I've been wondering

I've been wondering
Say a zombie apocalypse happened. In theory, wouldn't you be virtually indestructible if you had a military grade rifle and a set of armor? I mean, what're the zombies gonna do? Tear off their arms trying to get you out of the suit?

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what if they attack you while you take a shit?

knock you over, dogpile on top of you
die from suffocation and/or heat stroke from a bunch of actively rotting corpses

Dogpile you and smother you to death

Going by traditional zombies they aren't extremely fast, so you really just have to worry about tripping

you will run out of ammo, sooner or later. Oh and failure to chamber is the ohshit.jpg moment that makes you reconsider your armament.

FYI, fuckin compound bow is silent, makeshift ammo of justenoughforzombies can be made with a fuckin knife and forest... also a pair of good running shoes is recommended

Have you really thought this out?

A boat in 13 feet of water with fish that won’t freeze makes you invincible

No zombie movies ever made in Canada because they just freeze solid are we chop them up like firewood.

A proper .22lr can load you with a lot of ammo, but bodies are an issue as a health hazard so you need a way to move or dispose of bodies.

A tank even an old one would be best option for transportation better than even a jet

Oh shit they could just climb up the anchor rope.

What happens if a zombie bites a vampire who got bitten by a wherewolf, who was bitten by a radioactive spider who was bitten by a Jew?

He would steal your silver bullets scurry over a wall then charge you interest for eternity.

I just never thought about the zombies throwing themselves at you en masse

>military grade rifle
that phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.

also a tree fort, that can't easily be climbed, with the rope ladder pulled up is probably enough of a defense.

You have to be 18 to post here, bucko.

Sounds about right

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You're probably right

your not a 100% maintenance free robot with infinite energy reserves.
you have to get rest eventually. you need to eat, sleep, poop and pee, wash yourself, scavenge for supplies.
sooner or later you will get out numbered, caught off guard or just run out of luck

>historical armies that were well disciplined held back much larger forces with minimal casualties using spear, shield and sword or more primitive firearms
>somehow the entire might of the industrialised world couldn't handle unarmed bags of meat

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Why do you care about preparing for an attack of creatures that violate the laws of physics

Lol this thread is from 2009

>>somehow the entire might of the industrialised world couldn't handle unarmed bags of meat
in most zombie apocalypse scenarios, most of the world has fellen victim to the plague already. ots not like you have an entire nation intact and all its infrastructure and military and police forces at your disposal
thats all gone.
thats the definition of apocalypse.
you only have small seperated groups of random survivors left to fight for their lives

>compound bow
>shooting wood arrows


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A single HEMA or SCA group with armour over MOPP gear could stop the zombie apocalypse. Well disciplined infantry will be immovable by disorganised infantry, when it's flailing retards with no weapons then it's no contest. You could make very effective protective gear and weapons with every day objects. Look around whatever room or building you're in, imagine you have some very basic tools, and imagine what you could put together. Oven trays with holes drilled for straps give you a shield. plastic containers or rubbish can be cut and stitched into bite resistant brigandine or scale, or arranged into plates. Leather jackets are now peak fashion. Motorbike and similar armour is basically gtg off the shelf. Machetes, hatchets, hammers, lengths of pipe, fire pokers, tyre irons, a big fucking stick. Imagine if you made it to a hardware store, you could have polearm formations from reworked garden tools, peasant uprising style. Timber and sheet metal shield walls. Broom handles with blades fitted for javelins and small spears. Circular blades mounted on a stick, because you know at least one guy is going to do it, and another two will try throwing them. You could arm hundreds of people just by walking down the rebar Isle.

The sky is the limit user.

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Your thinking of human vs human type contact. Where you have living people that when poke lovingly with a spear point center mass tend to fall over and die or after seeing half their ranks getting BTFO instantly with a Calvary charge toss down their weapons/break ranks/flee. Most battles didn't end with one side just taking a 100% casualty rate all the time back then.
can help but think of this clip youtu.be/doSjHWwHkvI?t=155

Now mind you if people(GOV MIL) got organized real quick before shit started to break down. Realized we need to move away from overly heavy firearm use and invest in spear shield tactics making funnel fortification to herd the horde into more 1on1 kill zones then yeah the whole zombie threat can become a non issue. Don't think much writers or fiction do that though which is a shame.

