At range

>At range
>next to stack of ammo
>buddy lights cigarette

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Do you know how cartridges work?

how would lightning a cig do anything ? its not going to detonate a primer


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Smoking is for fags. But a cigarette isn’t going to do anything to ammo. Quit being a retard.

ciggys cant even light gas on the ground mang.

>On eastern front at night
>hear the soviet bi-planes above us
>Buddy lights a cigarette

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You can toss bullets straight into a campfire and they still take about a minute or so to cook off being 100% immersed in flames and resting on red hot coals.

You could hold the cherry of a cig against the primer and nothing would probably happen.

>Peddle bicycle up to gas station
>Want to buy some Cherry Coke.
>There is an ashtray at the entrance of the store

I can't believe anyone is still alive right now, gas stations are a volatile death trap of explosive vapors and everyone is smoking their disgusting cigarettes right inside the explosive cloud.

Fuck this gay earth.

I smoke cigars at outdoor ranges all the time and while im shooting. Don't be so autistic. You just dont want to do it nesr any place where people are working a reloading machine


Someone's been watching too many movies.

I hope you're a nogunz

Oh, my god! Sweetie! No!

That is so, so, so, dangerous!

I'm soooo sorry you had to experience that! Will be able to file a claim for PTSD with your sergeants???

Please stop being retarded

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this is bait or super embarrasing

>at gun store
>a kid with cerebral palsy asks to handle one of the guns

>at gun show
>taser booth right next to the pacemaker booth

>at Cabela's admiring the taxidermy display
>man dressed for the hunt is hiding behind the Carhart's aiming his rifle at me.

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This post reminds me of that time on Top Gear James May lights a lighter on the back end of a Soviet Satan missile as if it was a firework.

>in ditch in nam
>pitch black out; can barely see in what's in front of me
>buddy lights a cigarette

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generation war is a good fuckin show

Good episode ťbh

So fucking true. I tried this in high school. Used to have a crf230f and alot of gas. It will literally not do anything but put it out.

The American title is big gay tho

>have big reloading bench, covered in cartridges, powder, primers, ect
>gf tries to light a candle on it

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>cerebral palsy

You don’t know what that is, do you?

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>At range
>Next to stack of ammo and explosives
>Range Anarchist throws a molotov cocktail

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Someone post the lev 2int meme girl

>at range
>waiting in line for crab legs
>find out it's imitation krab

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The segments following the Jew back in Germany were fucking boring though, skipped them all to see more combat. I'm not even Jow Forums.


Get the fuck off my board you no guns piece of shit.

>nogunz retard alert