yeah, OP needs to stop being a faggot.

Could be an outdoor weed farm in norcal with liberal owners and a cat for livestock.

Lol.. Well excuse me. Let me rephrase that then:

Wait and move out on your own to a nonfucked state. College is optional.

Hahaha I bet you’re parents are going to be the first ones you shoot.

>and a cat for livestock
das raycis

>when you use all the GURPS splats at once

>ywn cross sling airsoft guns over your thick toad throat and asphyxiate yourself in front of your qt neighbor

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People telling OP to move are retards. He lives on a ranch, so he can do all the fun shooting that free staters get to do and LEO can't do shit.

>with guns
>in California

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>dead in the middle of little italy little did we know that we riddled some middlemen who didn't do diddly


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Growers are some of the most conservative, hard right people you’ll ever meet. By and large, they’re perfectly ok having guns around. They don’t into cats because that’s coyote/mountain lion fodder out where they dwell. The rookies will have dogs the first season, get rid of them when they realize how noisy dogs can be. Libs don’t get into pot farming because it’s the most basic form of slash and burn agriculture you can imagine. They’re trying to change that now that it’s legal, but the retarded tax structure on pot is not helping any.

t. Humboldt user

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Polymer80 lower +Jig kit
PSA AR kit

>Yes, Mr. FBI man? I found the shooter

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Underrated post

I got some hot smegma you could suck off but thats the beat we can do op

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Can Californians buy assault weapoms from FFLs in other states? My understanding is that you can buy anything other than handguns in out of state gun shops.

No. If your state is cucked as bad as California or New York, neighboring states can't sell you shit.

Do you have a milling machine or something like it?