Weaponize this

>Post a picture of something
>Respond with an explanation of how to weaponize it, as well a picture of a new item/thing to weaponize

aaaaaand go.

Attached: pancake.jpg (685x860, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lace with ricin lmao

>slippery denial-of-area CQ trap

Attached: 71TmnFhHA6L._SL1200_.jpg (1200x857, 117K)

Attached: 1506637937753.jpg (1500x1832, 200K)

Use powdered RDX instead of flour

You've completed 50% of your job.

replace fake minigun with colibri pistol

What the fuck am I looking at.

Weaponize a flying snake.

Attached: flyingsnake.jpg (847x479, 460K)

Tame it and train it to bite the enemies genitals

Throw it.

Attached: IMG_1589.jpg (500x775, 73K)

strap low weight, high yield explosives to it

>Weaponize democracy

Attached: 1526775991111.png (540x536, 313K)

Invite in hordes of poor third worlders that vote as a block

already poison

serve it on copper plates. EFP.

Attached: 1500317837874.png (1017x1162, 270K)

1. Shes a woman, they're naturally weaponized to destroy your emotions.
2. Make her walk into a room of enemies, then blast her with a 2000 lumen light.

Weaponize this specific dildo.

Attached: issadildo.jpg (1500x1026, 158K)


Use it for its original purpose. If i shoved that thing up someones ass all the way its bound to rupture something.


weaponize Asuka

Attached: Neon-Genesis-Evangelion-Asuka-Langley-Soryu.Samsung-Galaxy-S4-wallpaper-1080x1920.jpg (1080x1920, 593K)

...how to weaponize body hair...

Attached: hairyarm.jpg (1300x953, 156K)

Its a nice alternative to pocket sand, just shave it and keep it in your pocket. A direct hit into an open mouth should be highly effective.

It’s a Muslim’s arm. The suicide vest will turn it into AIDS infested shrapnel.
Weaponize dat boi

Attached: E8F26B93-484B-4994-AB5C-BB40BE9BEE1E.gif (312x390, 77K)

Weaponize a ball pit

Introduce her to radical Islam and set her loose on society

Attached: 1534046467166.jpg (700x550, 112K)

>Having a pocketful of someone elses body hair.

Attached: didgoodfam.png (916x712, 567K)

replace khazar milkers with claymores.

Tactical motorboat.

Why would it be someone else’s?

Memetic warfare

Create pedabyte sized image macros
Deploy against enemy data networks
Destroy their C3I ability by clogging up all available processing power when they attempt to open massive dat boi packets

Weaponize vaporwave

Attached: Vaporwave.jpg (1600x900, 293K)

what, you dont have any bodyhair of your own? you know you gotta be over 18 to be here, right?

>poorfag can’t afford name-brand pocket hair
You use your own?

Make balls out of polymer that absorbs water and becomes gelatinous.
Dump the balls into water supply of enemy desert country and genocide them with thirst.

Weaponize Beavis and Butthead

Attached: beavis_buggout550.jpg (550x367, 52K)

Make ball-pit 20 feet deep, also fill with water.

Weaponize a squirrel.

Attached: squirrel.jpg (800x599, 89K)

Attach incendiaries, release into wooded environment, create massive forest fires in enemy land.

Weaponize hot dogs, or thots, your pick.

Attached: Hotdogs.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

maple faggotry

Attached: xp5ySGl[1].png (640x345, 205K)

Give STD infected thot's hotdog cannons.

Dude's like Beavis and Butthead join the armed forces every day.

Isn't vaporwave already weaponized?

Weaponize a rubber chicken.

Attached: chicken.jpg (300x300, 5K)

Volume and bass boost the horrible noise it makes. Use for enhanced interrogation against captured POWs.

Alternatively, beat them with a rubber chicken filled with lead shot.

Weaponize cat

Attached: Pizza Cat.jpg (600x449, 182K)

already weaponized

try this on for size

Attached: 1515365487614s.jpg (250x224, 8K)

Place end of 5 foot stick in cats anus, use cat as melee weapon.

Make it airborne.

>Place end of 5 foot stick in cats anus, use cat as melee weapon.

