Is private detective work priddy Jow Forumsino...

Is private detective work priddy Jow Forumsino? I’ve been flirting with the idea of trying to apply at a local firm with my photography/minimal security experience. It seems like mostly catching insurance scammers slipping which might be interesting. Weigh in if you have any source knowledge onnit fellas.
Also on guns I bought a Glock 43 yesterday and enjoy shooting it for a subcompact. I Recommend

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Oh no, they got him.


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You are a giant faggot and should immediately kill yourself

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Is this like a bootlicker thing or what? They’re really hiring guy

OP ends in an incomplete sentence, giving the impression of inter

Got got

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I wish it was as noir as OP pic but its not, its like watching grass grow. Still not bad tho, check your state's requirements on it. if its for you great and

Seems still somewhat interested I’d probably get to carry and it’s photographing people when they don’t know about it. But yeah sounds like a lot of waiting around. I just figured someone would know about it here since there’s a thread on unarmed security and the police academy every other day.

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You will never ever use your gun as a PD. In fact, carrying one probably isn't even part of the job.
You're basically paid to stalk people all day.

fair warning that eventually you're going to be hired to spy on someone for completely bullshit reasons, and when that happens you will have guns pointed at you

Who keeps interrupting the anons in this thread? Is there someone trying to

Yeah I think I’m going to apply and be up front that I’m trying to feel out the job for myself. I really like the idea of being able to open a firm if I get experienced.
I originally just forgot to finish my thought but now everyone’s got the bug lol

I’m still confused what pissed you off. Is the job a larp thing like all the mercenary posts?

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Carry for when you get spotted by an angry cheater

I did P.I. work on the side for about 5 years for no other reason then I wanted to. I was a fishermen at the time so I had enough dough and some down time in between trips.
its not like the movies, at least not anymore. A big portion of your work is done online. Fraud, insurance schemes, ect. You wont go finding missing persons or serial killers every day, and at best you'll have a steady relationship with the cops who will just see you as a rent a cop boy scout little brother thats constantly getting in their way and wants to be like them. most ground work I did, was in fact, cheating spouses. A lot of my work was for married couples who just wanted dirt on each other for divorce court. Honestly the worst part of the job, getting roped into that was exhausting and everyone was a cunt. On average every 10 cases id get (and I wouldnt get that many so dont expect to be rich) 6 would be insurance or fraud related, 2 would be married couples and 2 would be genuine crime cases. Mostly missing kids or persons, often run aways Anything really suspicious or pointing towards foul play, the cops took over and they sure as shit dont want your help. I would get cases that had gone cold, the cops had given up on or hadnt given a shit to begin with. I wont lie, some of them were pretty fucked and I felt out matched.
Get yourself a classic noir gat though, thats essential

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Not OP but still considering it, would you mind sharing any cool stories?

Ayyyyoooo finally someone with experience. Was the pay for cases alright? I wouldn’t mind insurance fraud actually but the background check stuff does seem tedious. I never knew the police look down on PI’s since so many open up firms. Yeah I’d definitely carry a snubby.

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What state are you in? Look up the licensing requirements and decide if it's worth it.

>Yeah I’d definitely carry a snubby.
The noir comment was a shit test and you failed.

90% of it is sitting outside of some dudes house for 12 hours a day waiting to see if he comes out limping or not.

pay was decent enough, but its nothing you can really live off of unless you already have a steady job or a ton of fuck around money like I did. I didnt have a going rate so id establish something with the client depending on their income and what theyd expect from me. Things like a run away kid I was more lenient with vs a scorned housewife. Id usually charge more then necessary for the latter but they were so blinded with anger they didnt seem to notice. I wouldnt say cops look down on you per say, but dont think youre going to be tag teaming cases. At best youd be an informant (and thats a one way street mind you) but, it was nice to have some back up if I needed it. You really need to prove youre worth and not just some larper or a sleezeball. Some cops do go P.I. afterwards but IMO its not happening as much any more. A degree in computer forensics will help you more then anything these days, which is mainly why I got out. Your best bet is to be hired by some company or business as their P.I., which goes against the noir thing you probably want but its a lot more steady.
Granted, you still can get work like that but lower your expectations. is also right, each state is different and often you cant just "become" one. I got out mainly because of the computer thing and my heart wasnt in it after a few years. It was fun but not what I (or you im guessing) thought it was. Also, some cases did get to me. Im a park ranger now and much happier, but I still have some case files and occasionally if I get the itch Ill look through them again. Two years ago I hate a investigator for the DA's office knock on my door and ask about a case. Ill share stories in my next post

