Guns no longer fill the void

>guns no longer fill the void

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try bullets

Did you try more guns?

Do what I do.


Things never do. Experiences also blend together unless they're with people or occur during some major developmental step in your life. Friends, family, and working towards a goal (even if you never achieve it) are all that matter when you look back.

buy this

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This. You need to find a vice until you've got a child

I honestly got out of guns as a hobby awhile back. Probably a little less than 2 years ago. It no longer destracted me from the shittiness of life so I picked up music again but I’ve had a craving for milsurp recently for some reason. I know that The majority of stuff I buy will just sit and gather dust and will almost never get shot aside from the rare occasions though. I think I’ve shot shit like 6 times since the start of 2016. 2 of those times were just me having to deal with rattlesnakes and the most recent at the start of this year was when I was dragged out to a nearby range for an hour and wasn’t really feeling it.

About the only shit that I feel like I truly get enjoyment out of is when I get to play music with friends, or manage to convince people to go to shows or bar hopping with me desu

time for a new hobby m8
i've been buying guns for about 5 years and still don't have all the ones i want
hell i just bought a colt 20" upper for no good reason

Picture this: Consumerist hobbies never fill voids.

dumb frogposter

This honestly. I’ll be 25 soon and I spent pretty much from 19-23 building up my collection. But as soon as I got a new gun, there was always something else I wanted and the cycle never ended. I finally got a glock 19 for pracitcal purposes and cut myself off and have sold 4 of my guns since, something I would have never considered before.

Now I only even consider buying shit if it holds a collective value and won’t devaluate. So pretty much only if I find good deals on surplus firearms

Find yourself a vice or hobby that doesn’t revolve around materialistic gratification as much honestly OP

Atleast it’s not the shitty boomer/zoomer summerfag meme

Guns do not fill a void, they are things you bolt on to a decent life to make it better, like any hobby, really.

Let me guess, you're under 25 and have an unfulfilling life?
Guess what buckaroo, things don't fill voids. Purpose does. Getcha some of that.

>Purpose does. Getcha some of that.
This. Guns do it for me, because I have all my other bases covered.

a little bit Having kids (usually) doesn't leave you enough time to be self pitying. You've got a kid to take care of. This doesn't apply to worthless shits of parents. It does apply to most parents.

Holy shit, there's actually good advice in this thread.

>Atleast it’s not the shitty boomer/zoomer summerfag meme
You're acting like it isn't the same type of person.

Oh shit nigga you hit the nail on the head

>Having kids (usually) doesn't leave you enough time to be self pitying.
If my kids left me with ththat, I'd be happy they left me with at least some thing.

Start reloading, it's the best part of owning guns.

>local shooting spot got ruined
>bought silencers to keep it quiet and wouldn't bother local farmers anymore
>now it's not even worth it
>have to go to public loud range

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How do i find a purpose? Right now i have just decided to put all my effort into working my shitty job and try not to self pity in some form or another.

Go pull a V8 engine block out of a mustang, corvette, camaro, or their cousin trucks.
That's what I do when guns get boring.

Get your ass conscripted and you aren't bored anymore.

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Get funner guns, go innawoods, get a waifu

Or get a fucking life

cars do not interest me enough to start tearing a out an engine. but generally just go for a purpose and stick with it?

Applying yourself to a job is a start. Work is important.

I'd suggest some reading. Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Are good starting points.

Word towards finding a better job that you don't hate so hard. In some places nightclasses twice a week over a month or two will teach you how to weld or become an electrician or a variety of trades; even if they're just to get you into the field and give you some experience.

i had the same problem
then i shot my guns and it went away. gonna get a 22 so i can pretend i'm at that first shooting weekend with boy scouts all over again.

dumb frogposter

dumb frogposter

you heard him buckaroo, wash your penis and clean your room, then go slay that dragon!

>>guns no longer fill the void
try antique swords, or buying bayonets for all your rifles.

Stop buying guns and start building skills. Be a shooter not a shopper.

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dumb "dumb frogposter" poster

gib pls

Tfw Jow Forums is better at being Jow Forums than Jow Forums

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