Wtf is up with USP magazine prices?!

Why is this allowed? Meanwhile I have Glock mags literally pouring out of my drawers. I will buy a 3D printer fucking today if it will make USP mags. Does anyone make third party mags for this? Holy shit these prices are insane

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This is partly why no one buys H&K. Their mag prices are super unreasonable.

On what planet is 90 dollars for an 18 round mag considered reasonable?


Government agencys and departments that the USP was designed to be issued to have much higher budgets than individuals, so they can charge more.

Because you suck and we hate you.

"Military buys equipment made by the lowest bidder"

"Military isn't held up by budget constraints"

Which is it?

the 10 rd and 15 round 9mm mag, not pictured, is also the same price

They charge consumers that because they can, government contracts get them for at most half that and they make up the difference by chargeing you and me 100 bucks a mag


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>implying those aren’t anything but outrageous prices

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If you hadn’t spent so much on glock mags that they were “literally just pouring out of your drawers” you could afford some HK mags

This is why I regret buying a VP9. The mags are like 45 dollars a piece.

It's why I got a Pastapistol APX instead of a VP9. Also sweat 5 free mag rebate.

>when you realize the USP 9/40 mags aren’t even steel reinforced

How are there not any 3D blueprints?

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Stop being poor.

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t. guy that isn't a retard like OP and shopped around.

For real... They aren't that pricey if you aren't retarded.

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>not Spaghetta

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Because retard HK fanbois will happily overpay for mediocre equipment, and the way capitalism works is that things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. See pic related, average HK fanboi in his natural habitat.

Meanwhile Glockfags aren't willing to pay retarded mag prices for the sake of brand loyalty, and so Glock has to sell them at a reasonable price or lose the market to 3rd party manufactures.

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>15 round mag for $50 after tax and shipping
HK fags will defend this

the lowest bidder is still overcharging out the ass

What's a good mag to modify for USP use?

Lol I got all of mine for $25.

>ITT: butthurt poorfags
I bet you don't even like the feeling of corporate dick in your ass

I like your Highpoints. How did you get the nickel slide?