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What a swell, upstanding gentleman.
Took the law into his own hands and he burned for it. Also, a reminder that if you barricade yourself the government will just burn you out.
Based dorner. He's in the pantheon of Jow Forums deities
Black Republicans are beautiful unicorns
Looks like a man who cannot be cornered.
He's one nigger I probably wouldn't mind being around.
go back to pol white trash.
only white niggers compare themselves to black people
What make, model, and color is his pickup truck? Better shoot them all up just to make sure.
A legdary warrior uncornerable
Shot a few people, including a civilian, changed absolutely nothing, died a painful death. Overall a 3/10 for effort I guess.
You're a faggot. He changed more with his death than with his actions. He's a martyr for good.
Last good cop the Western hemisphere.
A True Patriot.
True hero who acted with courage
The Dark Knight
The fire rises
lol he didn't compare himself to the nigger, you mongoloid piece of subhuman filth
Uhh guys, who is this?
No but you can Coroner the Dorner
What happened?
I missed this.
t. 56% stormweenie
>15 posts in
Fuck this board has gone to shit
You were still in middle school
He changed literally nothing, the best thing that came out of his actions/death were some funny memes.
Which is against the law.
But fuck laws when you are law enforcement.
>I was trying to pay proper homage to Dorner. He went out fighting a corrupt system and the pigs who sought him out rather than solving their own issues of corruption are scum. May more based patriots turn their guns on the oppressive filth who white among us.
*live among us
newfags plz go
not even him or/pol/ or NatSoc here, but:
>being this cucked and bluepilled
reddit plz go
he started that fire not the ATF
They were talking about starting it on the radio beforehand dipshit.
tried to expose corruption and got silenced for it.
>Tries to make fun of the Aryan peoples
>Doesn't show any Aryans
Made me giggle
Did the cops or the gobment target his family after his death?
How is his family? Anyone know. Cops seem to be like criminals if you say shit about them they come after you
Probably. I see you failed reading comprehension.
Still doesn't answer my question, though.
Maybe try using this wonderful thing called Google you mental fucking pygmie.
>Jow Forums
that's totally unrelated. the government would never deliberately set fire to a compound.
Chocolate Rambo
Spook Nukem
The Outlaw Jiggaboo Wells
God I miss those threads
I did Google it, you stupid fuck.
A little more information than a name and a pic would be nice.
Don't complain when then next generation becomes bootlickers because you can't be bothered to type a fucking sentance, you desk jockey hard ass.
I know it's supposed to be lowercase. Don't really give a shit.
You can't corner the Dornar.
Except that they did and burned him to death in a cabin, but semantics
He literally did nothing wrong
He did nothing wrong
You were a Zygote then
Nobody owes you nuthin, Silly S-oy
He escaped the burning house on a horse. Cant corner the dorner.
WOW, your such a MAN! (Snerk)
Alright, old man.
Get in the coffin, it's your time to go.
Do IT, Froggy!!
I never said anyone did, you fucking brainless ass.
Wow, I never could've gotten your sarcasm without those parentheses.
Wow! You sure got me! What a devastating insult! Lol
The San Bernardino Sheriff Department started the fire. One of the dipshits actually said "Burn it down!" as the command to fire the teargas grenades, on unencrypted radio that was being broadcast live by all the news channels.
murderous vigilante
Ok, Mr. user... I'll explain it for you I'm a way you can understand...
I told You to get in the coffin.
When you give an order (even if I gave a shit), you would have to give instructions on What to do.
Do you understand now?
Ok, let's get you in the coffin now...
The hospice doesn't want you anymore, sir...
that was an anarchist who had momentarily gotten on that radio channel
Christopher Dorner is a great red team case study for what would happen in a major city when a single guy makes police and military get on edge because pic related. The dude brought a city to it's knees, if there were a few people doing this in coordination, set up some bombs like the Tsarnaev brothers, maybe set up some radio jammers, and cornered themselves in a skyscraper; they would wreak havoc on a city.
