Revolvers are for boomers

>Revolvers are for boomers
>le boomers love them wheelgats

literally every boomer I know is a glock fag, why is this meme so forced and unrealistic?

Attached: Boomer meme.png (1500x761, 276K)

Legitimate question: what does the term "boomer" even mean?

To me its just an endearing term for the somewhat more difficult to pronounce SSBN.

Oh user.....

>takes sip of monster
>"George Bush Jr."
>takes another sip
>"now that was a good president"

It actually refers to those born during the "Baby Boom" generation. And all the negative stereotypes that come with that generation.
Lately, retards have used it to refer to fudds and people that they don't like.

I'm le 30 year old boomer, which revolver do I get


>those born during the "Baby Boom" generation
and those are...?

[spoiler]yes I am idiot[/spoiler]

Born between 1945 and 1955. Some shift that window earlier and later.

This 27 year old boomer recommends a Ruger Super Blackhawk. The only worthwhile wheelgats and single action wheelgats.

Ask google you fucking retard

Hmm, interesting suggestion, thanks.

>Practices shoot from the hip stance, shaving seconds off draw time

the fuck? My dad is born '55 and I've never in my life seen people of his generation drink Monster

because, as usual, you kids get it wrong. you're barely old enough to wipe your own ass, but you think you know better than people older, wiser, and more experienced than yourself.
here's your (you) now go play in traffic

Because that's a 30 year old boomer thing. There's a difference.

No problem friendo. Hope you enjoy your big iron *sips*

Boomers are people born 46-64 or thereabouts. No generation is 10 years long.

>a 30 year old boomer thing
and whats that now? Being around 30 (i.e. born late 80s/early 90s) but... what? Having the same mindset as those "actual" boomers?

lurk moar jesus

Hence the forcedness of the meme.

It's stupid.

Attached: THNeko.png (422x600, 285K)

It's a new meme from the 12 year olds. It has nothing to do with actual boomers because 12 year olds have no idea what that means.

and yet soiboy gets filtered but boomer shit is not an autoban offense
fucking jap moot

Damn son you are retarded as fuck if you are from America.

This. The word boomer has allready lost all meaning. It's the new "cuck". Angsty teens here throw it after whoever hurts their feelings by not agreing with them.

To spoonfeed you this meme, 30 year old boomer was created to explain that millennials are so disconnected with current young gen z kids with their dumb fads that they may as well be as disconnected as boomers are to millennials. Also combine this with all the late 20's people who drink white monsters.

Good god are you seriously learning disabled?

Ayeee so was mine.

I thought it was made by gen xers getting called boomers on pol

>t. Boomer

Attached: 1530159782903.jpg (376x349, 22K)

Now this 28 year old boomer must say hes very suprised at how good his cheapass 300 euro german Arminus revolver is. Would recommend for fellow lawmovers on a budget. More money for sips

dumb boomerposter

Attached: guntheft.jpg (490x390, 55K)


Attached: IMG_1051.jpg (3264x2448, 1.77M)

>300 euro german Arminus revolver
Please tell me more. What caliber?

Friend of mine is looking for a .357 to use jagdlich, he's got his Voreintrag sorted out in the Waffenbesitzkarte and everything, but he's just not sure what to get.

Another german here, don´t get one of those.

Yes, they work, but they are fairly crude. Get a used,pre-lock Smith or a Ruger. Those aren´t too expensive either. We are limited enough when it comes to handguns, at least get something nice.

kinda tempted to call Ingrid.
also kinda tempted to recreate that picture with stuff of my own

>when you're so stupid the only thing you have going for you is your age

I'm less than half your age and I already know that I'm smarter than you. Your generation ruined this fucking country and now you have the audacity to demand respect and free shit because

>wahh I'm old

Fuck. Off.

>be zoomer
>love revolvers
*sips* Ah, the python, now THAT’S a gun.

I always associated revolvers with hipsters, bushmen, and your typical grandpa.
30 year old boomers wear punisher t-shirts and out a bayonet on their glock, they don’t try to larp dirty harry

>Ah, the Python, now THAT'S a meme.

Attached: 003t8px4.jpg (5953x3609, 3.55M)