
>"Do you own these guns to make up for what you're lacking?"

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Other urls found in this thread:

“Yeah, being in a wheelchair makes it hard to stab a linebacker before he stabs me.”

Show me how to fire 9mm from my penis and I'll sell my CCW at least.

>"Do you shitpost on /k to make up for what you're lacking?"

Tbh I do own a lot of guns and have an average sized penis.

So maybe?

>"what's with you constantly thinking about dicks, is there something you want to tell me?"

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This is a real question that I have: Why are anti-gunners (and liberals in general) so perverted? Sometimes the propaganda is written like a shitty fan fiction.

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as opposed to the bloodlust of the right, like the ROPE meme.

rope meme? I must be out of touch please explain

Sure? You deflected from the question.

All political cartoonists are trash.

Except for Kelly. That guy has his thumb on the heartbeat of the nation.

>"Do you own these guns to make up for what you're lacking?"

Yeah I'm lacking more guns

Basement dwelling neckbeards who blame their virginity on Jews mistakenly believe that
>a fascist/ethnostate/whatever the fuck will come to power and lynch gays/darkies/feminists
>they themselves wouldn't be the first against the wall in such a situation anyway

You aren't missing much it is really fucking stupid.

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Yeah, I'm lacking in people who aren't faggots and who question my hobbies. Piss off.

>not one of you faggots decided to give him the tactical reach around
I am disappointed

Oh that is something I know, I just didn't know it was called a rope meme

The most successful brainwashing techniques are based on sexual perversion because the reproductive drive is the strongest drive humans have.

fucking moron, if I am lacking downstairs I'd buy this
costs the same as a glock too, but I don't need one because I already have both and am happy with mine while you ain't got neither

the warp drive is the best drive

Considering what I'm lacking most in life is excitement then yeah I guess so.

>Yes, actually. I'm unhappy with my natural shortcomings, so I try to find happiness and fulfillment in my hobbies instead of moping around about the fact that I have a pencil dick.

I lack more guns and therefore I must compensate

Since guns are my fetish, I'd be happier with a smaller penis so I could actually fit it inside my guns more easily.

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Commie fag

Yes. I lacked a ptr91 so bought it. Then lacked a ptr32 so bought it. Lacked a c93, bought that too. Lacked wealthier hk 22 mp5, yeup bought that one. So much I lack but can buy.

that pic is not even funny tho

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I lack the ability to shoot bullets from my finger tips so I have to rely on the aid of a prosthetic