>he doesn’t know that dorner is out there and is gonna do just what you stated
>make his final stand in a skyscraper with a semi auto .50 BMG and scope.
I look forward to the m night shyamalan plot twist and resulting case study
>The dude brought a city to it's knees
In a week his actions resulted in jumpy police shooting up two pickups, closing down a Walmart for a few hours, and running a checkpoint that caused a traffic jam on a rural highway to a resort community two fucking hours outside of Los Angeles. That's bringing a city to its knees?
>He hasn't read his handbook on urban guerilla sniping
educate yourselves
Realistically could the public ever stand behind a hero like this? He could have disappeared in any urban environment if people were behind him
>He could have disappeared in any urban environment
There aren't very many 300lb black men in Los Angeles.
It's surprising the manhunt lasted for so long, and half the time was because he holed up in a vacant house, and the cops were only searching occupied ones.
You think it would be hard for a black dude to lay under the radar couch surfing in Seattle? Detroit? North Las Vegas? They're not going door to door
But if you have no one to trust you're on your own
>next generation can't be asked to use their own fucking brains
>needs to be spoonfed every little thing
Oh boy are you a credit to your generation
Anyone can hole up anywhere. But disappearing in an urban environment implies, to me at least, some ability to appear in public without being recognized within 10 seconds.
Chocolate Rambo is best Rambo.
His motive was something about him reporting police brutality or corruption and then being unjustly fired by a racist cop covering for a friend. Did Dorner's accusations turn out to be accurate, or did he get fucked in the head and falsely attribute his firing to some grand internal conspiracy?
>They're not going door to door
But they were. In Big Bear. Which was where he was hiding. He was a few hundred feet from one of their command posts.
very unreliable but typical for niggers
The LAPD, prosecutor’s office, and DOJ investigated the alleged police brutality he reported.
All of the hotel staff who witnessed the incident stated they never saw the FTO kick anyone. The “victim” never claimed to have been kicked or otherwise assaulted when treated by medical personnel - his story only changed after his father found out they could piggyback off of the investigation for a settlement.
Dorner was a POS squid with a big raysis chip on his shoulder. His wife left him because he was an insufferable cunt, he almost failed his field training on multiple occasions, was fired from the LAPD for lying on an official record, and decided the system was out to get him.
His closest friends who spoke with him said that he clearly had gone off the deep end and was in need of mental health treatment.
Why Jow Forums likes to treat this piece of human garbage like some kind of martyr is beyond me.
That's what I assumed. Thanks for not glorifying a cop killer.
slit your wrists
Anyone looking up to this guy is a retard
>If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen. The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle?
>Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB.
T. Burrito of AlcoholTerriersFirearms agent
before le killings did he do wrong?
Lies, Dorner escaped, and now lives off the grid and shitposts amongst you all
meant for
>It's perfectly fine for police to start mag dumping into random, innocent peoples vehicles
That's how you make more Dorners. Did you listen to the police radio? They were all on edge, freaking out, people weren't going outside because they were scared of Dorner and the police.
Too pure for this world. Pls come back dornman.
>having absolutely no context to a picture and a random name
>random anons' comment as though it means anything
Next time you need to find info on anything, remember never go seek advice or context on any kind.
Or send in a bomb robot. Point is, barricading yourself against a GOVERNMENT that’s out for blood is always a fucking bad idea.
Unless you can return fire heavy enough to make them fuck off for a few minutes.
Though, they would have killed him, either way.
You’re either of a single digit age or a liar. Or both. Either way you need to kill yourself pronto
I still believe he got away on the horse.
I'm neither.
What would I be lying about?
Go fuck yourself with a dildo made of your own bullshit.
And fuck off with that retarded roastie pic, you Canadian-cuck.
Cry harder you angry little kike.
t. Bootlicked
Thats the official story but we all know what really happened
I am bs proof
Lmao that cognitive dissonance
According to my training, that is a negro.
RIP chocolate Rambo ;_;7