Be me

>be me
>live in house with 4 other dudes
>all history/gun buffs
>collect lotsa pew pews and other shit
>forced to move out b/c greedy jew landlord wants to raise the rent and he can't unless he doesn't renew our lease and moves back in (thanks rent control, that worked out great)
>now have arsenal, kit, armor, etc
>have to move into another house with normies

Jow Forums, how the fuck do I manage to hide my shit if I have to live in shared housing? How do I keep them from fucking with my shit? I didn't even have to lock up/hide my crap before because we were tight homies.

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Land lords are the biggest fucking kikes are society has besides lawyers, and people who work in entertainment.

no shit. not to mention our city passed rent control which means they can't arbitrarily raise your rent. in reality this means that instead of having the OPTION of paying more, they won't rent to you so they can move in for 3 months and then raise the rent.

hooray for socialism!

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Hockey bags. Obvious stuff covered in brand names like CCM or whatever. People won’t even question it as long as you’re the least bit Jow Forums. I have a hockey bag for each general loadout and my neighbours don’t even bat an eye when I’m moving things around. Hardbottom bags with wheels are especially handy.

stage an occupation, no shit

no normie would dare mess with a bunch of autists in period-correct gear if they are just minding their own shit

maybe annex the kitchen or something while you're at it, too

That's fucking excellent, now I just have to get fit lol. thanks user

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I dunno. I think I'm a pretty decent dude. IDGAF what you do so long as you don't destroy my property or do something that could wind up with the feds freezing my assets.

You wanna be a Jow Forumsiller Jow Forumsomando? Feel free. You want to start a meth lab in the garage? GTFO.

>Get cheap metal gun cabinets to keep wandering roommates away from guns
>Lock up all your guns when not home
>Get in your roommate agreement that you own guns and they are aware of this prior to move in
>Include that gun ownership is not a valid reason to invalidate the agreement
>Make sure landlord can not kick you out because of guns as well

It may seem odd, but I would do this even with chill roommates. Ideally, not having roommates and owning your place would be best, but I get that it is not always feasible.

>not already training the first weapon
That’s okay, OP; we all get there sooner or later. Feels good

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get a pelican case, dummy.

Fuck yeah. Especially because even if you think you know who your roommates are and believe they are safe, you don't know shit about who they will let indoor next. Anything from parents who go ballistic when they learn their golden child is in the same house as a gun, to straight out criminals and drugheads they became best newfriends with two hours and six beers earlier. Keep your good stuff locked up.

I had to live in a off-school dorm type place as a student. There were 6 other guys there. One turned out to be a welfare guy who spent his nights breaking into places to pay for his drug habits. Some days when it was cold he'd invite in hobos to sit in our living room. But the county was paying his rent so the house lord was pretty forgiving.

You. Gotta buy a safe big enough to accommodate them all

DESU I would prefer it if they don't even know about my secret stash. You would be surprised how ingenious retards can be when determined.

Rental storage shed for your stuff. It's a temp measure but it'll do for now.

>Fuck yeah. Especially because even if you think you know who your roommates are and believe they are safe, you don't know shit about who they will let indoor next. Anything from parents who go ballistic when they learn their golden child is in the same house as a gun, to straight out criminals and drugheads they became best newfriends with two hours and six beers earlier. Keep your good stuff locked up.

This happened to me. One of our roommates was a seemingly normal dude, however not long after moving in, he started doing drugs with random faggots he met off the streets and they would start flipping in our house. One time one of them had a bad trip and started screaming and breaking shit, cops had to be called, etc. Glad they didn't know about our pew pews. That guy was kicked out and sent to rehab and things went back to normal.

How fucking dare they own properly

It'd be nice if someone or an entity owning property could be limited to a few buildings

Hmm yea... if the .gov decided who owned what buildings, then it would be a perfect system!

Wait a sec... I feel like I’ve heard this before.

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Fucking commie

This OP. AKs with folding stocks fit perfectly in tennis racket bags. You can also fit several handguns in regular bookbags or laptop bags/manpurses with multiple pouches. You should obviously still lock your shit up when you're not using it.

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They'll never suspect a thing

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Downsize your collection to the essentials. Break down ar and store it in one of those large hiker backpacks. Use the gun lock just in case. Keep the bolt carrier with you or at least separate. Take pictures and keep a record of the serial numbers in several places. Appear to be a hiker or cyclist or something. Ask that your doorknob be changed to one that you purchase yourself. Obviously, don't hand out a spare key. Keep valuables in a lockable tuff box with extra ammo cans, tools, or dumbbells in for extra weight. Your security should be multi layered.

Oh and lastly, stop rooming with sketchy drug dealers and users. Go find a middle aged couple.

Inb4 I needs a cheapest rent cz shitty job.

Be a fucking adult and support yourself and your hobbies. No excuses.

Tbh just do what I did. Start working 3rds, normies wont mess with you for or even think much because
>always grouchy because you’re up all night
>sleep all day
>you’re only awake when they’re asleep
And bonus points
>you can load and unload your vehicle for range days while they’re still asleep.
I see my roommates like 2-3 times a week and I have 4 (living in the same kinda house deal that you are/were)
>why does user keep to himself all day
>no he just sleeps all day because he works nights

School/uniform lockers
Buy a bank of them and tell your roomies you just like the locker aesthetic. Those can store long guns and a few pistols. You can even make shelves out of wood if your not completely useless.

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Reminds me Cousin the dealer.
Inside the case was a metal lock box filled with pot.
His brother made a key and we’d steal a few bowls worth everytime he left the house.

Yeah, lawyers are awful, fuck living in a society governed by laws. Somalia is paradise.

Or a few guns, right?

Sure whatever buddy

Find a new place with your current roommates? Jesus is it that hard to fucking think?

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OP is too dumb for this.

Hes drawing a line between things for your retarded mind