Homemade bow

How much force is needed to kill a deer? This goes half an inch or deeper into wood when I shoot trees.

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That’s not a good assessment. How many lbs at full draw?

Use bamboo next time.

>How much force is needed to kill a deer?
use something suitable, its a living thing. If you are going to hunt do it right quick and clean. You clearly are nowhere near ready or knowledgeable enough and have no respect for the animal. Everything is wrong about your construction. DESU if I caught you doing that, I'd take your head off quick and clean

Wood=/=soft tissue
There are so many different variables that it's useless.
Most states the minimum legal draw weight is 45#

when will kids like you learn that youa re the problem. Hunting is not some bizzare form of deliberate cruelty where you stick random shit in live animals. You don't even have the correct arrow tips, you know literally nothing and you are asking I you can hunt deer. Fucker.

It's cool OP is willing to use a bow instead of a high powered rifle, IMO alot more sporting, but yea do some research on kill spots and test the ft lbs.

This. Also, don't hunt using target arrows.

about tree fiddy

with field points he is going to maybe leave it stuck in an animal in the unlikely event he gets anywhere near which will bolt, develop a puss filled abscess and die slowly and in agony. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with bowhunters who know what they are doing but the ones who just pay 400$ for some shit and then leave arrows in deer and fuck around with crap like OP piss me right off. Ideally people should just use a fucking 270 and drop in one shot.

>It's cool OP is willing to use a bow instead of a high powered rifle, IMO alot more sporting, but yea do some research on kill spots and test the ft lbs. >>

No its not cool. Its complete barbarity to use something less adequate for killing then necessary because your a fucking idiot.


In my state the bow season is way better then rifle season, it's twice as li g, half of its in the rut, and you can get a buck or doe.
Rifle season is before rut, when they hold in cover (Pacific northwest rainforest) and buck only.
But OPs bow sucks ballsack.

Good luck stalking a deer faggot.

t. Active hunter

Just pungee stick their trails

>Don't get me wrong I have no problem with bowhunters who know what they are doing but the ones who just pay 400$ for some shit and then leave arrows in deer and fuck around with crap like OP piss me right off.

In my experience broad heads with one honed edge and one dull edge are the best. It creates a drilling effect rather then slicing right thru the flesh



>Just pungee stick their trails
>How much force is needed to kill a deer? This goes half an inch or deeper into wood when I shoot trees.



Any bow worth a shit will pass through, not that the bow matters a fuck if you have arrows that fishtail on a unturned boy and are lobbing them 50 yards with no zero for your broadheads and can't fucking into archery which takes time and patience and not walking into a shop. Like I say if you want to kill something know what the fuck you are doing and do it right as clean as possible.

>pungee stick their trails
I saw a guy way back on YouTube, claim in emergency or whatever situation, to dig a hole in a game trail, and lay in it with a big knife, then stab a deer in the heart as it walked over.
He said he did it a lot, but I was sceptical, since his big bowies looked mallninja tier, and he claimed you wanted a saw, or serrated backed knife "so it would come out easier and not get stuck".

>go on Jow Forums
>get offended by fucked up hunting techniques

You must be new here

The one unsharpened blade "drilling" effect is the fuddlore bullshit.

>claim in emergency or whatever situation

He did seem like one. I rember he had videos about making spider holes also.

>he claimed you wanted a saw, or serrated backed knife "so it would come out easier and not get stuck".


Just fucking sick of finding deer with crap suck in them or fucked up with shit like 22s or shitty quartering shots and one lung hits and crap like that. Do it right anons if you don't know how do some archery lessons and go out with a hunter who knows what they are doing and get your bow an arrows tuned for draw length, weight arrow spine and head grain and bare shaft tune the set. It is truly fucking horrible the way some dear end up (anyone who does hunt knows these deer), massive abscesses, arrows/22 in the gut. Its fucking bad

never used it.....so no interest, its enough getting a good rig setup an tuned without fucking around with dodgy mechanicals or blunt blades. I always use the largest fixed blades that can be tuned to group on the bow and are the lowest grain for diameter anything that throws in an extra factor is not helpful. I don't bowhunt anymore anyhow (busted up arm). Last time I killed a deer was a year ago with a rifle.

you can kill deer with as little as a 40 lb draw bow. A 50 lb will drive a 200 gr arrow through mature buck and break ribs going in and out. Anything more than 80 lb is pretty much overkill for anything but enormous game or war.

bullshit. If you're looking for that sort of effect, you want a three or four bladed broadhead. Still won;t drill, but the wound becomes exponentially worse, meaning a surer and faster kill.

I have four blade broadheads but they would never tune well for me. There is some sort of planning effect with them.

pardon planning they were heavy to

Feels about 20 or a bit more

You need a signifigantly heavier bow and giant shafts to shoot 4-blade heads. I know a guy who drew a 150 lb bow and used 1/4 lb shafts with a 4 blade head. Dude was a BEAST. Used to shoot Bison with them.

Not enough. Maybe for blacktail or muntjac, but certainly not for Whitetail or bigger.

You made a curved stick.

Look up bowmaking techniques.

>falls for the"kill the animal quick" meme