ok a few PI. stories

>one of my first cases
>cheating husband, of course
>I was younger, eager and stupid
>wife was an awful nagging long island medium type
>"ugh my husband he's just the worst so im taking him to court and fucking him over"
>k whatever im still getting a cut
>follow the dude for a week, sure as shit he's banging some other girl in a motel (you cant believe how cliche some of this is)
>snap some pics and circle around
>about to upload it to my ipad when my window is smashed
>its the husband with a snow shovel
>didnt have a gun yet but I had mace, pepper spray the fuck out of him
>wind blows it back and I get it all over my coat
>cops show up, remember what I said about first impressions?
>they knew me after this
>husband just thought I was a pervert, after he was caught he came clean and didnt even show remorse
>they settled out of court, not sure how he faired
>in hindsight he was pretty cool and the wife was a cunt, kind of feel bad about helping her and cant blame the guy for cheating
>chose my clients a lot more carefully after

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>ok so after this I buy myself a pistol
>not relevant to this story but it will be for others
>wasnt really a gun guy, and ironically this all led me to being a Jow Forumsommando
>new day new case
>mom and pop furniture store is dealing with a former employee that claims he broke his back lifting couches by himself and is suing
>owner says he never has one guy do that and he's bullshitting
>camp outside his shitty apartment for 3 days, he doesnt even leave
>listening to podcasts and eating animal crackers when he comes outside
>his apartment is at the top of a staircase, he jogs down them with no hesitation
>I got you, pikachu
>snap some pics, mission accomplished
>show the owner
>"Oh I fucking knew it I knew it"
>could have been paid right there but he wanted to do it in cash so "the banks wouldnt know" or something
>I show up the next day, we're talking when in limps the employee, very exaggerated
>"hey boss, you called"
>"Oh right, take a seat, I want to show you something"
>mfw this guy is going to show him my photos while Im still here
>dude obviously flips shit and says its shopped
>zeros in on me, puts two and two together
>tries to push me, remembers he has a "limp" and acts out both a push and a pimp walk
>side step that shit, the door swings open
>3 family members come in, all "limping"
>its a circus, everyone is trying to fight but fake an injury
>cops come again
>mfw everyone in that family was trying to pull a disability scam
>mfw the cameras in the store proved they were all bullshitting
>mfw this got me some slight credibility with the cops since I technically broke up a fraud ring
>mfw, best of all, the employee was a brother in law of the owners wife and they didnt tell me due to "not wanting to cause a conflict on interest"

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last ones, these are also the high lights over the years. More often then not the cases were boring and not this ridiculous, but here are some quick darker ones

>15 year old girl from a broken home has run away
>only one to care is an older sister, parents are addicts and too many half siblings to count
>says she ran with a bad crowd of kids that thought they were gangsters
>problem is they used to pal around with actual drug dealers and bikers
>one of the kids in her circle was found murdered in the woods, shot in the head
>sister says that was one of the 15 year olds boyfriends and they would go anywhere together
>more or less seemed like those two either tried to join a more serious outfit and she was kidnapped, or she went along with the killing ang joined them
>followed the few leads, best found was somebody matching her description at a rest stop with some "tough looking guys" a few days after the BF was found
>been almost 9 years now, still nothing

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>an immigrant kid with ties to MS-13 is going to a community college
>really struggling with some demons, his family is trying to get him to recruit kids at school, sell drugs and spread the gang culture
>kid is torn, its his family but obviously this isnt right
>said he was going out to a party after class one day, got in a van with his older brother and his class mates said they saw them fighting
>old said the older brother punched him and they drove off
>the next day he un-enrolled from his classes
>never to be seen again

this was the one the DA's investigator came to talk with me about. I dont know if that kid was still missing or had been found in connection with something else, he wouldnt tell me. Just asked about him and for copies of my limited files I had on him

I have to go, if this thread is still alive Ill think back to some more or save them for another thread

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Different user, but I used to dabble in PI work, I liked the thrills.

