/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

fitfu round 2 edition

>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"

pastebin.com/0K6MFcUZ (embed) (embed)
Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
>pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed) (embed)

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png (embed) (embed)
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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Other urls found in this thread:


Since this is fitfu edition, I'll post a few helpful things for anons who need to get in shape

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If you need to lose weight, first calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) to find out how many calories you should be consuming per day


Set your weight goal and then calculate how many calories you need to cut per day in order to reach that goal in your specified time frame. You should be counting calories and keeping track of your intake each day, either using something like myfitnesspal or manually by using a spreadsheet.


> So if I go through ibolc after ocs. I presume I will have to go to ranger school. I know that getting your tab and being ranger qualified is different than being an actual ranger in the 75th. How does one as an officer that is ranger qualified serve in the the 75th and do operator shit. If I am wrong about something or way about my head excuse my ignorance lol

>Ranger Regiment
Assuming you're tabbed, tell your commander you want to go to RASP. You should wait until you've been a platoon leader long enough to at least demonstrate you're not a fuckup. The actual procedure is to submit a DA 4187 for a TDY school (RASP), but your chain of command has to sign it and it's relatively high visibility. If you're selected at RASP you'll go to the 75th for however long you have until ETS/MCCC.

>Ibolc is not ranger school. Dont assume youre getting sent to ranger school just because you went to a basic infantry course lmao.

Every single IBOLC graduate goes to Ranger School. If for some reason you don't go, your gaining unit will assume you weaseled out of it for being a pussy and either send you back to Benning or sit your ass in a corner until your service obligation ends.

Muscle strength is important, but focus more on cardiovascular endurance by running, swimming, biking, and hiking. Even walking is a good start if you're very overweight. Lift weights to help you gain strength, but ultimately you'll be doing calisthenics so be sure to incorporate lots of bodyweight exercises.

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Hey fellas
So I want to go Air Force (or Navy if they have better jobs but that's besides the point) but I'm overweight by 10 pounds. I was overweight by a lot more back in June when I contacted a recruiter, but now since I'm pretty close I want to take the ASVAB just to speed things up. How do I bring this up to the recruiter?
Right now I have a text saying
>Hi Sgt Guy, user here
>I'm still about 10 lbs from making weight, but I would like to know what I can do to schedule an ASVAB appointment.
That should be fine, right?
Also, how should I go about contacting a Navy recruiter without being seen as like a dick? I only want Air Force for the comfy bases and the chance to go to Germany or Austria, but my recruiter has been really unhelpful with telling me what jobs are in demand and what I should be going for. The Navy site has jobs in demand labeled already, which is great, but any German-speaking nations are landlocked. But I don't want to waste anyone's time, you know?
My German thing is just because I learned some of it in school, by the way. I don't have any ties to the place or the culture other than being bad at speaking German.

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The text you posted is fine.

If your recruiter sucks you might try the USAF recruiter the next town over, if it's not too far away.

As for the Navy, talk to a Navy recruiter and ask him what (or whether) he can do for you. Either way, if you want to go to Germany make sure that shit gets put in your contract as a first assignment.

Hope I'm not breaking some old-ass rule or something here: the funny thing about Air Force recruiters in Georgia is that earlier this year (according to my recruiter), every Air Force recruiting office was closed, and they opened one mega office with 7 recruiters. Can't really talk to another one without all of them knowing that I'm "shopping around," you know?

For the Navy, should I be up-front and say that I already talked to an Air Force recruiter? Does that even matter? My talk with the Air Force recruiter was basically him asking why I wanted to enlist, if I was a criminal or smoked weed, what careers I was interested in, and my height/weight where the conversation ended by him telling me to confirm my weight with him the next day and lose weight if I was over. This was all over the phone, btw. So I don't really know what to expect from an actual appointment or a full phone call or whatever.

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About to fly out to basic. Will I get breathalized when I arrive? I like to drink bloody marys whenever I fly and I feel like I deserve one now especially.