Holy shit.

>lets his cat eat pizza off of his plate
>habs fan

Literal human garbage

Weaponize poorly made chinese doorsign translations

Attached: Do_not_dumb_here.jpg (615x477, 31K)


>Thinking I took that picture

Try weaponizing your autism.


>Sign says "Free hookers"

>Other side of door actually has a claymore

Weaponize this bird
Use it for public road signs

Attached: 1530078977361.jpg (1200x869, 128K)

>not understanding that I can comment on a picture without thinking it is original to the faggot who most recently posted it

Try weaponizing your stupidity

Have it blow powderized glass in their face. Small chance of them breathing it in and causing bleeding in the lungs. Interrogation/torture practices

weaponize this meme.

Attached: 1520031671191.gif (1239x371, 157K)

>place bird in potato cannon
>shoot someone with bird.

That meme is weaponized.

Attached: F387EE81-84FC-419C-83DB-16299BE44F5F.jpg (1357x1014, 94K)

weaponize it further you nigger.

Air drop colonies


>the weak should fear the strong

More titzillas like this.

Antman is that you?

Freeze it and catapult it from a clay throwing machine.

>not using someone else's pubic hair

Is that a man with cantaloupes in his shirt

>Place all around house or AO
>Use fan to blow air of unease towards enemy
>Recon until enemies abandon position

Attached: 1477199858814.jpg (667x900, 89K)

Hoobity doobity

Throw it at the enemy and then throw water on it
Weaponize frog

Attached: image.jpg (960x540, 186K)

Acquire 1 million tree frogs
Insert into enemy position via tactical lilypad drone
The combined croaking of all the frogs wears on enemy morale
They go mad
Roll over them with armored advance 3 days later

I accelerate these things to 0.9C

Attached: Negro youth preventing education.jpg (1280x853, 277K)

The carbs from the flapjacks and syrup will eventually give you diabetes and possibly cancer.

>never heard of the bat bombs of WWII
Same concept.

>mass replying
Chug bleach

Except most birds don't roost in attics which was the whole point of the bat bomb

In wooden houses
>giant flock of birds just flying over a street
>all burst in flames as the napalm ignites
>flaming napalm rains down on people

dude now i want some fucking pancakes or waffles or some shit

>scroll down and reply to all the images
>make the point that anything can be weaponized if you make it go fast enough
You're a retarded nigger.

Attached: 1525090203251.jpg (799x1200, 142K)

Hide a snuke in her snizz

already done in WW2

The best way to destroy a civilization is to give these things the right to vote.


clearly already weaponized

Attached: Screenshot_20180813-081351.png (1440x2560, 1.55M)

Attached: cK81y.jpg (720x960, 63K)

Dip in liquid nitrogen then place in a skeet launcher

Already been done OP.

>the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) developed an explosive powder that mimicked baking flour.

>This was how an American chemist and physicist of Ukrainian descent, George Bogdan Kistiakowsky, managed to use his patent of explosive flour to help the insurgents. During WWII he was the technical director of the Explosives Research Laboratory (ERL), overseeing the development of cutting-edge explosives such as RDX and HMX. The later would be used in the explosive flour experiment, for HMX proved to be far less sensitive to premature explosion, which wasn’t the case with, let’s say, nitroglycerin.

>The HMX mixture was combined with regular flour in order to produce explosives suitable for sabotage missions and diversions, while looking (and tasting) rather innocent. What came as the biggest oddity of this mixture was that it was actually edible, apart from being a very efficient explosive. The edible part was primarily made possible so that smugglers could demonstrate the flour to any doubting customs officer in occupied China.

Attached: Australian officers, blown into the air by an accidental explosion, fall in the river amid the splin (685x942, 168K)

Dang that's a good one. Very imaginative.

>xddd make everything fast lots of energy big boom
How about you show some creativity, brainlet

Attached: object-meret-oppenheim-1936.jpg (1050x720, 806K)

Instead of clay, make it out of c4.

Attached: 1532492239628.png (640x777, 813K)

>pour some in a bowl
>leave bowl around nigger habitat
>wait for bowl to be empty
presto. You've got a stack of dead niggers.