One client had me infiltrate a neo nazi type outfit under the guise of locating stolen heirloom rings and what not. Took like a month to even see their HQ. Interestingly enough, shortly after I told the client the gangs safe location and the locations layout, the neo nazis get their shit stolen. They beat the shit out of their newest recruit which fortunately wasn't me.

I made bank for that job. Client went all out, money for getting a Swastika tattoo and it's removal. Pretty sure the client was in the business of ripping of gangs. Started to talk about more work, but after seeing how he could give a shit about putting me in danger with no heads up, I was good on that. I think he counted on them killing me actually.

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Another time shit got sticky, basically goes like this.

Got hired on a missing persons case, a young brunette college chick. Sometimes you make progress stupid quick, because of police incompetence, or apathy. This was beyond that, it took two minutes of talking to the girls roommate to verify why, police involvement. The girl was the sidepiece of a Sergeant. I got run out of town by the police, once they heard I was looking into things, I couldn't go a day without getting harassed. She's probably long since dead in a ditch somewhere.

That was my last case.

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jesus, thats great user

keep posting if you have more like this

Practical tips as a PI. Check the local newspaper, best leads there are, also the worst sometimes, soliciting PI services can get people mad for a number of reasons.

Client selection is key as mentioned earlier, their character as mentioned, do they have cash, will they pay, are they thinking clearly at the time of agreeing to service and fees and not running on emotion, do they have faith in the police...

A good camera with night vision is invaluable, make sure you have quick write cards for fast follow up shots. Oh, and electrical tape over the flash!

"Grey man," to your environment.

When cheating spouses are shacking up in hotels/ motels, scope out who they have at the desk, just might be able to slide them some cash, control which room they get, maybe set up some equipment for choice view/ angels/ stealth.

Disguises, fun and useful. Pizza man, Jehovah witness, pretending to be a meter reader, room service... you get one use, so pick accordingly

Thanks for the stories user, good stuff.


I want to believe.

Did you start out under a PI or open a firm from the start? How big was the city you worked in? What’s the general hourly rate for following and photographing someone? Thanks for all the info so far.

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my state requires me to take a test and be fingerprinted to work as PI. I dont really like the idea of that. Does anyone know if its legal (or at least have any experience) being a Craigslist/freelance bodyguard/private investigator?

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Shit my state requires like 100,000 worth of insurance per pi and it's almost 300$ per year. I just wanna larp twice a month. Fuck.

That's cool dude. I'm studying to be and engineer right now, and definitely not the environmental kind, but if that doesn't work out I've always wanted to work in the parks... especially the national kind, but I know gigs like that don't come by easy

Yeah to sure you are some unknown serial killer trying to cover up your serial murders by taking on related missing person "cases"

Slightly unrelated but what degree would be the best for a police detective?

Why not criminal justice?

I was going to try to be a game warden before I found out how hard it is to become one in Colorado. Not a lot of positions open.
Priddy much same here minus insurance. I’m cool with being fingerprinted since I already had to for my chp.

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I’d say crim justice, computer forensics, photography, or an education in business since you have to open and operate your own firm. I’m back and forth on this job my areas one of the highest paid for the gig but also requires some work to get licensed.

Thought we were still on PI’s lol scratch that it’s early. Police detectives all start from patrol cop no matter what you can’t really apply for the spot.

I was able to open my own firm and work by myself. Like I said, some states do it differently where you must work under a firm first but I didnt have to.
City was fairly big, not NYC size but a nice metropolitan area. I lived just outside the city so I could work in the countryside just as often.
My rate was 20 an hour, plus expenses that Id provide receipts for or proof off. If I felt I deserved extra pay for something dangerous or auxiliary we would haggle that out later. Always get the money up front first before you give them any evidence. Once they have it they try to haggle you down or refuse to pay because "you really didnt do all that much". people are cheap