Airfag here, do what's right for you man. If you talked to the AF recruiter over the phone, then what's stopping you from talking to a Navy recruiter on the phone? Is he going to immediately turn to the AF recruiter and tell him you're thinking about the Navy? Even if the AF recruiter has the nerve to confront you about it, just tell him you're strongly considering the USAF but wanted to know about the Navy as well. Nothing wrong with that at all. Also, AF recruiters are notoriously lazy and will go long periods without answering you. Keep working on losing weight but also tell the AF recruiter you want to come in and meet him to discuss enlisting. If you can meet him in person, tell him you want to take the ASVAB as soon as possible and he should have you take a prescreen packet home to full out. I took the ASVAB when I was still 30 pounds overweight, then went to MEPS again 8 months later and did the physical. The sooner you can start the process the better, because the Air Force takes fucking forever to get things going. Remember that you have no obligation to enlist or join a specific branch until you actually sign a contract. Push for what you want; don't be annoying, but be firm if they try to pressure you into anything.


*gets 85 on practice asvab*
Why do I feel dumb while the recruiter feel excitement?

>Go into new thread
>my question answered
>retard who answered it in the other thread is called out for being a retard

sometimes this board is nice and I presume that you are the 350F guy. Literally the only guy out of 10 posters on here who is helpful lol

got a 78 on the practice and then a 94 on the real thing. The practice one seemed easier because the questions were stupid dumb but the real thing has more broad questions about different topics that can trip you up and I think that is what makes the real thing more difficult

>Got a lower a score on the easier practice test.
What did you mean by this?

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Reposting question from dead thread:

I got a Criminal Justice Bachelors and I want to get into Maritime Law Enforcement/Security. So I'm looking for a Rating/MOS that'll translate well, as well as being able to work onboard a ship.

I'm thinking of going Coast Guard's BM or Navy's MAA (thinking about going Harbor) ratings for sure and recently read up on the Marine Security Force but how likely would it be to be assigned to a ship and be a sea-going marine?Is Sea School still around? Would the Marines' AAV be a good MOS to consider?

How does one join the Marine's FAST (Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team) and can Navy MAA join? Prior experience needed? Are their FAST teams that solely focus on boarding ships or are each teams trained for variety of scenarios? Also how does Marine Security Force 2 years of Infantry work, would I be assigned to combat roles while deployed?

Due to the jobs like BM and MAA, I'll be going the enlisted route and hopefully become a Mustang Officer.

Any advice and suggestions are welcomed.

Is 4tests a good source for a practice ASVAB?
I got an 82, lost most of my points in automotive and... woodworking? Architecture? Anyway, those 2 and a couple in applied math. P happy with the score but I'm obviously gonna study some more.

screw this couch to 5k thing, i'm gonna take my chances and run like hell when i get there

>get there
get where

Just memorized my General Orders and I'm shipping out 20180911. I have a nuke contact, and I'm going to go through with it despite the warnings from Jow Forums and Jow Forums. I'll keep you guys updated on how the rate is and how A school is.

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Thats why I was confused by it lmao

Young brainlets hopped up on propaganda

Going to the hotel before meps tonight
Anyone here ever fucked any girls at the hotel before shipping out?
I’m trynna get my dick wet before leaving fuck damnit

My recruiter was pushing nuke as well, after doing like 10 minutes of research on here and other sites it seemed not worth it, going AW instead wish me luck desu


I second this, I’m heading to meps now and then the hotel

Also I’ve never been to an airport or on a plane, is it intimidating

I'm going to meps this week.
Can I sign an 18x contract directly?
Or do I have to sign a different MOS, then take the dlab, then sign 18x afterword?
I know recruiters can't be trusted

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If you aint infantry you ain’t shit

>Can I sign an 18x contract directly?
Yes, but it's probably a bad idea.

>memorized my General Orders
>nuke contact
Omfg you're going to get fucking hazed and shunned by your shipmates. You were one of those kids in that got beaten up a lot in school weren't you?


But at least I’m 88k

>that battle buddy couple that talks about anime together

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I'm 19, so there weren't too many fights when I went to school. I do have a bit of the tism though. This is Jow Forums though, so I don't know what else you'd expect.

I'm pretty strong and train bjj, so I'm not worried.

