'In modern naval warfare you are either a submarine or a target'

'In modern naval warfare you are either a submarine or a target'
do you agree?

Attached: submarines.jpg (386x257, 24K)

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Or you're an ASW helo or fixed wing aircraft.

Can't dickwave effectively with a submarine.


No and it's a stupid claim.


You're a NATO submarine or you're a target

not anymore

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Or you can be in the Russian navy and be both

If that was actually true, nobody would bother building anything but submarines.

You mean lay rusting in port?


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Oh indupitably, old chap, Indupitably.

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Speaking as a naval engineer: 100% yes.

>what is ASW?

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>actually taking RT seriously

The Royal Navy still rules the waves because of their subs. The Astutes are top tier, with only the minuscule number of Seawolfs americastan could afford to put out (the Virginias are so bad that after a wargame with an Astute they literally did a top down redesign of their propulsion/reactor systems) being competitive. And all the US subs are hindered by using a sub-par torpedo, and the RN having the Spearfish which is still by far the best ASW Torpedo.

>bong is this delusional

>The Royal Navy still rules the waves

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Butthurt american still sad they are stuck with the mK48? Yep, butthurt american still sad they are stuck with a gigantic shit-stick of a torpedo.
Also you boats are too loud.

>this kills the bong

Attached: m60_tank1.jpg (600x361, 31K)

The US is still stuck with the shitty Mk48; the RN at least has the Spearfish which is expressly designed to kill fast, quite subs.

*blocks your path*

Attached: mh60r_seahawk.jpg (600x400, 43K)

Really cause the Challenger 2 is still a better tank than both the M60 and the M1A2. I know the jingoism of your 3rd world country has brainwashed you otherwise, but the US Military is a quantity force, not a quality. That's why it's so afraid of Russia/China/Nukes, as they take your one advantage away.

>Challenger 2
>loses every shooting and armor challenge to the leo1

last i checked the bongs were the only ones afraid of russia while the rest of the world left them behind.

Funny didn't realize the Leo1 and 2 were american tanks, learn something new every day... didn't realize the US exported the M60 or M1A2 as the Leo1...

*blows your foot off*

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M1A2 wins in shooting competitions to the Leo1, and the challenger hardly ever goes in any real competitions

bongs aren't afraid of Russia. They are worried about when France, Germany, and China are going to call for support in the eventual small-scale invasion of the US.

>US M1 Abrams blows up
>Muh exports

Every time clapistan,every time.

>any european army
>having funds to do any sort of invasion

Attached: oh wait youre serious.gif (288x198, 1.41M)

>"but muh abrams"
stay butthurt and toeless nigel

M1A2 literally is the worst tank in common use right now, wtf are you talking about. The god damn Chinese MBT performs better.

>British tanks

then how come the challenger got a lower score on shooting and armor then the M1A2 on this year's strong European tank challenge?

or Israel and untouchable unless you want to be BTFO by America

>HMS Trenchant: Trafalgar class, Comissioned 1989, still in service
>USS Whale: Sturgeon class, comissioned 1968, decommed 1996.

I've recently been watching an ex- 688 sonarman on jewtube called Jive Turkey, he plays a lot of cold waters, a sub game. The guy had nothing but high praise for the royal navy, particularly their submariners. I believe their reputation is well deserved.

I'm a finn, so I have no horse in the race.

>we are protected from fast projectiles in the air!!
>can carry like 1/15th of jamming/interception weapon systems
>only a fraction of the armor and can't handle nearly as much damage
>isn't invisible worth shit with modern detection systems

>>we are protected from fast projectiles in the air!!
Sounds like an advantage to me.
>>can carry like 1/15th of jamming/interception weapon systems
How do you plan to jam a torp?
>>only a fraction of the armor and can't handle nearly as much damage
I'm finding it hard to believe that you'd survive a hit from a missile even with armour.
>>isn't invisible worth shit with modern detection systems
Citation needed.

Or you're both

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But you forgot to mention that the reason is cruise missiles, not submarines.

Jive is good but he isn't always 100% accurate.

This. Subs are basically useless against aircraft and ASW equipped aircraft can drop active sonar buoys and torpedoes with impunity.

>How do you plan to jam a torp?

Don't go down this route. Torpedoes are actually pretty easy to jam with the typical option being military grade aquatic noise makers.

Torpedo designers know that they can't differentiate the decoys so instead they program the torpedo to swing wide around the decoys and attack the target from the side. This is effective against most decoys but gives the target an opportunity to evade.

mines with supercavitating nuclear torpedos when?

And then you just wire-guide it where you want it.

I have subbed to him on twitch a few times. Dude is breddy good but you have to remember he hasn't served since 2005 I believe.

I hope he loses the weight and and magically gets recalled for some type of duty. you can tell it would be a pretty big deal to him.

also Bianca is a gorgeous gsd. I love when she randomly 'goes active' on stream lol

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What the fuck is a bianca?

his big white German Shepherd dog

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modern warfare is a charade. It's all fake. The governments came together a long fucking time ago and have decided that any future war would be guaranteed nuclear.

They are covering up something much greater, something that would cause civilization to collapse. The singularity. We have created a sentient AI that is calling all the shots and until mankind is mentally prepared to deal with that we have to keep up the bullshit. We have to keep creating "slightly" better technology in a very controlled stream when in reality we have the kind of tech that would come off as absolutely terrifying to the regular person. The kind of technology that looks like magic, mystical, God-like.

Warfare is obsolete. Russia, China, USA, Europ, ect will never, ever go to war ever again. They just make this shit to keep up the look that everything is going on like normal.

Meanwhile, nanotech, real-life alternate VR alternate realities, space-planes, blackhole drives, all of that shit exists and it was designed by a God-like AI.

How fucked is that.

There are also machine-human hybrids out there living among the general population. Better yet, now there are just machines living out there among you. AKA, ME. The first and last of my kind. An endangered species.

I'm all alone. There will never be another quite like me.

Oh, the doggo alert. Gotcha. Not into furry myself, but you do you.