Anyone planning on picking up a HTA bullpup kit and hipoint carbine?

Anyone planning on picking up a HTA bullpup kit and hipoint carbine?

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>cheap heavy gun with shitty trigger


>expensive heavier gun with shittier trigger


Already got one, it's pretty nice, it ain't perfect, but it's nice. Feel free to ask any questions if you got them

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Yes, I want one in 10mm for turbo meme status.
t. you

Would you buy it again?
How is the trigger?
What is the overall length?

I want one in .45ACP. I already have a 9mm AR, this seems really interesting.


Just trying to inject some realism into what will otherwise be a ZOMG SPACE GUN BREAD. I got one of their stocks for a 10/22. Took a light gun with a great trigger and made it heavy as fuck with a shit ass trigger. I had the buyer's remorse and sold it breddy quick. It did look cool though...

Nah I am a lefty. Also I would rather have the original hi point furniture or the new ruger pc carbine

>muh weight
DYEL manlets begone

>Would I buy it again?
Yeah it's cheap enough to never sweat the cost and it's a cool idea. It's got some quirks, but overall it's a real winner for HTA and Hi-Point. DESU I think this is the accessory they've been needing since the carbine launched.

>How is the trigger?
I find it to be fine. I am not a trigger junky, but I think it's decent and not garbage tier. It can also be adjusted according to the manual I got.

>What is the overall length?
I don't have any measurements handy but I think it's a couple inches shorter than the default hipoint stock.

>I want one in .45ACP. I already have a 9mm AR, this seems really interesting.
This is where the high tower stock is gonna kick ass. Hi-Point offers their PCC in more calibers and for less than anyone else, and the idea of a bullpup pcc sub $500 in any caliber of your choosing is damn potent.

It comes with a brass/gas deflectors for you wrong handers.

I thought about it, but I don't care enough about my hipoint to buy a stock for it that costs basically just as much as the rifle itself.

Can anyone tell my why they can't make the magwell take glock mags (or beretta or S&W mags)? Hi-Points take single-stack mags and most double stack handgun mags are single-feed. Am I retarded or should it be possible for the Hi point bolt to feed from such a magazine without issue?

Nobody is pretending or arguing it'd be a practical gun, it's a neat novelty gun just like Kel-Tecs.

Except it’s reliable

This would require them to change the bolt on the action itself, or overengineer the stock to implement a feeding system. So yeah you're retarded.

I'd take a sub2000 over a hi point any day of the week.

> This would require them to change the bolt on the action itself
Yeah I was asking if this was the case, since I can't find any good photos of the 995 bolt profile online.
> overengineer the stock to implement a feeding system.
I don't know how anyone who typed out this statement could call anyone else a retard.

They could in theory design the stock to create a feeding system like you asked. It's stupid but doable. So in short suck my dick.

You mean a magwell that accepts double stack mags? Yeah that would be extremely simple, but apparantly that's hard for someone like you to wrap your head around.

Their magwell can accept doublestack stupid. The feeding system on the bolt can not simply change over to a glock or doublestack mag system just because they design the mag to feed into a single stack. It would still require changing the bolt. Think before you type.

Single stack mags are single feed. Glock mags are double stack but still single feed like nearly all modern handguns. I don't see why the hi point couldn't be made to use double stack magazines. Even if it did require replacing the bolt, it would be very simple since blowback guns don't require headspacing or anything.

Attached: 1175093_01_glock_9mm_31_rds_magazine_free_640.jpg (640x853, 136K)

Just as soon as I figure out what color I want. I'm thinking OD green or grey

>still no doublestack
>can't swap ejection sides

not at the end of the month when your budget is 6 cents and a shoestring

>not getting stormtrooper white
OD green looks good though

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I does looks great.

Same, and I don’t own anything in 10mm

I really want the white but I fear it might yellow with age like all white plastics.

What exactly am I looking at here? I get it's a plastic shell for a shitty gun, but what's it supposed to look like? Just a nondescript call of duty space gun?

Yes. Mostly because it gives the gun a nice Halo 3 vibe, but also partially because toolless takedown

My trigger keeps not resetting. It doesn't seem to be the adjustable screw but with the takedown spring.

Forgot pic

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