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Will the military turn me away if I sceed a certain weight?
I'm 6'4


Will I fit in if the main reason I want to join the military is prestige?

Like being 60+ years old knowing you become a Colonel, lifting your family trajectory from low working class to upper middle. Instead of switching desk jobs every 2 years with only some money to show for.

Currently in meps hotel room with air force recruit who I’m 99% positive is gay as fuck, I don’t want to get pozzed at night what do I do

Fuck him to establish that you give and he receives

No chance of pozzing that way

I think there is a fight or some kind of drama in the hallway too

I thought being at the hotel would be like my last place to relax before bct but now I want to leave already

What state are you in?

take some prep wear a buthole condom

>I think there is a fight or some kind of drama in the hallway too
Never mind it’s just the black applicants hanging out in the hallway


I don’t even want to go down to eat dinner around these lowlifes

Well you're gonna be around these people for the next 4 years so learn to deal with it

Stop being a pussy

You're one of the lowlife scum too. Get used to it

Finally conquered my fear and called my local navy recruiter and got an appointment to talk with him in person tomorrow
What can I expect is it normal to feel a mixture of both being eager and sacred?

I'm looking for info on the job of Gunner's Mate in the US Coast Guard. I love guns and all the mechanics involved in their operation, and I always hear about how coastguard men enjoyed their service much more, compared to marines or army servicemen. I just don't know what the job actually is. Some sources say its sitting in a room cleaning and maintaining weapons, some say it's training other guardsmen on weapon systems, some say you end up maintaining pipes and never touch a gun. I'm looking for some clarification.

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Any Army aviators here?
What should I expect assuming I pass my ASVAB and SIFT? (Both seem easy, but I haven't done proper math since high school)
What is the drop out rate for the schools? I hear it's pretty high, but that might be bullshit.

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>medical records had to be sent to surgeon general
Is this normal? Why did this happen? I had "no" marked on everything

Looks like you're probably dying, F

maybe it's a large rate that covers a variety of tasks and your job will change depending on your duty station and billet?
^this is the answer for many jobs btw

I’m bringing a sharpie to basic so people don’t steal my shit, should I write my last name on the tag of my clothes or somewhere else

this wont stop anyone from stealing your shit.

bring a knife and engrave your name into your shit

It’ll help for when they make you dump out your shit in the middle of the squad bay

How often does this happen

68 on the practice 99 real here. More questions on the real thing means that you have more to get right, the practice is just a tool for the recruiter to make sure you're not fucking retarded and a waste of his time, there's a reason they do that as just about the first thing after asking if you're a druggie or a criminal.

No one wants to talk to you until you lose the weight honestly.
Navy is desperate and AF is not, so Navy will talk to you more.

anyone have an content on SWCC? cant find much about them

Just your average poor guy looking to make some money. How long does it usually take to get shipped out?

It's "aren't"

If this is your last chance, you're probably not getting laid much while you're in the military generally.

Careerists are most senior officers/enlisted.

Just don't be a cunt about it.

Nah, wasnt me, MEG posters this year have been pretty good. Threads have been noticably shitty since summer started.


Depends entirely upon how long it takes you to give your recruiter all the documentation he needs, and what job you pick. The guy I'm working with said the fastest he got a guy to sign at MEPS from the day he walked through his door was 8 days. Then depending on which job you pick, it can be anything from less than 30 days to ship, to several months. List of stuff to bring with you when you see the recruiter:
Driver's license/gvt. issued photo ID, passport, birth certificate, SSN card, high school diploma/GED, and any medical records for surgeries/broken bones/shit you can't hide or lie about at MEPS. I forget anything?

What branch? In the Marines it happened almost daily for the first few weeks at least.

No joke, you can skip all of this by going customs and border patrol officer for a few years then applying for port and transfering to maritime. Entrance requirement is a joke. Degree or 3 years of mcdonalds tier exp.

Asvab for dummys. Thats it. Thats why we have it specifically in the sticky.

