One gun

>You must choose one gun.
>All other weapons cease existing.
>Every previously-armed person on the planet gets a copy of this gun.
>No other guns will ever be made.

Pic related. It is my choice for shits and giggles.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I choose whatever the fuck this is

Schwerer Gustav.

You can't just give everyone a WMD like that

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[raughs in exprosion]

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It shoots explosive bullets, yes?
Think of all the unintentional suicides, holy shit.
I love it

Are you retarded, boy?

It’s not really suicide if it’s unintentional

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Read the post again. It's simply a bad joke that flew over your head.

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The answer is obvious. Every gun ever made, 12 copies of each, all connected together by thin wires that are attached with water soluble glue, and a string connected to every trigger.

Now everyone has 12 of every gun, and no gun will ever go extinct because for new guns to be made, every single gun ever has to be made.

You're alright user.

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I'm ok with this.

The yugo SKS I bought in highschool and fired corrosive ammo through without cleaning

Enjoy your smoothbore shitstick plebs

We space age now boys.

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Tommy guns for all.

Behold my violent, but strangely awesome world.

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>only one barrel

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Nice Dalek

Nice Fours

Nice quints m8

I've changed my answer to this

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you already know you only need a uspt, why even make this thread?

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>95% of them are useless guns becuase no ammo

we space magic now boys

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>when suddenly there's 875 million of a firearm in an obsolete cartridge, nobody will start manufacturing ammo in those calibers to take advantage of the market

That seems terrible for factory tooling, though. Otherwise, I like your style.

>everyone can shoot the 1000 guns they have all the time with ammo they cant get
mosf of them will end up in the trash on day 1

Look like the american market gets nearly free surplus forever.

>You must choose one gun.

Reading comprehension, the thread.

this, very curious to see how poeples would go on fighting in actual conflicts with thoose.

Also you nigger faggot, all it takes is some ingenuitive faggot to take a CNC tool changer, hydraulic press, and brass forming dies made from adjustable collets. Now you have the ability to turn brass strip into any cartridge ever.

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Not quite, this also welcomes a good trollpost...see above.

I nominate harpoon. Brutal, Deadly, still a horrible weapon.

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A punt Gun

that joke went so far over your head you would need a saturn 5 rocket to get it.

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For the businessman

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It would be like trying to buy .22lr back in 2013 for the rest of eternity.

Hi-Point 9mm

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>gun mechanism itself is literally dumb dumb grug has rocket gun
>all the magic is in the cartridge
>the cartridge is almost impossible to manufacture consistently

Glawk 40

>tfw get banned from crouch only servers

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I'm not sure if this is a Modern Warfare reference or something else. But regardless


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>No thrusting function
Decent prototype, but there is room for improvement.

I think I would prefer the Steyr but really anything off of this list would be OK.

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A more civilized world.

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.22 would be the only ammunition produced though

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You're right user, we can go further.

end of thread

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Fucking Chad

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literally the second post you stupid niggers

Unironically the AR. Probably the AR10, though. With all it's caliber options and after market, the AR platform basically IS every firearm ever.

But only buckshot exists

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The big one

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Gau-8 chambered in 2.7mm my nigga

Cobray terminator

Only the strong survive

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the big money then will be making all the hangers for wall displays

gg ez

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I'm an HK45ct fanboy but I came to this thread to say USP 45 tactical.

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I would get one but I'm really not down to register it as a DD

Question: must this gun exist in the present day? If not, the answer is simple

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I like the cut of your jib.

>There are people ITT right now who don't know the Schwerer Gustav by name

Sw model 29 4"
>Easy to use
>Fuck wristlets

>Fictional Gun
>Not Sawblade Launcher

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