I know that most battles of old ended with relatively small casualties. But the reason they would retreat was that everyone knew that once lines and formations were broken, if you kept fighting, you would take massive casualties. With a horde of zombies, you have an unarmed, unarmoured group of combatants who have effectively already broken formation before battle. You have the advantage in literally every factor except numbers, and time and time again it has been demonstrated that fighting skill, command, equipment and discipline will win against greater numbers.

I don't even think firearms usage would be a failure. Firearms and ordnance would be massively effective against clumped groups of people trying you run at you. The point was more to demonstrate that even without them, it would take very little to slaughter packs of zombies if you put the least bit of effort into doing some prep work.

Tldr make some shields and armour from all the shit lying around you.

Well first off you need a firearm with subsonic ammo and a suppressor, otherwise you are going to attract fuckloads of attention with that noise. That suppressor is going to get dirty, so that adds to your firearm maintenance.
You also need a sturdy one-handed blade (and possibly a small shield), because you are going to need to save ammo and it's a good fallback for when zombies get too close (also, it's quiet). None of that weeb katana shit either, something with actual heft that can cleave into a skull or through a neck. Gladius, claymore, anything that is simple and doesn't require some insane amount of maintenance or training.
The last thing you need need is proper fucking camouflage. Zombies are drawn to movement and the human shape, you need to visual break up your profile to avoid attracting attention. A lot of them likely have suckass decayed vision, so simple M81 woodland or desert chip should be plenty effective.
Then, if you fulfill all these requirements, MAYBE you will be hard to kill. Maybe.

Very True
Actually Max Brooks touched on that in the world war z novel in the battle of Yonkers Chapter
Although in that case it seem like it was more of things just going fantastically wrong very fast for shit's sake just cause instead of a reasonable break down of order coming from combat fatigue lack of ammo morale etc leading to a slow fighting retreat than all out rout.
He does come back with in a later chapter after who's left get their shit together and decides to take back the US in more of less a Line formation when traveling and a Box formation setting to stand their ground to take on a horde

Somebody get Mr. T in here

Gunna teach you all about BLUNT. FORCE, TRAUMA! The important part killing a zombie is damaging the brain. Cutting implements are very poor at this job. The skull is actually very dense, thick, and strong. Most chopping blows to the upper head will deflect. While this would surely be a debilitating, possibly lethal wound to a living human, the undead would suffer no ill effects. Instead, you want a blunt instrument with a round, spherical or hemispherical head. A ballpeen hammer on a long shaft, a collapisible baton, a club, or a similar object will be more efficient. Your aim should be to directly disrupt the brain with heavy trauma. Slashing wounds cause vleeding and tissue damage, not brain damage.

Another effective way to disable zombies that is often over looked are explosives. Most people buy into the meme of explosives just ripping zombies to shreads but leaving them alive. However, explosives relying primarily on the shockwave and not shrapnel would be incredibly effective. A supersonic shockwave causes tremendous disruption to the brain. The massive over pressurization of the air will cause tremendous brain hemeorhage and swellingm assuredly killing zombies in a very efficient manner.

>max brooks
Max brooks is a fag and has no idea what he's talking about. He actually cites the ".22s bounce around in your skull" meme as effective zombie killers.

You know if zombies don' have guns they will go to bombs and if you outlaw bombs they will just start using acid like they do in Europe and if not acid they will start shoving arsenic down everyones' throats. It does no good to outlaw hydrogen bombs even cause zombies will just get their greatest scientists to begin figuring out how to destroy the world using somekind of electrical/magnetic/destroyish thing. There is no hope.

A modern day outbreak would end within a week, if not a day. The majority of the world understands how fictional zombies act and how to stop them. Everyone on Jow Forums, LE, fudds, and military (active, reserve, and prior enlisted) would be itching to bring out their funs to blast zeds. From poorfags with bows to richfags with SCARs, kill squads would appear all over.

In the unlikely situation where the infection rapidly spread, pic related would go a long way.

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What do you expect from a jew

that's where the meme comes from you colossal newfag

>Military grade rifle

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What would happen to my credit score in that scenario?

Something a bit more like this would work better. If you miss a jab it wouldn't so easy get stuck in a ribcage and would slide more easily out of a skull I'm thinking. I'm no expert on the matter though.

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Going by population of pretty much every where, even if they're just the walking type of zombies, good chances are you'll get surrounded just by sheer numbers.