>everyone tells me not to do this job for a plethora of reasons
>my recruiters a pretty cool guy, he must know something everyone else doesnt know, even though hes never done the job himself

Navy and cg have rates which umbrella over many NECS. If youre going in for the purpose of gun maintnence, lmao wrong job and service. We had a guy who was originally going for GM in navy to be a gunsmith later on, later after much more research and meg advice he went army since the ait is the same for usmc variant, and they have a program with a college to get your AA and gunsmith certificate while at ait.

Don’t get fucked in the ass

Ask an AF security manager anything

How long does a marine have to be in before attempting MARSOC training?

not sure there is a prescribed time. Had a buddy try out for it with about 2 years time in service. then he failed and went needs of the marine corps. :D

Marsoc website says you go back to your original unit

He was in an atypical situation. Technically he did PCS before he went marsoc but effectively he "pcs'd" to lejeune but went straight to marsoc training. Didn't even check in with anyone else, straight to stone bay.
But once he failed he actually went to his on-paper assignment and got stuck in a shitty spot, to include running into the guy he hated the most at mos school, who he was now in charge of.
classic stuff right there.

>then he failed
Did he say what in particular he failed at? I mean was it just to physical or did he get injured or what?

from the other thread, I'm starting my one meal a day diet, I weigh 285 lbs, I walk two miles a day along with martial arts I do, how long should it be for me to drop 100 lbs?

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final fex is how he puts it, but i've talked with a snco who was involved and he just said he sucked all around so i really cant say. it wasn't a physical issue, it was his attitude and then some.
way i've picked it up is he'd try to impress folks by doing things his way (better to him) and it wasn't gonna fly. if you intend to get into marsoc just do what they tell you and do it well. idk what most failures are from either, dw about it for now if you're the guy looking to do it just start asking around.

I miss my bed and my dog and I ship out tomorrow, I can’t quit what should I think of instead

Try water fasting for a week. You should drop 20lbs in 7 days at your weight

>Try water fasting for a week
>You should drop 20lbs in 7 days at your weight
ill be mostly water dont get his hopes up
As I said do omad.

I just said I'm starting omad

>dw about it for now if you're the guy looking to do it just start asking around.
nah i was just curious
>he'd try to impress folks by doing things his way
what an autist

dont get smart with me fat boy im just restating it to make sure you arent thinking of doing straight water fasting


Your out of shape ass is going to fuck over everyone else. If you are as selfish as you sound, you're going to have a much tougher time getting through

>attempting to impress a MARSOC instructor

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>I don’t want to get pozzed at night what do I do

Use protection

Enlisted in the NG as a 91 foxtrot, small arms/artillery repair. Enlisted as an e2 because eagle scout. I ship to Ft. Benning in mid September. I wanna play with all the funs and take out a ROTC scholarship while Im at college. Am I fucking up? I want to commission infantry and in active duty. I dont think it will he that hard if I keep myself focused, do my school work, and not go awol. What are my chances of not getting the long dick of the army?

Army 91F was certainly interesting, but thats army and I'm more interested in the Coast Guard as an actual service. coast guard seems like the only service that actively benefits american citizens.

How hard is it for most people to obtain special forces like the seals,marsoc, rangers etc? I'm almost done with college and I'm reasonably fit and would ramp up my training if it was achievable.

What's a good job to shoot for in the Navy if I want to see the world?

Worry about getting through basic and MOS school first.

Lots of kids watching Recon vids without knowing what a 15 mile ruck feels like

It’s hard and I am being nice here a lot of people here will call you a pussy and that you won’t be able to do it

Also your body might give up on you meaning that you get hurt and then depending on which sof job you do you might just be dropped. Like I said it’s hard but you can do it it just matters how badly you want it

You need to be more than reasonably fit for sure... Are you thinking of enlisting or going to ocs? Best bet honestly is trying to shoot for the 75th... unless you really want to be a marine, marsoc is kinda meh. SEALs aren't as easy as they once were to get into. They were pushing guys through during OIF/OEF and it's kinda slowed down since.

To add to my last comment, I agree with this guy, many (seriously, a lot) get injured during training and either get rolled back or go to another class... or just get reclassed. Seriously they will find every weakness you have and exploit it. I mean this with the best of intentions but they will try to break you and most of the time they succeed.