All I need to do is kite the stupid things with a set of stairs to get away or even a bit of slope, either upwards or down. As depicted they can't handle much of either. As an enemy they're fucking awful. That's why I always like to pretend that they are meat cocoons for magical skeleton men that will burst forth from the rotting flesh with vigor and intelligence.

>failure to chamber
Oh man, better clear this malfunction real quick
>hey look at this fancy compound bow
Well shucks looks like the string snapped. Guess I’ll just go ahead and die now

I have a full suit of armor and various medieval weapons. I have a six foot sword which I fucked up while making, so it's too heavy to use properly and the quillions are backwards, but god damn I would have fun killing things with it that aren't watermelons.
This guy is right. SCA heavy makes you very good at controlling space and whopping man-shaped things with metal-bending force, and also working around shields and close distance fighting. HEMA makes you very good at controlling space, and very good at technique against other weapons, but the helmets they wear look gay.
Would love to see hmb nerds during a zombie apoc.

Yeah I don't take him to heart for his overall MIL or Weapon knowledge but as an author to try and craft a interesting tale at the least.

TL:DR for thread
We can pretty much end zombie shit fast in this modern world combine current tech and know how with tactics that made the British a global powerhouse in their golden age and it's allover.

>no conventional army can successfully invade the US, even using tanks, warships, jets, and a carefully coordinated plan involving millions of soldiers

>a bunch of 30 IQ zombies with the coordination skills of a guy 18 beers deep is going to destroy the country

Zombie shit never made sense to me. A brisk walk is an effective counter measure 80% of the time.

you catch the zombie virus and turn into a walking tank zombie

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>>compound bow>shooting wood arrowsWEW LAD. ASK ME HOW I KNOW YOU DONT INTO ARCHERY.

This unless you want a face/hand/arm with wood splinters never do this. Same with any arrow you don't know the spine of in any powerful compound or crossbow. An arrow flexes, if its the wrong material it can shatter.

The only thing you need for the zombie apocalypse is pit traps and petrol an OP in a cage as human bait

>Doesn't belong on our streets

Yall always complain about new Jow Forums so here ya go.

Youre not funny. At all.

I think when we talk about zombies, we need to assume or rather grant them an x-factor that gives them a surprising edge. All zombie media has the characters shocked and awed by the zombies, so in the case of "irl zombies," we literally need to imagine the unimaginable - that they have some aspect about them that we just don't know about. Something that does give them the initial edge, just enough to wage their war of attrition... in THAT case, how fucked are you?
>tfw only guns are 12ga browning citori and browning hi-power
fudds will inherit the earth!!

The best place to live in a zombie apocalypse would be North Korea, because your life wouldn't change that much.

>extremely isolated, only a few thousand people enter and leave the country a year
>extremely militarized and armed, 4% of the population in the regular army, and 20% more in militias
>borders extremely well-defended, hordes would be powerless to do much of anything to get into the country

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You wouldn't even need that stuff to be indestructible. A handful of Ruger 10/22s with a million rounds of ammo in an elevated location would keep you alive forever. A .22LR can easily pierce a decomposing skull. If you had a dozen Silencerco Spectres you would be in even better shape. I'd still probably have an AR15 for human raiders but I wouldn't waste green tips on the walking dead.

Put a rat guard on it.

>underwater zombies


What keeps birds and insects from nibbling them until there's nothing left and please don't tell me it is that they are mobile.

>a million rounds of ammo

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Zombies? Wouldn't it be because TAINTED MEAT? Obviously animals aren't as intelligent as we are, but they can surely sense rotted and diseased meat, right?

Norman Reedus won't fuck you if you say his character has the best weapon in the Walking Dead.



You need to go back.

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"Zombie apocalypse" just means niggers. On the special features of the newer dawn of the dead George Romero says this (except he says it is consumerist society but...)

Biggest threats during ombie apocolypse

>when you sleep
>other humans
Zombies would get shit on even ideally, they simply are too stupid for CQC and humans are literally biologicaly designed to use weapons. Only l4d zombies would be able to survive humans with basic shit like sledge hammers and light hammers.

>be zombie
>a meal flies up to you
>eat it

>NK has large militias
That's a wierd way of saying it has corrupt police departments who don't have weapons and instead beat the families of the accused

>too stupid for CQC
I wish i had my webm of Carol lazily pushing a blunt street sign into a zombies head

But there are Norwegian zombie films. Is Canada really colder?

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Because headshot is the best method to kill a zombie, be prepared and buy yourself a helmet in advance.

Unless you're a nogunz fag with no camping equipment or anything at all you will clearly not be a zombie that doesnt mean people wont shoot you anyway.

No. milspec armor is to protect you "pretty well" against gunfire and light frag/shrapnel. It will not protect you from stabs, bites, claws, explosions or getting necrotizing zombie sauce down your plate carrier.

Also see:
>28 days later zombies
>Dawn of the dead (reboot) zombies
>Rage zombies

Lots of fast zombies out there mate.

This is what I was trying to say. You didn't get it anyway.

The best was stuff like The Crazies where people basically go violently insane but retain some higher thought and dexterity or even Stephen King's Cell where people literally called "normies" get mad over people killing while horses of zombies

Hell, I'll play. Assuming slow zombies.
When given the choice between armor and mobility, go mobility. Cardio endurance is better than strength, but both are required. Multiple light weight offenses are better than one, preferably if they are dual purpose. For example,
>22lr for headshots if necessary, raiders, and hunting.
>backup handgun in case of jam
>hatchet/ machete for melee/ utility
>medium sized knife
Safety in numbers, but only if numbers can match your physical ability. Otherwise they're a dangerous liability. Don't fight unless necessary.

If fast zombies, I guess only move if they hibernate and stay far the fuck away from them

>If fast zombies, I guess only move if they hibernate and stay far the fuck away from them

>INB4 rage zombie just pops out of nowhere, screams to alert more rage infected and you ded.

Not bad advice satan, assuming at least one more person may want to expand that to include either a shotgun or a full/intermediate NATO cartridge rifle. Rager zombies, to me, seem like less of an issue that movies make them out to be. They have to compelling reason to cooperate and not tear each other to shreds. Even if they were mindless "rabies" virus ones or violent dementia type ones, I don't see a reason for them not to attack each other.

They'd be a hell of a threat and not much a single guy, even a decent sized group could do.

No*** compelling reason to cooperate

Pretty much, it's a scary thought if that really did happen. I would legit be too fucking scared to go out.

I don't see a reason for them not to attack each other.

Well this is fiction user.

if you're talking about literally being prepared for a forseeable zombie apocalypse then rabies or dementia style viruses would be the most likely candidate. The latter would almost be worse than hordes of rage zombies working together though, some kind of violent schizphrenic amnesia that manifests slowly

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If slow zombies, ideally you'd be in a small group of good runners with decent muscular strength/ endurance and each would have a different primary weapon to cover more ground.
>inb4 muh logistics

If rage zombies had extreme cardio endurance and didn't tear each other apart, it'd be really God damned dangerous to encounter more than 1at a time. I'd probably go look for a large boat and try to form a floating city

I'm not sure I know it would be annuda Shoah! Take this antisemitic comment down before I use you! Wait until the ACLU heard about this! You'd better hold on to your credit score goyim because this holocaust will not go unnoticed.

You are gay

If rage zombies had "extreme cardio endurance" from some sort of brain disease and lets say it even shares some characteristics with leprosy and their nerve endings die so they exert themselves, in a (relatively) short period of time they are going to have torn their musculature all to shit from quite literally autistically reeeeeeeeeing, a significant portion of them will become "slow zombies"


>Yes, and I love it

Hey, has anyone seen those Hornady Z-max bullets? They have a green tip, and a zombie on the box. Is it just marketing, or is there a ballistic difference from their other offerings?

iirc they have super soft and wide hollow points and they might be a slightly higher grain than your average bullet

No shit, sherlock

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You sir, are hilarious


Ever heard of a maggot or vulture?

No Killdozer needed, any old dozer with with usual window guards would be virtually unstoppable.

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Don't forget ziplines for quick escape. If you set up camp anywhere with non flat terrain you can make a zipline tree city.

That's Teutonic Nazi occult magicks. Different ball park my guy.

Literally just V-Max with the tios painted neon green. Good quality, and they can sometimes be found on sale.

What's HEMA and SCA?
Not to sound like brainlet
sorry for bad english english not first language

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Basically, have sword and know how to swing it.

>weak and malnourihed
>better scavenge
>ohshit.jpg zombies
>cant pull back bowstring because you havent eaten in a week